Chapter 02

Across the vast expanse of Equestera, the mere whispers of the Kingdom of Python stirred profound reverence among its denizens. Pythonia, a realm ruled by the enigmatic Python, the Queen of Arcane, was a land steeped in an aura of mystique and boundless respect. While Python's appearances were infrequent—almost legendary when she did grace her subjects with her presence, the bowing that ensued was not born of fear but a profound sense of familial affection.

Among the esteemed Primordial Pantheon, a council of seven kings and queens governing the world, Python held a position of singular significance as their regent. Her powers, formidable though they were, were never wielded with tyranny. Instead, her strength was a harmonious complement, a reflection of her deep connection to her fellow alicorns. Each member of the Pantheon was mighty, almost godlike in their own right, but Python's strength was a testament to unity rather than a looming shadow.

Velzael, like any other alicorn, already knew all that, but someone kept talking and explaining trivialities since the beginning of their journey to Alykarn, the capital of Pythonia. And it was really starting to get on her nerves.

The ancient forest, bathed in the soft glow of twilight, cradled Velzael and her captive, a rogue Pythonian alicorn, as they ventured toward the grand capital. The prisoner, ensnared in chains controlled by the Bounty Hunter, found solace in the rhythm of its own voice, weaving tales of Queen Python's regality amidst the serene surroundings.

"But you must understand! Queen Python, clad in exquisite black and green attire, was a vision of elegance and grace—"

Velzael trod lightly on the forest floor, the path ahead illuminated by dappled sunlight filtering through the thick canopy. "Spare me the poetic descriptions. We journey to Alykarn for bounty, not to indulge in tales of Pythonian royalty."

Guiding her captive through the enchanting forest, Velzael, a twenty-six cycles old Virtusian, exuded an air of seasoned expertise as a Ruby-ranked Protector—a Bounty Hunter of remarkable talent. Her silver fur shimmered in the sunset, accentuated by a metallic blue mane that caught the dappling sunlight filtering through the thick canopy.

Sapphire-like eyes, pools of determination, observed the surroundings as the rogue Pythonian alicorn continued his tales. Velzael's tail and wings, just a shade darker than her body, betrayed a touch of uniqueness in her appearance. The atypical style of her Protector outfit, adorned with silver and chrome chains, gave her a distinct silhouette.

These chains, extending from her outfit to each leg—front and back—were attached to bracelets, an unconventional yet functional choice. Additional chains connected to a necklace bearing a pendant resembling a ruby lozenge, her Protector's insignia. Velzael's mastery over telekinesis allowed her to wield these chains with precision, complementing her heroic magic in dealing with rogue alicorns. The color of her chains harmonized with her overall appearance. Loose chains, their tips resembling the pendant around her neck, added a splash of vibrant colors—blue, green, purple, yellow—creating a captivating contrast.

The wind whispered through the ancient trees, carrying with it the rogue's words. "Her wings, two contrasting pairs, one as black as the darkest night and the other as pure as a pristine snowy expanse, symbolized the delicate equilibrium she maintained—"

They emerged into a tranquil clearing, the remnants of sunlight casting ethereal patterns on the moss-covered ground. "Equilibrium, huh? More interested in keeping our balance in these woods. Your queen's fashion choices won't protect you from unseen threats. Like me, for example."

Velzael's long canines peeked discreetly from her closed mouth. Despite the elegance of her appearance, there was a palpable muscularity that hinted at her strength and resilience. Scars, etched like battle-worn tales on her silver hide, bore witness to her numerous altercations with rogue alicorns. These scars, not blemishes but symbols of experience, spoke of Velzael's journey as a skilled Bounty Hunter. And also symbols of terror from the point of view of rogue alicorns.

As they moved with ease, the forest revealed itself as more enchanting than treacherous. And the prisoner kept his serenade. "Her eyes, slender and enchanting, gleamed with a captivating shade of green, radiating warmth and affection—"

The path ahead meandered gently, twisted branches creating an inviting tunnel leading deeper into the woods. "But it's not just her appearance that draws her subjects! It's her profound affection for them, her mastery of all six types of magic—"

The dense foliage above cast a verdant canopy over them, and Velzael's eyes observed the peaceful surroundings. "I don't need a lecture on magic. I need you to be quiet until we reach Alykarn. No more tales of staffs commanding thunder and clouds or flames. Got it?"

