Chapter 54 – William’s Commitment


“I guess this is my stop,” I said when we arrived at my gate and turned to him, and he smiled,

“I guess. Send my regards to Axel. It’s been a while since we had a guy’s day out. I’ll do my best to make time for more soon enough.”

I nodded but didn’t try to leave the car, instead, I stared out the window for what seemed an inappropriate amount of time, before William said something,

“Is there a problem, Em?”

I blew out a breath before finally turning to him,

“Are we going to pretend as though there is none?”

“It might help to be a little bit more elaborate.”

I looked at him in exasperation. I knew what he was doing. I didn’t like it, but I understood it. Even respected it.

“I don’t like the silence we drove in,” I said. I knew I was being unfair, because what else did I expect?

Did I really think he would jump for joy after seeing me with Paris? Considering what I knew?