Rumors and slander can kill a person, and this is no falsehood.
An entirely fabricated charge could drown and destroy someone.
Lin Chu listened coldly to the cursing and malicious intent hurled at her.
These people were strangers passing by in life, yet at this moment, they played the role of adversaries.
The man's angry voice came from behind Lin Chu.
She turned and saw Mu Boyan rushing towards her.
When he drew near, he pulled her into his embrace.
The eyes behind his spectacles were filled with fury and a murderous intent.
"Today, I'll hold each of you legally accountable!" Mu Boyan's words resonated with determination.
At this, some tried to flee, only to find themselves surrounded by a ring of men in black suits.
The instigator who threw the eggs was restrained, and the remaining hecklers were also controlled and taken to the police station by the suited men.
Mu Boyan looked at the woman in his arms, her hair and body covered in egg fluid and shells.