Chapter 64: Playing a Good Wife

Everyone could see that Su Fanxing did it on purpose, yet she still managed to look pitiful.

Her big eyes fluttered, and it was only short of her holding her hands together with tears brimming in her eyes.

At this moment, the sleazy manager's face was extremely ugly; he wanted to explode but dared not.

After all, this was the President's assistant, and not to mention, Lin Tianyu was sitting right there.

What's more infuriating was that it was unclear whether Su Fanxing did it unintentionally or deliberately, but the glass of wine perfectly drenched the manager's crotch.

Onlookers surrounded the scene and chuckled maliciously, though quietly mocking, one could roughly understand the underlying tone.

"How can the manager, being such an adult, lose control over a drink…"

The laughter rose and fell, continuous, and the manager was both angry and embarrassed; ultimately, he simply turned around and left the main banquet hall.