Chapter 1 First Encounter, My New Husband is Too Ugly

"Zhiyi, the Shi Family helped your uncle years ago, and half a year ago they said they wanted to become in-laws with us, which your uncle also agreed to. The Shi Family's eldest son is handsome and has an impressive family background. Your sister was not so fortunate; she fell ill before the wedding and it's uncertain if she will recover. It's said that benefits should not flow into the hands of outsiders. You and your sister look quite similar, and there's only a slight difference in your names. If you agree, you'll become our second daughter."

Jiang Wenying's eyes were red as she pleaded earnestly, "I know this is difficult for you, but we really have no other choice. We are a family, and we rise or fall together. If we break our promise, the Shi Family will surely retaliate. Your uncle can start over even if he loses his career, but how about the money for your mom's surgery or the funds for Xiaoyun's overseas studies?"

"Zhiyi, your aunt begs you, please agree to this, will you?" Jiang Wenying sobbed and cried.

Qiao Zhiyi was grateful to her uncle and his family; when her father fell ill and passed away, and her mother struggled alone with her and her younger brother, it was her uncle's family who supported them through the hard times.

It was with her uncle's money that she went abroad to study medicine.

Half a year ago, her mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor, requiring a large sum for surgery.

It was also thanks to her aunt who tirelessly arranged for her mother's hospitalization, contacted specialists, and managed everything.

One should be grateful. With things as they are, if she remained indifferent, it would be utterly heartless.

After all, whoever she marries is the same, and besides, her aunt wouldn't harm her.

After hesitating, Qiao Zhiyi nodded, "Alright, I agree."


The grand villa had not a shred of wedding festivity, its black, white, and grey decor felt cold and unwelcoming, leading her to wonder if she had come to the wrong place.

There was no wedding, no vows, no friends or relatives, and even, no groom.

The butler led Qiao Zhiyi to the third floor, stopping at the door, "Young Madam, the young master is waiting inside. Don't keep him waiting too long."

Qiao Zhiyi was nervous, marrying a complete stranger was the boldest decision she had ever made in her life.

Under the butler's watchful eye, she shakily pushed open the door.

Before she could see anything, she was pulled onto the bed with force, and before she could cry out, her throat was seized, the sensation of suffocation filling her with panic.

She widened her eyes but could see nothing, only a chilly glimmer of light that seemed to be pulling her into the abyss.

She didn't want to die!

In desperation, she slapped at the strong arms of the man, managing to eke out a faint voice through the gap, "Hus...husband..."

Qiao Zhiyi struggled to call him that.

She hoped this title would make him reflect on their current relationship.

Upon hearing the word "husband," Shi Jingzhou's grip loosened slightly, "What did you call me?"

His hoarse voice seemed to come from hell, and Qiao Zhiyi dared not breathe too loudly, her chest heaving rapidly.

All she knew about this man was that he was excellent in every aspect with no flaws to point out.

Considering the present situation, it seemed she had been deceived.

"I... am your wife, and you are my... husband." She gasped, uttering the insincere words, hoping to save her life first and foremost.

"Heh, fool."

The man's hand released her throat and instead, seized her hands above her head. In the darkness, he clearly saw the terror and fear in the woman's eyes, mixed with an attempt to appear calm.

He was curious to see how long this woman could keep up the charade.

With a "click," the pitch-black room was suddenly flooded with light. As the lights came on, Qiao Zhiyi instinctively closed her eyes.

"Open your eyes!"

The commanding tone reflexively made her obey, and the moment she opened her eyes, Qiao Zhiyi felt a shock of terror.

The physiological reaction to the visual impact was to scream, but she bit her lip hard, not daring to make a sound.

His face was uneven, with patches of flesh-toned skin dotted with uneven granules and scars, as if a broken doll had been awkwardly stitched back together, right up to a point just above his Adam's apple.

Those eyes were sinister and terrifying, capable of devouring a person whole.

He was nothing like what her aunt had described!

This was no human, but a ghost.

Shi Jingzhou's mouth twisted into a sneer, his face even more ferocious, "Now, am I still your husband?"

Women are all hypocrites.

This woman was no exception.

Look at her pale face scared witless, if possible, she would also run.

When the lights were off she dared to call him husband, but with the lights on...


Jiang Wenying whispered faintly, she was scared.

The more frightened she became, the more she knew to behave.

He was so fierce and ferocious, if she resisted, she really didn't know whether he would strangle her to death.

She didn't want to die, nor could she afford to die.

Shi Jingzhou squinted his eyes, she was clearly terrified to death, her voice trembling, yet she still had the nerve to call him that.


"Then I am going to exercise a husband's rights," Shi Jingzhou leaned down.

Qiao Zhiyi immediately closed her eyes, unable to look directly at his face.

She had contemplated what would happen when she agreed to her aunt and married into the Shi Family as a replacement for her cousin.

Whoever she married, it was all the same, lights off, eyes closed; she didn't care anyway.

If she hadn't seen his face, she would have accepted it.

Knowing what he looked like, she couldn't pretend he wasn't there and solidify their status as husband and wife.

She didn't expect to marry a man as handsome as Pan An; all she wished for was a man with regular features. At the very least, as long as it was a good face, she would have accepted it.

Now, all that filled her mind was that hideously ugly face.

Her stomach churned, making her want to vomit.

Shi Jingzhou saw her eyes shut tight, trembling, her whole body stiffening, he sneered coldly, "You don't have the guts, yet you dare take her place in marriage?"

Qiao Zhiyi's heart skipped a beat, he actually knew!

The shock of his appearance had surpassed the fact that he'd discovered the marriage swap.

What now?

Qiao Zhiyi opened her eyes, now in a state of shock and fear. Her aunt had said that the Shi Family could cover the sky with one hand in Jiang City, making enemies of the Shi Family would lead to a terrible end.

"I, I am not a replacement bride," Qiao Zhiyi stammered, despite the visual discomfort, and said with courage, "I am the second young miss of the Qiao Family, Qiao Zhiyi."

A niece was also a daughter; it wasn't considered deception.

Although the whole affair felt eerily strange, by now, she couldn't let this man vent his anger on her uncle's family.

"The second young miss?" The man sized her up, his tone mocking, "Ha, Qiao Shengli is quite clever."

Qiao Zhiyi's heart pounded with panic, unsure of what he would do.

No matter, she had just stepped through the door at an auspicious time tonight, and they hadn't registered their marriage yet. Once she found an opportunity, she would go back and ask her aunt what was really going on.

"Uncle Xiang!" The man let her go and called out.

The butler pushed the door open and was somewhat surprised at their posture.

"Young Master."

"Where is the marriage certificate?" Shi Jingzhou released Qiao Zhiyi, his face teasing.

"Here it is." The butler handed over two strikingly red booklets respectfully to Shi Jingzhou.

Shi Jingzhou flipped through them, the corner of his mouth curling slightly, the scar on his face stretching with the movement, his deep gaze fixed on the woman with a tiny white face and a dazed expression, becoming even more sinister and eerie.

"Qiao... Zhi... yi... my bride," he lifted Qiao Zhiyi's head, showing her the marriage certificate, "you, have no way out now."

Qiao Zhiyi gazed at the content on the marriage certificate in a trance; at that moment, she truly felt heartbroken.

Her aunt hadn't given her a chance to back out.

Once the seal was stamped, she became his wife.