Chapter 63: Humiliating Oneself

Xu Pei hadn't expected Huo Xiyao to be there, too, but then again, why would Panpan come to pick out a wedding ring for no reason, and why would she come alone?

Didn't that mean they were soon going to turn make-believe into reality and truly become a couple?

Was he truly and utterly about to lose Panpan for good?

Xu Pei's face turned extremely ugly in an instant.

He thought back to the last time at the Di Hao Hotel in Su City, to that provoking, disdainful smile Huo Xiyao had given him.

Thinking of these days, everything he did seemed to go wrong, externally—originally guaranteed investments became increasingly hopeless after rounds and rounds of negotiations and compromises,

internally—two of his partners were very dissatisfied with him, believing that it was his undisciplined private life that had doomed their law firm from securing successful investments to grow and thrive, which seriously compromised both their interests and those of all their employees.