Chapter 36: The Slap in the Face Comes as Quickly as a Tornado

Ye Junzhe still didn't believe it wasn't Xu Pei who settled the bill.

The more Xu Pei denied it, the less he believed him. "This isn't just a matter of three or five yuan. It's over a hundred thousand! Xu Pei, don't be polite with us. Let's keep things clear, I wouldn't have let you pay this before, and I certainly won't now. I'll transfer it to you via WeChat right away, you better accept it immediately!"

Xu Pei had no choice but to deny even more desperately. "I really didn't pay the bill. If you don't believe me, I can show you my phone records. I'm not the kind of person who does good deeds anonymously. Big cousin, you should ask someone else."

He had indeed made calls everywhere about the event at the banquet hall at noon. Even if he dared not claim it as his sole doing, he had at least made some effort.

He could have shamelessly taken credit for it, maybe even getting a thanks from Panpan later.