
On a brisk afternoon, despite the sun's radiant ascent into the vast cerulean sky, two Protectors, Elyco and Laxam, embarked upon their journey toward the Pythonian Forest. Fresh from their recent venture in eastern Fulmenia, they yearned for respite, but fate had other designs. A communication crystal, a shimmering emissary sent forth from the venerable Arcanic Academy of Alykarn, manifested before Elyco, bearing a message of grave import: "A curious spirit has been sighted in the Slitherroots woods near the Pythonian border. An investigation is imperative. At least one Opal-ranked Protector is needed."

This was a requirement Elyco, a Virtusian alicorn, fulfilled. However, Laxam, her companion, held the Amethyst rank, one tier below Opal. If they weren't a team, the Luxian alicorn wouldn't have been able to take on the task.

Drawing near the border of Python's kingdom, they were met by the guardian charged with briefing them, a seasoned Pythonian alicorn. Her distinctive stripes adorned her neck, likely extending over the rest of her back, concealed beneath her formal armor. In comparison to Elyco and Laxam, the latter bore a closer semblance to her, his Luxian build echoing the Pythonian's, while Elyco's draconic features and sturdy physique set her apart. Her metal horn, cast in gold, an exclusive Virtusian trait, appeared out of place amidst the trio.

The Pythonian alicorn displayed her Protector's insignia as an earring, denoting her Ruby rank—a Bounty Hunter. A splint encased her right foreleg, a relic of an injury inflicted by a particularly malevolent rogue alicorn from days long past. Both Laxam and Elyco discerned that she was a former Protector, yet her authority within the Guild remained evident, as marked by her continued display of the insignia.

They paid their respects with bowed heads, and Elyco spoke first, her voice resonating with an authoritative tone despite the Pythonian's higher rank.

"Greetings to you. I am Elyco of Gorgoldur, Opal rank, summoned in response to the Academy's call. And here stands my companion, Laxam. May we presume that you are the one tasked with providing us the full scope of this situation? The message we received was somewhat sparse in its details."

The retired Bounty Hunter replied, "Greetings to you both, Protectors. I am Pyra, and I am indeed responsible for your briefing. The Academy apologizes for the sudden summons, but the urgency of this mission is paramount, and you were the closest."

The two younger Protectors exchanged glances, the memory of their recent mission's hardships still fresh, a fact known to the Academy when they dispatched the crystal. Their primary concerns revolved around the mentioned urgency and the scant information provided.

Pyra continued, "A distinctive signature has been detected in the depths of the Slitherroots woods—a wholly unfamiliar type of spirit. Your mission is to investigate the woods and report back to me the moment you uncover any clues."

Laxam's ears perked at the mention of the enigmatic spirit. "A new type of spirit? How is such a phenomenon even conceivable?"

"That is precisely the question that you are here to answer, Protector Laxam. To my knowledge, the Academy, you, and I are all equally perplexed. Hence, we have dispatched Protectors without delay."

Elyco's instincts urged her to seek further information. "But the crystal specified the presence of at least one Opal-ranked Protector. Why would such a high rank be necessary for what appears to be a routine spirit investigation? Furthermore, why the urgency? Spirits are not renowned for their mobility, and if it were a simple observation, the Academy would not have summoned us so promptly."

Pyra winced slightly at Elyco's pointed inquiry. "These spirits, it appears, are not the first of their kind, and they have exhibited greater strength and aggression than initially anticipated. Lower-ranked Protectors were sent initially, a mistake the Academy is unwilling to repeat."

Elyco's next words cut to the chase. "There have been casualties already. Am I correct?"

Pyra nodded in confirmation. "You are not mistaken. This is precisely why an Opal rank is necessary. Your Luxian companion would not have been permitted to accompany you if you were not an assessor yourself. As for the urgency, these spirits tend to vanish after a time, and—"

"No one knows why?" Laxam interjected, prompting Pyra to nod once more.

Elyco agreed, "Very well, Pyra. We shall proceed. After all, this spirit will not investigate itself, will it?"

Despite Laxam's attempt to convey confidence, a subtle undercurrent of concern, a magical resonance common to Luxians, betrayed his anxiety. Elyco gazed at her companion with tenderness, seeking to reassure him through her eyes. "You are correct! We shall take our leave, Protector Pyra. Thank you for the information."

"It was my pleasure," Pyra replied with a respectful bow of her head. "Upon concluding your investigation, dispatch a communication crystal. You need not concern yourselves with delivering it to the Academy, for they wish you to enjoy a well-deserved respite. I shall oversee all other arrangements." She paused before adding, "May fortune favor your journey, and may the Pantheon watch over you."

With that, Elyco and Laxam set forth on their path toward the Slitherroots Forest.


After a few hours, the edge of their destination loomed into view. Towering trees stood before them, their roots twisting and writhing above the ground. Laxam remarked, "The spirits here are more agitated and chaotic in nature; that's why the roots have such weird shapes. It's fascinating how they end up shaping our world like that, don't you think, Elyco?"

