Chapter 428: Second Brother's Romance 5

Mu Boyan sat on the sofa, his long fingers pressing against his brow.

Tsk, his head was starting to ache.

Mrs. Xu Wanqing was exceptionally enthusiastic and attentive—he was a bit worried that Lin Chu, despite being an actor, might not be up to the task.

Before going to sleep, he sent Lin Chu a message.

"I mothers want to visit you tomorrow, but don't be too nervous, just accept whatever she gives you."

At that moment, Lin Chu, who was lying in bed with a face mask on, was so shocked that she dropped her phone right onto her face.

"Owwwww! That hurt like hell!" The blow made tears spring from Lin Chu's eyes.

Shan thought she had taken another tumble and rushed out from the guest room, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Lin Chu sniffled, "My phone hit my nose, it hurts so bad."

Shan let out a sigh of relief, "No biggie, you're not scheduled for anything anyway."

Lin Chu: "… Are you even human? How could I have an assistant like you?"