The air retained its tranquility as the ancient trees stood sentinel. "Well, there's also a staff of light, storms, heroic magic, and sand magic. Each a tribute to the Pantheon members!"

As they emerged from the forest, the magnificent capital sprawled before them. Alykarn, with its grandeur and splendor, welcomed them. Velzael redirected her prisoner, guiding him to the prestigious Arcanic Academy of Alykarn. "Pantheon or not, my reward awaits, and your tales might find an audience in your cell. Behave, chatterbox."

In the shadowed recesses of her consciousness, she recognized that the captive sought naught but to vex her with his narratives. His tales, a worn tapestry echoing in the corridors of her awareness, revealed nothing new. And Velzael, true to her nature, held Python in high regard and esteem, even though she wasn't from Pythonia. The grandeur of the edifice before her, a majestic monument to Python's fervor, commanded her attention. Mesmerized, she delved into meticulous scrutiny, ensnared by its allure as if in a trance.

The Arcanic Academy, often referred to as the AAA, stood as a monumental edifice, a symbol of unity and growth within the community. Python's desire was to see her beloved Academy nestled at the heart of the capital city, where she could oversee it personally, right alongside her temporary castle. During its construction, she decided to weave her own castle into the structure.

The builders, their magic abilities well-honed, understood that altering the structure would be a challenge. However, their profound love and respect for Python eclipsed any hesitation. They embraced the task with the utmost devotion, for they were building a legacy not for a tyrant but for a queen who cherished them as her own children.

The grand edifice of the AAA stood as a testament to the lofty ambitions of alicornkind, a behemoth of architectural wonder that dared to challenge the heavens themselves. Its colossal bulk unfurled like a scroll of stone and enchantment, curving into a formidable semicircle that spanned nearly a half league across. It pierced the sky with the audacity of eighty towering floors, each a bastion of sorcerous lore and scholarly pursuit, save for the final triad that nestled within the Arcane glow of a hovering aureole—a mysterious crown that capped this monument to pythonian ingenuity.

Surrounding the Academy, in a celestial dance of geometry and magic, four globes and three cubes traced ethereal paths through the air, each at varying altitudes as if in orbit. These were the seven hallowed wings of the library, repositories of ancient knowledge and esoteric secrets that many Harmonizers yearned to unravel. They hung there, suspended by forces unseen, as if the very stars had been plucked from the firmament to bear witness to the Academy's splendor.

Python played an integral role in shaping the Academy's design. She had her own unique vision for the Sacred Castle that rested within the Academy. Rather than position her quarters at the heart of the structure, she chose to place them at the very top, granting her an unparalleled view of the bustling activity below.

The seventy-seven research floors within the Academy were divided into an array of specialized rooms. Battle rooms were reserved for those seeking to become Harmonizers trained in combat, while classrooms were designated for conventional studies. Test rooms allowed experiments involving magic items and crystals to unfold. Each floor was structured similarly, yet the nature of activities grew more profound as one ascended.

The last three floors in the aureole, dedicated to the queen, held an air of mystique. Python's specific desires guided the construction of her quarters. One floor was home to her grand throne room, a sight to behold. On the lower level, this choice ensured swift access for those granted clearance to appear before their ruler. The other two floors catered to Python's personal living quarters and a space where she could freely exercise her magic. The latter served as a venue for the Primordial Pantheon's essential discussions, a privilege for the most significant of gatherings. These three floors were among the most enigmatic constructions across all Equestera.

Velzael abruptly jolted from the depths of her contemplation. The enchanting allure of the Academy had ensnared her senses, so much so that she found herself peering upon it through the lens of the queen herself. It was as though she, in unison with Python, had birthed this magnificent creation.

"A spell woven by the queen upon her most eminent masterpiece," intoned her captive, awestruck by the AAA. "A proclamation to ensure all comprehend the craftsmanship that birthed this marvel. Would that I had not trod these grounds before; then, perhaps, I might have savored the rapture you've just encountered."

