Chapter 32: Did You Really Just Happen to Pass By Today?

Upon arriving at the police station, Fu Shiyan and An Yan were taken to separate reception rooms to give their statements. Half an hour had passed by the time they were finished.

Director Li shook hands with Fu Shiyan, "It's troubling that you had to come in person. The suspect, Hu Jie, is now receiving medical treatment in the hospital, but the general situation is clear, it's a case of malicious assault. We are still investigating the specifics to determine whether it was a crime of his own volition or if he was instructed by someone else. His family has requested a psychiatric evaluation."

Fu Shiyan's cold eyes narrowed slightly, "Are they trying to use this evaluation to get a chance for acquittal?"

Director Li nodded, "If he is diagnosed with a mental illness, that's indeed the case."

Fu Shiyan's eyes, hard as gemstones, turned towards a middle-aged man and woman, around fifty, who were looking over in this direction, he asked, "Are those the suspect's parents?"
