Chapter 07

Within the timeworn walls of the Guild Inn at Aemna, Masha, the fledgling alicorn, found herself embroiled in the mundane yet essential rites of passage toward becoming a Protector. She had envisioned her journey across Equestera as one filled with adventure and mystique, yet the reality of administrative procedures loomed heavily before her. She was unprepared for the tedium of paperwork and the rigors of bureaucracy that lay on the path to her dreams.

The mountain of documentation that lay sprawled before her was a dull contrast to the vibrant tales of heroism she yearned to create. Her ennui reached its peak in a yawn so sonorous that it drew the attention of the Fulmenian overseeing the process. His quizzical gaze, sharp as a hawk's, briefly pierced the monotony of the room, a silent reprimand for her lack of decorum.

In the periphery, Leyla, Masha's mother, adorned in a clever disguise that masked her true identity, observed with a mix of amusement and pride. She stood aloof, yet her eyes sparkled with maternal pride, seeing her daughter on the cusp of becoming a Protector. To the untrained eye, Leyla was naught but a common parent, a bystander in the grand tapestry of the Guild. But beneath her facade, she was a maelstrom of emotion, her pride in her daughter battling the frustration and boredom mirrored in Masha's eyes.

While Masha grappled with the registration process, Leyla wandered, her footsteps light, her eyes curious. She approached the mission board in the Inn's reception area, her interest piqued by the myriad of quests and updates that crisscrossed the lands of Equestera. Despite her elevated status, Leyla found herself longing for the simpler days, the smaller missions that now seemed beyond her reach as a Paladin.

Her gaze swept across the board, scrutinizing the array of missions and the ranks deemed suitable for each. Her attention was particularly captured by the requests emanating from the kingdom of the Queen of Flames. Time was of the essence; lingering too long would risk her exposure. Utilizing her levitation magic with the subtlety of a whisper, Leyla secreted away one of the requests, a clandestine act that rekindled the thrill of her earlier days as a Protector.

Upon returning to her watchful post, Leyla's eyes were met with a sight that swelled her heart with immeasurable pride. Masha, her daughter, now adorned the Protector insignia, which she had infused with her magic. It transformed into a solid necklace, gracefully encircling her neck. The Quartz rank, etched boldly upon it, was a symbol of her first step in the Guild's hierarchy. Masha's smile radiated pure elation, a reflection of her mother's pride.

The Quartz rank, while the lowest in the hierarchy, marked the beginning of a Protector's journey in the Guild. Ascending through the ranks—Jasper, Amethyst, and Opal, followed by the specialized ranks of Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald for Bounty Hunter, Harmonizer, and Weapon Master, respectively—was a path paved with successful missions, notable achievements, and groundbreaking research. The pinnacle of this hierarchy was the Paladin rank, a title bestowed not by the Guild but by the Primordial Pantheon themselves. Additionally, the revered title of "Examiner" was awarded to Protectors—at least Opal-ranked— deemed worthy, granting them the authority to judge and test new recruits.

As Leyla gazed upon Masha, she couldn't help but envision the path that lay ahead for her daughter, a journey fraught with challenges and triumphs, leading her through the esteemed ranks of the Protectors Guild. The road to Paladin, though arduous and seldom tread, now beckoned to Masha, a new chapter in her saga ready to unfold under the watchful eyes of the Primordial Pantheon.

"Mom! I've made it into the Guild! I can finally start lessons and do missions on my own," she exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious in the busy hallways.

Leyla, her eyes deep and thoughtful, replied in a tone laced with mystery, "Well, looks like we've got to change our plans a bit."

Masha's eyes, once sparkling with anticipation, clouded over with uncertainty and fear. "You're pulling me out of the Guild?" she asked, her voice trembling, as fragile as a leaf caught in a storm.

"No, Masha. It's actually the exact opposite," she reassured her daughter, putting a gentle wing on her back. "Your first mission is happening, but you're going with me," Leyla announced, her words slicing through the tension like a sharp knife.

Masha, her voice quivering with a mixture of disbelief and excitement, replied, "I'm going to assist you on a mission? For my first one?"

Leyla corrected her with a glint of pride in her eyes, "No, it's the other way around. You're leading, and I'll be there to support you."

In Masha's eyes, the dark clouds of doubt scattered, chased away by a resplendent burst of joyous revelation. It took all the strength she possessed, every fiber of restraint woven into her being, not to leap into the air, her exhilaration a bird longing for the freedom of the open sky. Leyla, her keen eyes observing the tempest of emotion within her daughter, allowed the ghost of a sly, knowing smile to cross her lips. She then strode with purpose toward the receptionist, the mission request clutched in her paw like a decree from the gods.

"Hey there. We'd like to take this mission request, please," Leyla stated, her tone firm and commanding.

Leyla's guise was as flawless as the moon on a cloudless night, yet Neri, the receptionist of the Inn, whose trust was hard-won and harder kept, saw through the veil. Over countless cycles, a bond forged in mutual respect and understanding had grown between them. Neri, with the sharpness of a seasoned scribe, recognized Leyla's many faces. With a subtle nod, a silent oath passed between them. Leyla ushered Masha away from the gathering throng and prying eyes of the front desk.

