Chapter 2 Provocation

But Lin Tianyu pushed on as if he hadn't heard, continuing to move the wheelchair forward.

Seeing he was about to leave the living room, the anxious Su Fanxing couldn't let him go. Without thought for anything else, she made a snap decision, took three steps in two strides, ran over, and spread her hands in front of him, "Mr. Lin, I have something to say."

"What, you're that impatient?" Lin Tianyu's mouth curled with a cold sneer, his contemptuous gaze leaving little doubt about his derision.

Did he see her as a flighty and flirtatious woman?

"Mr. Lin, I have serious matters to discuss with you," Su Fanxing stated solemnly.

This unarrogant and unyielding attitude, in Lin Tianyu's eyes, seemed all the more laughable.

The man suddenly looked up, staring at her calmly, the black orbs of his eyes filled with chill, "Miss Su..."

Su Fanxing's nervousness eased slightly; she feared he might not respond and just walk away. Now that he was talking, there was room for negotiation.

Just as she was about to speak, Lin Tianyu interrupted her again, "Butler, take Miss Su to where she ought to be."

"Lin Tianyu—", realizing she had been played, Su Fanxing laughed instead of getting angry, "Mr. Lin, it was you who originally used Lin Corporation's funds as a marital gift to the Su family to seek my hand in marriage. Now that I have married into the Su family, when will Lin Corporation's funds be injected?"

For each day Lin Corporation delayed injecting funds into Su Corporation, her adoptive parents faced increased danger.

If it hadn't been for her long absence from the country and lack of understanding of the domestic situation, how could Su Weisen alone have managed to control her adoptive parents and use them to threaten her? Her current compliance was merely because she was 'throwing a sprat to catch a mackerel.'

"Lin Tianze's judgment is still as poor as ever, to actually fancy such a woman," Lin Tianyu said, half-laughing, sizing her up as if inspecting an object.

Su Fanxing pursed her lips: "If you don't like it, we can go and get a divorce right now."

She couldn't ask for anything better.

These words were like poking a hornet's nest; the man's fierce aura broke out like a breached glacier, the sharpness nearly slicing her skin.

"The Su family has some nerve, sending over a daughter and expecting to receive millions in funds after just a short while, what meticulous planning."

Some sick man!

But on second thought, Su Fanxing pondered, wasn't he right in a way?

"Mr. Lin..."

"Miss Su, do you remember that there's a stipulation in the contract? If Miss Su dissatisfies me, Lin Corporation has the right to retract all financial investments made in the Su family."

Lin Tianyu's piercing eyes tilted slightly upward, his sharp hostility stabbing straight at her.

Su Fanxing's eyes gradually narrowed; what was this about a contract? The old man from the Su family hadn't told her about this.

However, if she were to be dismissed by Lin Tianyu for dissatisfaction, and the partnership fell through, the Su family would lose the millions from Lin Corporation. Already living beyond its means, could the Su family, jolted by Lin Corporation's actions, continue to exist as a second-rate family?

If the Su family no longer existed, would Su Weisen still have the power to capture her adoptive parents and use their lives to coerce her?

But for the moment, it was necessary to think long-term.

For a moment, her thoughts were in turmoil.

"What's the matter, scared?" The man's cold voice pulled her back to reality.

Listening to his derisive tone, Su Fanxing suddenly smiled beguilingly and brightly.

Since he had already pegged her as a woman who would do anything for money, wouldn't it be disappointing not to let him experience it firsthand?

Lin Tianyu watched the woman's change, an ominous premonition sneaking up on him.

The next second.


Su Fanxing suddenly fell into Lin Tianyu's arms, her upper body resting on him, her lower body seated on his paralyzed legs.

"Su Xinuo—"

Lin Tianyu roared in fury, his rage laced with a strange and urgent hysteria.

It's like there's a secret he's afraid of exposing.

Su Fanxing didn't notice it, and right now she didn't care about those things. She was never one to take things lying down. Ever since she met this man, he had always acted superior, but his current state was rare, and she couldn't pass up the opportunity to tease him.

Without hesitation, she turned around, stretched out her hands to embrace the man's neck, face to face, just a few centimeters apart.

"Husband, don't be so heartless. Just agree to invest in the Su family, okay?"

"Get lost——"

Things were gradually getting out of control, and Lin Tianyu seemed genuinely angry.

Seeing that trouble was brewing, Su Fanxing didn't actually want to make him lose his temper; guessing that it was about as much as he could take, she immediately put on a compliant demeanor and hurriedly got up.

"Miss Su, please stick to the content of the contract. Don't do what you shouldn't, and don't entertain thoughts you shouldn't have!"

Lin Tianyu had a dark expression on his face, his cold aura shooting out as he left those words behind and walked away, leaving a smiling tiger of a housekeeper, Uncle Lin.

Watching his retreating figure, she felt a strange feeling inside. Could a man who had been lame for years really have such strong legs?

The living room was quiet, and after a long silence, Su Fanxing spoke first, "Uncle Lin, where is my room?"

"Madam, your room is upstairs; it has been prepared," Housekeeper Uncle Lin replied with utmost respect.

Su Fanxing laughed inwardly—so respectful to her, yet before she had spoken, he had made no move to help?

Her face showed no emotion as she spoke gently, "Please lead the way."

After she was shown to her place, Housekeeper Uncle Lin left.

Now alone in the room, Su Fanxing finally had time to sort out the events of the past few days.

Speaking of which, her relationship with the Su family was also complicated.


Meanwhile, at the Lin family's study.

"Su Xinuo's behavior is very strange. Look into it; see what's happening."

Lin Tianyu sat behind the mahogany desk, hands crossed and resting against his chin, his icy gaze occasionally flashing with an intimidating sharpness.

Wasn't Su Xinuo the one who claimed to be madly in love with the illegitimate Lin Tianze, to the point of obsession, even declaring in public that she would never marry a cripple?

So why did she not only marry but also throw herself at him today?

The next morning, in the living room.

Su Fanxing had trouble sleeping in a new place, which meant she didn't sleep well and felt groggy in the morning. She grabbed some clothes from the wardrobe and headed downstairs.

"Miss Su, breakfast time is almost over, and you're just getting out of bed? The Lin family has a set time for breakfast!"

Still on the stairs and surveying her surroundings, an irritating voice reached her ear.

Su Fanxing turned around to face a visage filled with disdain and contempt.

Su Fanxing looked her up and down, noting the apron the woman wore, but said nothing.

"Miss Su, are you deaf? The Lin family has its rules—once the time has passed, they won't serve breakfast, and it's already too late," the maid said triumphantly, pointing at the quartz clock in the living room with unbearable arrogance.

This woman doesn't deserve the young master. What right does she have to marry him!

"May I ask... this... Miss Maid," Su Fanxing started, her lips curling into a slow smile, a hint of innocence in her voice, "What is your last name?"

The maid seemed taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting that response.

"My last name is Li!" The maid thought Su Fanxing must be foolish, and her attitude became even more haughty.

"Ah, Miss Maid Li," Su Fanxing nodded, rhythmically tapping her fingers on the pristine stair railing, her tone becoming increasingly melodic. "I'm asking you, what is the last name of the owner of this place you're standing on?"