The Virtusian alicorn regarded Laxam, his voice, and the accompanying magical resonance, betraying his curiosity and passion for the subject. She found his enthusiasm endearing, even if her own interest was more limited. She responded, "Indeed, it is. I wonder what this enigmatic spirit might be…What do you reckon it might be?" Her question was more for Laxam to showcase his knowledge of spirits than to satisfy her curiosity, but any nugget of information or theory could help them formulate a plan.

"If I'm being honest, I don't know," Laxam began. "A completely new type sounds wild to me. I've studied spirits extensively, and I've never heard of anything beyond what's already been documented."

"I see. So no clue at all. We're as in the dark as the Academy right now," Elyco sighed. "Alright, let's get this over with." She stepped forward, moving past Laxam's side, and added with determination, "Come, Starcutter."

Laxam watched in admiration as a fine blade of black stone materialized in front of the Virtusian alicorn, encased in a magical aura similar to the one surrounding her metallic horn, a manifestation of her telekinesis magic—a basic skill taught to young alicorns from every realm.

Although Laxam had witnessed Starcutter countless times before, he still marveled at the sword's elegance and durability. Despite its appearance, the slender blade was far from fragile, serving as one of the most formidable weapons he had encountered. It was Elyco's unique Soul Weapon, tailored to her, as each alicorn possessed a weapon imbued with their essence, a physical materialization of one's soul.

Laxam's gaze traced the blade to its golden hilt and continued along Elyco's shoulders, covered by her leathery wings and on toward her hindquarters. He shook his head, realizing he was lost in thought. "What's the matter, Laxam?" Elyco inquired.

Startled, he blushed and stammered, "N-Nothing to worry about. I'll tell you once we're done with this mission."

Elyco smiled affectionately at him before venturing into the forest. "Let's proceed swiftly, shall we? I can't wait to hear it."

Laxam trotted closely behind her, teasingly asking, "So, what's your plan, Lady Elyco?"

As expected, Elyco came to an abrupt halt and turned to him, saying, "Laxam, you need to stop that. I'm only five cycles older than you. If you don't, you'd better start praying to Luxoah herself to protect you from my wrath."

"I'll be sure to pay my respects, milady." He chuckled, allowing an almost melodic note to escape his muzzle. Elyco didn't want to admit it, but that laugh had always been a source of reassurance, especially in the dark and tangled woods of Slitherroots.

"As for our plans," Elyco continued, "I'm not sure what to do. We should patrol until we find that spirit, but we can't really split up. The forest is a labyrinth and a prime location for ambush, given all these tortuous flora." She swung her sword to cut down a branch obstructing their path.

"And there's barely any light," Laxam added. "I think I have a solution for that." He summoned a small, winged serpentine creature, which cooed and rubbed against his cheek. "Happy to see you too, Faran. Could you please provide us with some light?" In response to his command, the little creature began emitting a gentle glow, providing a welcome source of illumination beneath the dense canopy.

The two Protectors ventured deeper into the forest, searching for any sign of the enigmatic spirit. They continued for an hour or two without success, eventually deciding to take a break. Seated on the forest floor, they nibbled on their field rations. It was then that Laxam suddenly asked, "Huh? How long have we been here, Elyco?"

Baffled by the question, Elyco replied, "I can't be sure, but I'd estimate less than two hours. Why do you ask?" Her head tilted upward, and she noticed what Laxam was referring to. Despite the forest's darkness, the sky was visible through the gaps in the leaves, and it was pitch black—a few stars punctuated the firmament. It was the middle of the night.

Elyco leaped to her hooves, her confusion mirrored in Laxam, who was still gazing at the night sky. A chilling wind began to blow, and an eerie whispering sound reached their ears. Something was approaching. Faran squeaked fearfully. "Laxam, get ready, trouble is approaching!" Elyco shouted, snapping her companion out of his trance.

As he stood up, Elyco began channeling her magic, a wave of heat radiating from her heart and spreading throughout her body with each beat. Her jaw underwent a transformation, elongating to accommodate larger and sharper teeth. Horns sprouted above her cheeks, slightly curving away from her face and running parallel to her jaws up to her snout.

Her once slender figure swelled with newfound power, muscles coiling beneath the emerging armor of gleaming scales, each one a shard of twilight. Her limbs, now massive and formidable, bore the weight of her transformation with ease, the delicate hooves giving way to great claws that could tear the earth asunder. And from her back, wings unfurled with the quiet strength of a tempest, mighty enough to buffet any spirit into disarray with a single, powerful stroke. This was her draconic form, a manifestation of magic unique to Virtusians.

Her sharpened teeth clamped onto one of the spirits that suddenly appeared, locking it in place as she drove the tip of her blade through the spectral being. Laxam acted swiftly, summoning his own Soul Weapon, "Come, Lightbringer." A staff of white wood and intricate ornament, culminating in a glass sphere, appeared in his telekinetic aura. Light radiated from it, illuminating their surroundings.