In the cozy corner of the Guild Inn, bathed in the warm glow of flickering torchlight, Masha and Leyla huddled over the mission request, their silhouettes casting soft shadows against the wooden table.

"Mom, why are we going after aggressive fire spirits? Is this mission really as straightforward as it seems?" Masha's voice carried a hint of uncertainty as she studied the parchment, her brow furrowed in concentration.

Leyla, her figure poised and graceful, leaned in closer to examine the document, her blue eyes narrowing in thought. "It seems like there's nothing more to it, doesn't it?" Her voice, tinged with wisdom earned through countless missions, held a note of caution, suggesting hidden complexities beneath the surface.

Masha, her ears twitching with curiosity, shifted in her seat, her gaze flickering between Leyla and the mission details. "Yeah."

Sensing her daughter's confusion, Leyla gently placed a paw on Masha's shoulder, offering silent reassurance. "And that's exactly what's bothering me," she murmured, her tone low but firm. With a subtle gesture, she guided Masha away from the bustling crowd to a quieter alcove in the inn, where they could speak without interruption.

Once they were settled in their secluded corner, Leyla continued, her voice a soothing melody in the tranquil atmosphere. "It reminds me of my first mission as a Paladin. What seemed normal turned dangerous because the spirits were hiding their true nature."

Masha's eyes widened with realization as she absorbed her mother's words, a newfound understanding dawning in her expression. "So you think these ones are hiding something too?"

"I think they might be. Either way, it's a good situation for us," Leyla replied, her confidence unwavering even in the face of uncertainty.

Masha nodded thoughtfully, her mind racing with possibilities. "How so?"

"If it's a straightforward mission, you get valuable practice," Leyla explained, her gaze unwavering as she met Masha's eyes.

"And if it's not?" Masha pressed, her curiosity now fully engaged.

A playful glint danced in Leyla's eyes as she leaned back in her seat, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Then, you'll see me in action."

Masha raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of her mouth. Leyla chuckled softly at her daughter's response, a fondness evident in her expression as she watched Masha's playful demeanor.

"More seriously," Leyla added, her tone softening, "it means we'll face a spirit together on your very first mission." Her eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect of the challenge ahead, her pride in Masha's abilities shining through.

The thought of such an encounter filled Masha with a mixture of exultation and trepidation, a tapestry of emotions rich and complex. Leyla, her gaze piercing the veil of her daughter's inner storm, inquired with a mother's concern, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, Mom," Masha replied, her gaze defiant yet haunted by the specters of uncertainty.

"That's not true," Leyla pressed gently, her voice a balm.

A sigh, deep and revealing, escaped Masha's lips as her inner defenses crumbled beneath her mother's all-seeing gaze. "I'm thrilled about us going on a mission together, but I'm scared too. If the spirit is really powerful, I might not be much help. I don't want to mess up our first mission together."

Leyla's smile, warm as the summer sun, conveyed understanding and unshakeable confidence. Masha's maturity, her willingness to face her limitations, these were the very values the Protectors cherished—the courage to recognize when a quest might surpass one's reach.

Seeking to allay her daughter's fears, Leyla stepped closer, draping a comforting wing over Masha's upper leg.

"Masha, you won't slow me down. I have faith in you, even if the Protectors don't fully see it yet."

"They don't?" Masha's voice trembled slightly, a note of vulnerability surfacing.

Leyla's eyes held an unshakeable belief. "What I mean is, you are destined for greatness beyond their current comprehension. The Quartz rank is but a stepping stone for you, Masha. I see in you a potential that outshines their expectations," she affirmed, her conviction unwavering.

Hearing these words of unwavering support and belief from her mother, Masha felt a surge of strength and confidence. Emotions cascading within her, she stepped forward into the embrace of her mother, finding solace in the warmth and fortitude it provided.

After a moment, Masha stepped back, her expression still thoughtful. Leyla, sensing the need for a lighter topic, said, "There's something else you need to do before your first mission."

Masha looked up. "Really? What's that?"

"You have to buy me a beer. It's a Guild tradition," Leyla declared with a playful twinkle in her eye.

The prospect of sharing a beer with her mother, a gesture symbolizing a new level of camaraderie and mutual respect, brought a renewed light to Masha's face. It was a threshold they were about to cross together, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their shared journey.

Under the golden glow of lamplight, Masha's heart pounded with an anticipatory rhythm, mirroring the lively cadence of the bustling tavern. The establishment, known as the Golden Claw, resonated with a cacophony of voices, the clinking of tankards, and the warm, earthy aroma of ale and roasting mana meats. Masha, her spirit buoyant, followed her mother, Leyla, into this haven of camaraderie and tales untold, her eyes wide with the wonder of a first experience.

