Chapter 3 No Wedding

Sheng residence.

The head of the Sheng family, Sheng Runruo, saw off Shi Yucheng, a smile appearing on his stern face. The Shi family had finally agreed to the marriage after days of waiting, which secretly relieved him.

The Sheng family was wealthy enough to rival nations, lacking nothing, except that their most beloved eldest grandson was nearing thirty with no marriage yet, which greatly worried the old patriarch.

If it weren't for the fire five years ago, which caused the eldest grandson to lose his sight, and the death of his intended bride-to-be in that fire, they might already have grandchildren toddling around!

Back then, Sheng Hanyu was handsome and wealthy, sunny and humble in personality; the number of women wanting to marry him could stretch from the city center to the suburban areas.

But who would have expected that after that fire, all those women disappeared without a trace, not one remained.

Initially, Sheng Hanyu decided to mourn his fiancée for three years. After three years had passed, Sheng Runruo began arranging blind dates for him. It wasn't that no woman agreed, but being the wife of the eldest grandson of the Sheng family also had to meet the family's standards in every aspect.

Thus, two more years slipped away. Finally, they encountered a girl suitable in every aspect who didn't mind that Sheng Hanyu was visually impaired. Sheng Runruo was very pleased and immediately had the housekeeper tell the Eldest Young Master the good news.

"She agreed?" Sheng Hanyu stood by the window, his eyebrows slightly raised.

On the day of the blind date, the woman's reaction upon hearing he was blind was still fresh in his memory. She was so shocked, so annoyed, it was as though she had been greatly insulted, and without even a greeting, she stormed out!

The housekeeper also found it surprising but still respectfully answered, "Yes, Eldest Young Master, the bride will enter our home tomorrow. According to your wishes, just register the marriage, no need for a wedding ceremony."


A simple agreement from Sheng Hanyu was taken as consent.

Truthfully, whether that woman was sincere or not, he didn't care.

What he cared about was that, after getting married, the old patriarch would pay less attention to him, and he would have more time to do what he wanted!


Shi Youxuan, dressed in a bright red wedding dress, her usually hanging twin ponytails now done up in a bun at the back of her head, covered by a red bridal veil, said goodbye to her parents while holding a teddy bear.

"Xuanxuan, be good. When you get to the Sheng family, listen to your husband and the elders, and be sweet, you know?" Shi Yucheng felt both guilty and worried for his second daughter.

He worried that Shi Youxuan would be bullied in the Sheng family. His wife and eldest daughter had thought of everything—it included transferring shares early, giving a full dowry… but they hadn't considered how Xuanxuan would live her days in the Sheng family.

Although Shi Youxuan wasn't his biological daughter, having raised her for so many years, even a small cat or dog would develop attachments, let alone a living person who had been with him for twenty years.

Holding a bank card, he advised, "Xuanxuan, take this card, it contains your dowry. If Sheng Hanyu treats you badly, just come back; Dad will support you."

The little person under the red veil nodded repeatedly, "Mm, Xuanxuan knows, Xuanxuan is well-behaved…"

"I know you're well-behaved, don't talk anymore."

Jiang Yadan anxiously glanced at the Sheng family housekeeper standing at the door, and quickly stopped Shi Youxuan from talking, fearing too much talk could lead to mistakes, especially just before leaving.

Jiang Yadan, while hurrying Shi Youxuan onto the plane, felt thankful in her heart, grateful that the old way of sending off daughters, which had re-emerged in Jiangzhou in recent years, involved covering the bride with a veil, making it not easy to notice any anomaly with the bride.


Shi Youxuan was helped off the plane by the servants and taken straight to the bridal chamber.

The bridal chamber wasn't set up in the Sheng main residence but was located in a villa hundreds of miles away in Jiangzhou. Nestled against mountains with the sea in front, the villa had beautiful scenery and was suffused with the aroma of fruit.

"Mrs. Sheng, please wait here for a moment. The Eldest Young Master will be here soon." The housekeeper closed the door as he left, and Shi Youxuan blinked upwards.


The red veil fell to the floor, revealing everything in the room.

The spacious and bright room, luxurious European-style furniture, the golden bed covered with bright red bedding looked like a celebrity's dressing room, with a dressing table decorated with large red "double happiness" character!

Shi Youxuan's eyes, dark as the night, sparkled luminously, her long eyelashes quivering. A shadow lingered in the depth of her eyes, her moist red lips slightly curved, satisfied with everything in the room.

She was even more satisfied with the groom. Sheng Hanyu's details had long been in her grasp—handsome and pleasing to the eye, importantly, he couldn't see, making things much easier for her in the future compared to living at her parents' place.

Even running out occasionally, she figured there wouldn't be a problem!

With that thought, the smile on Shi Youxuan's lips grew even more evident. If she hadn't suddenly noticed Sheng Hanyu standing by the door, she almost could have placed her hands on her hips and laughed uproariously!

When had he come in? Soundless and ghostlike.

Shi Youxuan quickly contained herself and pulled out two big red booklets from her pocket, stuffing one into Sheng Hanyu's arms. "This is our marriage certificate. I am your wife."