Chapter 15: If You Don't Like It, Why Touch It?

Qiao Zhiyi grabbed the tattoo needle and was about to stab it into his hand.

Shi Jingzhou didn't move at all, completely prepared.

Her hand trembled a few times before she finally threw away the tattoo needle.

"I'm not as... boring as you." Freak.

The inexplicable possessiveness and desire for control would make anyone think he deeply loved her, afraid she might leave, almost wishing to write his name, Shi Jingzhou, all over her face.

When holding the tattoo needle, there was a moment she really thought about "returning the favor", but she didn't want her own name etched on his body.

Simply childish.

The two of them came out, and Ah Gui was sitting on the steps, having finished two cans of beer, and looked a bit surprised to see them come out so quickly, "That was quick? Was it okay?"

That look was somewhat mischievous.

"You ask her, was I okay?" Shi Jingzhou was in a slightly better mood, playing along with Ah Gui.

Ah Gui mischievously looked at Qiao Zhiyi, who was clasping her hands tightly, "Sis-in-law, did Brother Zhou finish too quickly? Was he okay?"

Qiao Zhiyi didn't understand the indirect speech of men, thinking he was talking about the quickness of the tattoo, she still gave Shi Jingzhou face, not wanting to tear things apart, "Well, it was okay, faster than I imagined."

Ah Gui raised his eyebrows, teasing Shi Jingzhou, "Brother Zhou, you're not up to it. Sis-in-law said you were too quick."

Qiao Zhiyi didn't understand why being quick was an issue.

Just a tattoo, how long could it take?

Shi Jingzhou knew Qiao Zhiyi didn't understand the hidden meaning in their words, so her response didn't anger him, he just snorted coldly and walked past Ah Gui.

"Sis-in-law, take care," Ah Gui called after her.

Qiao Zhiyi was still not quite comfortable with the title of sis-in-law, awkwardly nodding her head.

Sitting in the car, Qiao Zhiyi subconsciously wanted to touch the spot on her ring finger and felt a bit of pain when she calmed down.

Since she was sensible, she had always been a good kid, a good student. As for tattoos, she didn't mind others getting them, but she never thought she would get involved.

She wondered if it would leave a mark if washed off later.

Qiao Zhiyi was very quiet, her thoughts drifting to Dr. Sen Ge diagnosing her mother tomorrow. If Dr. Sen Ge could perform the surgery on her mother, that would be best.

That's why she couldn't toughen up in front of Shi Jingzhou.

If she needed something from him, she had to bow her head.

It was also her own fault, for not being capable enough, not having good enough connections.

She didn't know how long these days of depending on others would last.

Shi Jingzhou held the steering wheel with one hand, his eyes catching Qiao Zhiyi touching her ring finger, his brow furrowed, "Do you really like it?"


"If you don't like it, why touch it?"

Qiao Zhiyi finally realized what he was talking about.

Fearing his reprimand, she quickly withdrew her hand and stared straight ahead, "Not used to it."

"Gradually, you'll get used to it," Shi Jingzhou reminded again, "Don't touch."

Qiao Zhiyi felt his words had a double meaning. Not only did she need to get used to the ring, but she also had to get used to him.

When they got home, Qiao Zhiyi feared he would insist they share a room, but luckily, he went to his study instead.

After showering, Qiao Zhiyi lay in bed and heard some noises outside.

She was tired, and even a bit curious, but suppressed it and closed her eyes to sleep.

Early the next morning, Qiao Zhiyi hurriedly got out of bed and went downstairs, not seeing Shi Jingzhou, but she did see Zhou Zheng.

"Young Madam, I'll take you to the hospital."

Qiao Zhiyi looked back at the upstairs, really thinking Shi Jingzhou would go, especially since Dr. Sen Ge was doing it as a favor to him. But on second thought, he had already done enough, and it would be inappropriate for him to go.

"Thank you." Being in a rush to get to the hospital, she didn't bother with pleasantries.

Getting in the car, Qiao Zhiyi was nervous.

She didn't know what the outcome would be today.

Zhou Zheng saw her anxiety, "Young Madam, the sir will be alright."

Qiao Zhiyi, engrossed in her mother's illness, woke up from her daze upon hearing his words, "What?"