Velzael remained silent, ensnared in the enchantment that both captivated and unbalanced her senses. The allure of the spell cast a fantastical haze, causing her to hesitate at the threshold of the looming structure. Yet, her focus shifted as two alicorns, unmistakably Academy denizens, guided their kin and dispensed information. It became apparent to Velzael that these academicians held sway within the AAA or, at the very least, possessed the means to grant her desires.

"Oi, pardon me," she called out, her tone carrying a blend of formality and the rugged demeanor that clung to her. "I'm Velzael of Beltodir, a Bounty Hunter. Came to deliver this miscreant who allegedly pilfered a load of scrolls from your esteemed Academy." She maintained a semblance of courtesy, though her appearance hinted at a more rough-hewn demeanor. "Could you take charge of this rascal and scrawl your signature on my document? Need to collect my dues at the Guild Inn."

The pair of scholarly alicorns regarded the Bounty Hunter with a momentary hesitation before acquiescing to her request. "Indeed, Lady Velzael, we shall attend to this rogue alicorn promptly. Might we presume these chains are yours?" one of them inquired.

"Yeah, they are mine. Dispatch them to the Guild Inn when you're done with him; I would like to have them back," she said. "No need to rush, though. I'll be there for a few days. I really need to rest."

Velzael appeared visibly fatigued, a weariness that spoke of a protracted absence from true leisure. Levitating her mission missive with telekinetic finesse, she presented it to the academicians for their endorsement. Once the document bore their signatures, she offered a casual salute to the pair before making her way toward the Guild Inn, situated on the opposite side of the capital.

Her steps were marked by the tiredness that clung to her every movement, an exhaustion that transcended the physical. As she traversed the streets of Alykarn, the grandeur of the surroundings escaped her notice, for her mind harbored but a singular objective—to reach the Inn, secure lodgings, and surrender to the embrace of a well-deserved slumber.

As she approached the hallowed entrance of the Guild Inn, Velzael exerted her strength to usher open the imposing doors. The normally raucous ambiance of the establishment hushed to a muted murmur as the seasoned alicorn traversed the threshold. Whispers trailed in her wake, rumors dancing through the air, acknowledging her presence amongst the Protectors indulging in libations and sustenance. Unfazed by the attention, Velzael, accustomed to such scrutiny, paid the idle chatter little mind.

Directing her course to the receptionist, she addressed the small, gray-furred Pythonian alicorn behind the desk. "Hey. I'm looking for a room for a span of days," she declared. Her hoof pointed to the red lozenge-shaped jewel hanging from her necklace, the telltale insignia of a Ruby-ranked Bounty Hunter. The receptionist, smiling, offered a small, illuminating green cube—the key to her temporary abode. "Your room awaits on the third floor, Lady Velzael."

"Is my name known to you?" the Bounty Hunter inquired, weariness apparent in her gaze, a mix of surprise and fatigue clouding her eyes.

"Indeed, your reputation precedes you," she replied with a kindly smile, leafing through informational papers on Alykarn. "Would you require recommendations for your stay?"

Declining the offer, Velzael stated her intent to seclude herself for a few days, after which she would journey to Aemna. With a casual gesture, she conveyed her preference for in-room dining. Addressing the matter of payment, she presented a document, a testament to her successful bounty, signed by the academicians. The receptionist, after perusing and approving, applied a stamp to the missive. In a spectacle of verdant flames, the document disintegrated, birthing a purse laden with coins.

Some coins were claimed by the receptionist for the cost of Velzael's stay, and the remainder returned to her. "Your affairs are settled. Retreat to your room, for you appear to be in dire need of respite," the Pythonian alicorn advised, the smile still etched upon her features.

Velzael acknowledged the counsel with a muted chuckle. "Indeed. Good night and thanks," she murmured, making her way to the stairs. Ascending to her assigned quarters, she slotted the green cube into its designated orifice. The door yielded, revealing a lavish expanse befitting her high Protector standing. Yet, Velzael's attention was solely fixated on the bed. Depositing her belongings on a nearby shelf, she surrendered herself to the embrace of the sumptuous bedding. In scant moments, the Virtusian alicorn succumbed to the beckoning allure of sleep.