Chapter 32 Feelings, Maybe?


"to be honest, we can just stay here. We can just stay in our friendship and play it out. If we find something more along the way then we take it, and savor it."

"and if we don't?"

"then we don't." he said simply, reached out, and took my hand that rested on the table, "you just came out of a hard place, the last thing I want to do is rush you into feeling or wanting something that you have no business rushing into. Where we are is good. If we find something more, great. If we don't, all is still well. In the meantime, I enjoy spending time with you, and I'm not ready to lose that."

I looked down at our linked hands and smiled up at him, "Me neither." I said.

"Well, well. Look at the two of you getting all loved up." Lily said, popping out of nowhere, and William and I both simultaneously jumped, making her laugh.