"You didn't know?" Zhou Zheng was surprised, thinking her earlier worried expression was because she was concerned about Mr. Shi.

Qiao Zhiyi shook her head, offhandedly asking, "What happened to him?"

"It's nothing." Zhou Zheng also didn't know what Mr. Shi intended. Since he hadn't alerted the Madam, it meant he didn't want her to know.

Qiao Zhiyi frowned, what on earth had happened to Jingzhou?

When the car arrived at the hospital, Qiao Zhiyi pushed the thoughts of Jingzhou to the back of her mind.

She had not been in the ward long when the attending physician brought Doctor Sen Ge along.

Qiao Zhiyi quickly stood up to greet them politely. Doctor Sen Ge spoke fluent English, primarily conversing with Doctor Fang.

During a brief pause, she managed to ask a few more technical questions.

Doctor Sen Ge quietly listened until she finished, his eyes showing a bit of surprise and quite a bit of admiration.

With Doctor Fang clarifying things, Doctor Sen Ge learned that Qiao Zhiyi was also medically trained. The conversation became much easier, and advancing the surgical plan became more straightforward.

Wang Shulan couldn't understand a word but seeing her daughter talking so earnestly with the doctors, she felt immensely reassured.

Her child had truly grown up and made something of herself.

Even if one day she really passed away, she would not worry anymore.

"Mom, what's wrong?" After seeing off Doctor Sen Ge and the others, Qiao Zhiyi noticed the tears in Wang Shulan's eyes and quickly comforted, "Don't worry, I've looked at the surgical plan. There's no issue. Doctor Sen Ge will personally handle the surgery, trust him."

Wang Shulan wiped the corner of her eyes, shaking her head, "I trust you and the doctor. It's just emotional that my little Zhiyi has really grown up."

Qiao Zhiyi hugged her, leaning on her shoulder, "Mom, your good fortune is still ahead."

Wang Shulan patted her hand and suddenly noticed the tattoo ring on her right hand's ring finger, furrowing her brows, "What's this?"

Qiao Zhiyi knew this item was eye-catching, she quickly explained, "It's nothing."

"Qiao Zhiyi, how could you get a tattoo?" Wang Shulan sternly said, "As a young lady, what does it look like to have such a thing? What will your in-laws think of you if they see it?"

Wang Shulan's upbringing of Qiao Zhiyi had always been somewhat conservative, and the fact that she had married quietly also discomfited her. If it weren't for the thought that she might pass away anytime and fearing Qiao Zhiyi would have no one to consult, she would have never allowed her to marry a man whose background was unknown.

Now that she was married, it was a done deal, and being part of another family, her every action had to be proper—there was no room for recklessness.

Their family's condition was not very good, and Jingzhou had spent so much money arranging this excellent hospital and hiring such top experts to treat her.

In a situation where the conditions of the two families were not equal and so many favors owed, she hoped Qiao Zhiyi would understand her duties and adhere to the rules, not giving her in-laws any reason to find fault. That way, she would still have a home after she was gone.

Qiao Zhiyi quickly explained, "Mom, he gave me the tattoo."



Wang Shulan was puzzled.

Qiao Zhiyi organized her words, "I'm starting work in a couple of days; wearing a ring is not very convenient. I was also afraid of losing it, so he suggested getting a tattoo. That way, it will never be lost."

She let Wang Shulan take a good look at the pattern and patiently explained, "Look at the letters here, it's JZ. He said, it's to let everyone know all the time that I'm a married woman."

It sounded like a romantic story, almost moving herself.

However, Jingzhou's original intention was not to let others know she was a married woman, but purely to warn her, claiming her as his own, never thinking of escaping from him.

This was not romance, it was a shackle.

After hearing everything, Wang Shulan held her hand for a long time, "This young people's stuff today, really is…" Her face showed helplessness, eventually, she could only compromise.

Qiao Zhiyi managed to muddle through and breathed a sigh of relief.

"This Doctor Sen Ge was brought in by Jingzhou, why didn't he come?" Wang Shulan was still very curious about this son-in-law whom she had only met once.

Qiao Zhiyi said he was not good-looking, but she didn't know just how unattractive he was.

She was rather curious to meet him in person.