Leyla, whose eyes scanned the crowded room with the wariness of a seasoned warrior, allowed Masha the lead. The young Fulmenian, filled with an eagerness bordering on reverence, strode toward the tavern's heart, intent on securing a table for them. The allure of beer, a drink so often spoken of in her household with a fond nostalgia, beckoned her with its mysterious allure. Its taste, she imagined, would be a rite of passage, a gateway into the world of adulthood and its myriad complexities.

As Masha navigated the maze of patrons, a curious creature intercepted her path. A snake, wrought from light as pure and incandescent as dawn's first rays, undulated in the air before her. Its eyes, vast and imbued with an innocence, captivated her with their ethereal beauty. The snake's translucence made it seem as if it were a living, breathing piece of the very essence of Luxia, the realm of light.

This luminous serpent, however, seemed far more interested in Leyla, circling her with a curious and unnerving interest. Leyla's visage, always calm and composed, now betrayed a hint of concern. The delicate enchantment of her disguise could be threatened by such unforeseen attention, risking exposure in a place where anonymity was her shield.

Their predicament was soon alleviated by the arrival of a young Luxian, her demeanor a whirlwind of panic and apologies. "I am so, so sorry. Momo, get back here now!" she exclaimed as the luminous snake, evidently named Momo, obeyed with a quaint, almost musical sound. The Luxian, with her fur as blue as the purest sky and eyes looking like sapphire, turned to Masha and Leyla. "Again, I am so sorry about this. Momo tends to be drawn to those who radiate intrigue."

Masha, finding humor in the situation, chuckled lightly. "It's alright. No harm was caused." The Luxian's smile was a beam of pure joy, though it faltered slightly when her gaze met Leyla's, sensing an aura of power so profound it sent a shiver down her spine.

"I'm Yua, from Luxia. It's lovely to meet you," the Luxian offered, her voice tinged with a mixture of awe and uncertainty.

"I'm Masha, and this is my mother. Are you a new Protector as well?" Masha inquired, her own eyes reflecting the curiosity that had sparked in her heart.

Yua, her demeanor shifting from anxious to proud, replied, "Oh no, I'm Jasper-ranked." As she spoke, her fur seemed to glow with an inner light, a testament to her rank and the power she wielded.

"Do you want to join us at our table? We could get to know each other," Yua proposed, her excitement palpable. Masha, sharing in the enthusiasm of potential camaraderie, glanced toward her mother, who offered a subtle, amused nod. Leyla's silent approval was all Masha needed.

"Okay, why not? Let's go," Masha agreed, her voice laced with anticipation. As they made their way, Momo, now calmer, coiled gently around Yua, a silent sentinel of light.

As they approached the table, a Ventaian known as Kolibry offered a reserved welcome. His appearance, evocative of the elusive northern alicorns, exuded a quiet dignity. Masha, unacquainted with Ventainian customs, watched Kolibry with a mixture of interest and reverence. His speech, soft and melodic, contained extra syllables that gave it a lyrical quality. These distinctive sounds of the Ventaian language made for a fluid dialogue, in sharp contrast to the abrupt, coarse cadence of the Fulmenian speech.

Kolibry, aware of Masha's intrigued gaze yet timid in the company of a female, offered a shy smile. "Is this your first encounter with a Ventaian?" he inquired, his tone a harmonious blend of foreign but soothing notes, masking his unease with a polite inquisitiveness.

Yua, eager to atone for Momo's intrusion, offered to buy them drinks, a gesture Leyla accepted with a nod of approval. As Yua departed to fulfill her self-appointed task, Kolibry and Masha engaged in a lively exchange—mostly on Masha's side, their conversation bridging the gap between Quartz and Jasper-ranked.

"Quartz doesn't suit you", Kolibry remarked, his words causing Masha to furrow her brow in confusion, a questioning gaze fixed upon him.

When the beers arrived, Masha's initial taste was met with a grimace so profound it elicited laughter from her companions, Yua's laughter ringing the loudest. "How do you all enjoy this stuff? It tastes so terrible," Masha exclaimed, her face twisted in disbelief.

"Trust me, it'll grow on you," Leyla reassured, her confidence unshaken.

The hours waned as they conversed, the bonds of newfound friendship weaving a comfortable tapestry around them, the Ventaian being a bit more at ease with the two Fulmenians. However, Leyla, ever vigilant, knew that their journey had purpose beyond these walls. Reluctantly, she signaled their departure. "We have to be on our way now. There's a mission ahead of us," her voice carried the weight of duty and responsibility.

As they prepared to leave, Yua interjected with a proposal, her excitement undeniable. "Wait! Why don't we travel together? We're heading to Ardenia too. My sister is playing Queen Luxoah in the Festival of Sorority, and I'm so excited to see her perform."

Leyla's gaze shifted to Masha, allowing her the choice. Masha, her smile broad and bright, eagerly accepted. "I don't see why not. It should be fun!"

As they departed, Leyla couldn't help but smile to herself, a silent acknowledgment that the path of a Protector was indeed Masha's destiny.