Chapter 64: I Don't Need Your Support

A black sedan was parked at the entrance, and even though Lin Yan didn't recognize the brand, she could tell it was expensive.

"What are you dazed for? Get in," Lu Chenyuan said calmly as he opened the rear car door for Lin Yan, "We can talk in the car, it's cold outside."

Lin Yan hesitated for a few seconds before getting into the car and noticing the driver, dressed in a suit and white gloves.

She guessed that he must be a private chauffeur found by Lu Chenyuan, wondering how much this ride must cost.

The driver was just about to address President Lu but was deterred by a sharp look from Lu Chenyuan as he got into the car.

Lin Yan asked uneasily, "How much does renting a car for one trip cost?"

The driver almost didn't release the handbrake, utterly puzzled by the question.

Lu Chenyuan replied with a laugh, "Not much. It's not expensive."