Chapter 71 - Depression


He stared at me in utter distraught, and my lower lip wobbled as tears threatened to fall from my eyes. I was at a loss, I had messed everything up, and I didn't know if there would ever be a way to fix any of it. I was going to lose Jean, and I just didn't know what I was going to do about that.

"Did I do something you did not find appropriate? Was it about kissing you ?" he asked, his face void of all emotion, but he couldn't keep the emotions out of his eyes,

"No! No, of course not. How could it be about kissing me? Nothing, you haven't done a thing wrong, Jean."

"Then, why? I don’t get it. Why are you suddenly pulling away, if I haven't done a single thing wrong?"

"it's because… it's because I feel like I'm only being unfair to you. "

"What do you mean by being unfair to me? What B.S. is that?"