Chapter 87

Ember's pov

"Of course," William said, taking my hand in his, and I placed my other hand over his,

"why haven’t you said the words yet?" I asked softly,

"What words?"

"I told you so?"

He raised a brow at me, and shook his head, "why would I want to do that to you?"

I shrugged, "Maybe because I deserve it. you tried to tell me, again and again, you tried to tell me, but I wouldn't listen. I think I even dragged you into some of my rubbish."

"It wasn't rubbish, em. You loved him and felt you needed to do the things you needed to do. There wasn't ever a time you pointed a gun to my head and forced me to go anywhere with you. All of it was my choice. Mine, Ember. And none of it was forceful."

Tears stung my eyes, and my lower lips wobbled.

"it's just that, lately I've been feeling like I take you for granted. All you do is help me and try to be there for me, meanwhile, all I did is make bad choices and hurt you with them."