Chapter 24: Harbor Doubts

Uncle Lin looked at Lin Tianyu, pausing after each word as he spoke.

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire bedroom fell quiet for a full minute.

"Do you mean that Su Fanxing is the girl who saved me back then?"

No sooner had Lin Tianyu voiced this conjecture than he dismissed it the next second, "Impossible. If Su Fanxing were the girl who had saved me back then, she would have used that fact to gain my trust."

Right, given Su Fanxing's current personality, she would definitely do that.

Her acting is so good, it's possible that even the name Su Fanxing is fake.

"Eldest Young Master, this matter indeed requires further investigation. Perhaps, Su Shixiong racked up many romantic debts back in the day, and there might be other illegitimate daughters. Also, it's possible that Mrs. Lin in our house was hired by the Su family. The real Su Fanxing might be someone else."