Chapter 102 This is My Daughter

The neighborhood wasn't particularly old, just a bit deserted. Few people were around, and many clothes hung from the windows and balconies of the buildings.

The area was remote, and it wasn't yet quitting time at work, so there were hardly any people to be seen.

Su Fanxing's eyes searched the buildings anxiously. Her foster parents lived on the fifth floor, and given their age and the long travel caused by Su Shixiong and others, living in such a place would take its toll on them even if they weren't sick.

The car slowed to a stop below their building, and as soon as it was parked, Su Fanxing quickly opened the door and immediately ran inside.

For a moment, she forgot who had accompanied her, her mind consumed by thoughts of her seriously ill foster parents. If they were indeed as Ji Huan had described, she needed to get them to the hospital quickly.

Her heartbeat suddenly quickened, afraid of encountering the worst.