Chapter 34 Waiting to See You Regret

Guo Ziru also followed up with persuasion, "That's right, Panpan. The old saying goes, 'Fools have foolish luck,' and it especially applies to us women. Anyway, the foolish women I know lead better lives than the smart ones. I'm not saying you should be foolish about everything, but be smart when you need to be and play the fool when you should. Just remember this adage, and you'll have plenty of good days ahead."

Xia Chu's temples throbbed, her impatience reaching its peak.

She glanced at Ye Shuhua next to her, who immediately flashed a placating smile her way.

Xia Chu then said coldly, "My mom has been 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' for so many years, enduring everything. And so have my aunt and younger aunt. Could it be because my uncles are just like my dad, cheating for years, and you've all grown accustomed to it so you think it's no big deal?"

Ye Shubi and Guo Ziru's faces darkened, "What nonsense are you speaking, child? Your younger uncle is not that kind of man."