In the thick of it, they fought the spirits, a relentless dance of combat. A dozen foes fell, each defeated with precision. Synchronized, their movements were a testament to endless hours of training.

Yet, the spirits persisted, like a haunting presence in the woods. Suddenly, they ceased their assault and vanished. Laxam's breath, trapped by tension, escaped in a quiet rush, dissipating into the cold air.

"What was that?" he asked, confusion etched on his brow. The air hung with anticipation, urging them forward.

"I don't know," Elyco responded, her voice a steady murmur amidst the stillness. "But it seems something is disturbing the spirits in the vicinity." Her eyes, sharp as the edge of her Soul Weapon, caught a fleeting dance of light—a specter in the shadows. It beckoned from yonder, where an ancient tree stood, gnarled and stoic, a silent sentinel amongst its kin.

With steps measured as a predator, she advanced, each footfall a deliberate testament to her caution. "There's something here," she murmured to herself, her gaze fixed upon the mysterious luminance seemingly coming from some sort of crystal.

Elyco soared through the air, slamming into a tree. Laxam could hear the sound of her ribs cracking under the impact. He scanned and found the new foe: a grotesque, twisted, alicorn-faced tree, the spirit they sought.

Lightbringer's orb gleamed. Laxam conjured his defense, fending off relentless attacks.

Spells shot out—light coiled around tree limbs. "Laxam, get the crystal!" Elyco's voice was barely audible amidst monstrous growls. Laxam raced, spotted the crystal, and reached for it.

The tree grew a limb—Elyco intercepted, crashing down with a thud. Pain surged as claws grappled the magic. Laxam yanked the crystal, fear gripping him.

He dropped the magic stone to the ground, his telekinesis seemingly stripped from him. The crystal was a source of pure dread.

Elyco's body was pushed back by an unseen force, and she landed on the forest floor, battered and exhausted. Her eyes remained fixed on the crystal, but she couldn't bring herself to touch it. Her skin crawled out of fear.

The tree, its limbs immobilized, contorted one final time before going lifeless once more. The Protectors panted heavily, catching their breath, and as the moments passed, they could feel the forest's spirits retreating. Laxam rushed to Elyco's side, concern etched on his face.

"I'm alright," she reassured him with a weary smile. "Just a few broken ribs, nothing a good night's rest won't fix…Am I getting better at lying?"

"Not even close," Laxam replied. They locked eyes for a few moments, and he couldn't help but inch closer to her lips. But then he remembered something and abruptly asked, "Wait, where are the other spirits? My spell wouldn't have made them vanish, not by a long shot."

Their answer didn't come in the form of words but rather as a looming shadow that crept closer to them. They could faintly discern the silhouette of an alicorn, but something was amiss—the shadows around it stretched unnaturally, as if they reached out to it. This alicorn appeared cloaked in darkness from another realm, its every step calculated and cold.

A profound sense of fear gripped them to their very core, and Elyco struggled to keep her telekinesis aura steady, her sword trembling alongside her. They were facing something of dire proportions.

"Laxam! Elyco! Where are you?!" A faint voice coming from a distance. Pyra's voice.

"Laxam! Take the crystal and run! It's the only thing we have for the Academy!" ordered Elyco. She knew it was probably the last she'd ever barked, and the thought pained her to no end.

"B-But what ab—"

"Now!" her voice amplified by her draconic form, a tear almost dropping from her eyes.

"Laxam! Elyco! Show yourselves, please!"

Laxam momentarily forgot everything else, focusing solely on the voice. His legs ached, his lungs burned, but he kept running. The only thing he could hear was Pyra's voice. He didn't notice the branches slapping his face or the thorns digging into his sides. He ran, ran like he had never run before. Why had he been sent here alone? This mission was far beyond the capabilities of a single Protector.

"Laxam! Please answer me!"

Laxam forgot the world around him, his mind fully occupied by that distant voice. He only concentrated on reaching it, his legs aching and his body pushed to its limits. He didn't hear Faran crying out a warning.

Something struck his back with tremendous force, sending him tumbling across the forest floor. He tumbled and tumbled, and when he tried to get up, he couldn't. His spine had been shattered, and death was swiftly approaching.

The crystal lay a few centimeters from his muzzle, its cold presence sending shivers down his spine. He saw a hoof, darkness surrounding its true color. An aura grabbed the crystal, lifting it away from his view. Laxam felt cold and powerless, life slipping away.

"Laxam! If you can hear me, come to me, I beg you!"

A faint memory flickered in his mind, one of warmth in his heart—love. He didn't understand why; he had never found anyone who could stir his heart in such a way. But he longed to shout it out with all his might.

As his existence dwindled, he whispered the word he had never spoken before, "I love you…"