Chapter 12 Are There Still Language Barriers?

"I'll do it!"



Letting others help you and still being so arrogant!

"Is the Eldest Young Master sure? Although I may not be a true lady of the Su family, pampered from birth, I haven't really done the work of serving others. I can scrub your back, but if anything goes awry, I won't take responsibility."

Su Fanxing laughed strangely, as if she hadn't heard the impatience in Lin Tianyu's tone, and continued to speak while actually heading towards the bathroom. Her frank demeanor left no doubt about the sincerity of her statement.

Just now Lin Tianyu had lain on the ground, with a "keep away from me" look that she remembered quite clearly.

Scrub his back?

It probably was just his test, or perhaps, he wanted her to back off knowing the difficulty.

Unfortunately for him, the term "back off knowing the difficulty" wasn't in Su Fanxing's vocabulary.

"Eldest Young Master, are you ready? I'm about to come in."

Grasping the bathroom doorknob, Su Fanxing asked for confirmation.

"Come in!"

"I've said that my assistant, isn't that easy to be!"

Before Su Fanxing could move, the man inside spoke up again.

Huh, so he was treating her as a personal assistant now?

With a cold smirk on her lips, Su Fanxing boldly pushed open the door to the bathroom.

The water from the showerhead continued to spray down incessantly, hitting Lin Tianyu's bronze skin.

Su Fanxing didn't have a habit of peeking at others' bodies, but for the sake of doing her job well, she had to take a good, careful look at Lin Tianyu's body.

What a strange man, weird temperament and even his physique was unusual.

Despite his legs being crippled and him always sitting in a wheelchair, he still possessed such an impressive build. Just this upper body alone, where it should be developed, there was not a single vague spot, just like a fitness enthusiast who exercises diligently every day.


As if something occurred to her, Su Fanxing's gaze drifted downward, eventually resting on Lin Tianyu's legs.

At this moment, how could she know that the way she looked at him, in Lin Tianyu's eyes, was completely another picture!

"Su Fanxing!!!"

Lin Tianyu gritted his teeth, each word laden with a murderous tone.

"Is the Eldest Young Master so angry? Could it be the shower water is too hot? How about I lower the temperature a bit for you?"

Coming back to her senses, Su Fanxing lightly responded and actually went to adjust the water temperature.

Whether on purpose or not, at this moment, the water droplets hitting Lin Tianyu's body were alternately cold and hot, giving him a real taste of extreme sensations.

His sharp gaze fell on Su Fanxing, and he saw those sexy, thin lips curve into a mischievous smile, his strong arms suddenly reaching out to pull, and the next second, Su Fanxing was dragged by Lin Tianyu from the safety zone into the shower.

"This is the right water temperature after adjustment."

The man said languidly, looking at Su Fanxing's body getting wet, his sullen face finally easing somewhat.

At this moment, the two were so close, the steam in the bathroom made Su Fanxing's face slightly red, and the water from the shower soaked her clothes. The originally casual pajamas, now clinging tightly to Su Fanxing's body, created a visual impact of a different kind.

Actually, Su Fanxing's figure, even if placed among a crowd of models, was exceptionally good, with flesh where there should be, and slenderness where needed.

As if in reciprocation, Lin Tianyu's dark eyes, at some point, started focusing on Su Fanxing's body.

Ominously terrifying.

Faced with such a creature, any normal man would have some reaction.

Plus, Su Fanxing's unsteady hands kept moving all over Lin Tianyu's body, at this moment, Lin Tianyu felt a kind of burning heat surge through him.

However, the instigator seemed completely unaware, even accidentally making some physical contact with Lin Tianyu.

Damn woman!

"Su Fanxing, get out!"

The evil fire inside him grew stronger, and Lin Tianyu spoke again, his voice slightly hoarse with a hint of anger and impatience.

"Why? Is the Eldest Young Master dissatisfied with my performance just now?"

Su Fanxing raised an eyebrow in response, fearless even in the face of Lin Tianyu's demeanor, as she was no stranger to this reclusive man's odd behavior.

She was not a woman to be summoned and dismissed at will.

Facing a cripple, Su Fanxing naturally did not dwell on matters of men and women.

"Don't test my patience. Three seconds, if you don't leave now, you'll be banished from the Lin family forever!"

Lin Tianyu's voice suddenly rose in decibel, his patience having worn thin.

"Nonsense, obviously it would be best if the Eldest Young Master can take care of himself. Just don't call me in again later." She glanced at the pajamas sticking to her body, frowned slightly, then turned around.

As fate would have it, the slippery soap bar was accidentally knocked to the ground by Su Fanxing and slid under her feet.


A cry of alarm, and Su Fanxing suddenly lost her balance, topplling over at an angle.

The direction she was tilting toward happened to be right where Lin Tianyu was.

"Su Fanxing, you asked for this!"

Holding the soft and fragrant body in his arms, driven by male instinct, Lin Tianyu hungrily kissed those tempting cherry-red lips.

The sudden kiss caught Su Fanxing off guard, prompting her to instinctively struggle.

Damn woman, she's so strong!

A taste of blood spread in Lin Tianyu's mouth, and he muttered a curse inwardly, pushing Su Fanxing away without hesitation. Unexpectedly, she stepped on the soap again, slid and fell, this time, even landing on his legs!

Damn it!!!

"Eldest Young Master, are you alright?"

Suddenly, an elderly voice came from outside the door.

It was Uncle Li.

Feeling the heat emanating from the man, even the inexperienced Su Fanxing could guess what was happening.

Without waiting for Lin Tianyu to act again, Su Fanxing got up as quickly as possible and darted out of the bathroom, her damp body passing by Uncle Li without even a greeting.

Damn Lin Tianyu, when had Su Fanxing ever been so embarrassed?!

"Eldest Young Master, did Mrs. Lin maybe..."

By the time Uncle Li closed the bedroom door again, Lin Tianze had already returned to the bed, his bare body now covered by a bathrobe.

At that moment, the butler's gaze fell on Lin Tianyu's legs.

Although the bathroom door had been closed when he entered, through the frosted glass wall, he seemed to vaguely see that Su Fanxing had risen from the Eldest Young Master's legs.

"With her observation skills, she wouldn't notice. Go out and close the door properly, I need to rest."

"From now on, don't allow anyone to randomly enter my bedroom!"

Seeing the concern on the butler's face, Lin Tianyu spoke again.

"Yes, Eldest Young Master, rest assured, I will be more careful in the future."

Uncle Li nodded gravely and then withdrew.

Once the door was firmly shut again, Lin Tianyu retracted his gaze, his piercing eyes landing on his legs, a hint of complexity flashing in his eyes.

Su Fanxing, let's hope that fall of yours was accidental because if not...