Part 03 – Instinctive fear - Chapter 09

In the heart of Pythonia stood the Arcanic Academy of Alykarn, a monumental testament to alicorn civilization's prowess. A mosaic of architectural wonders hinted at untold tales and mysteries. More than a seat of learning, it merged history with splendor.

Within its ancient corridors, knowledge thrived in tomes and scrolls, whispering tales of epochs past. Accommodations ranged from humble scholar rooms to royal suites, all-embracing luxury and elegance.

As Raybarn and young Feyn approached the renowned institution, anticipation brewed, their minds already filled with the obligatory mystical tales of the Academy's creation, Python's spell. Soft echoes accompanied their steps on the marbled floors, signaling the journey of discovery ahead. Upon arrival, custodians offered separate rooms, honoring Raybarn's status. However, Feyn, resolute in his attachment to his father, insisted on sharing one of the Academy's grand suites.

Raybarn, mindful of the sanctity, and Feyn, respectful of tradition, refrained from trivializing the sacred space. Their suite, with a grand door flanked by vast windows, comprised mirrored wings housing beds, desks, and lamps for nocturnal endeavors.

For Feyn, the suite surpassed dreams spun by his mother's tales. Nestled in the Academy's heart, it offered both seclusion and a commanding view. To soil such sanctity with ordinary deeds felt sacrilegious. Raybarn, mindful of the Academy's aura, and Feyn, eager not to disappoint, tempered their actions.

The suite, meticulously crafted, featured a grand door flanked by vast windows inviting sunlight and whispers from outside. Two wings mirrored each other, each adorned with opulent furnishings—a bed, a desk, and a lamp.

In a gesture of magnanimity, Raybarn allowed Feyn the honor of first choice. Without much thought, the young alicorn chose the right wing, unwittingly positioning himself closer to the very pulse of the Academy—the classrooms and experimental chambers.

After settling in, Feyn, driven by curiosity, approached the windows. From this vantage point, the Academy grounds sprawled below, teeming with life. The alicorns appeared as mere ants in the grand scale of things, igniting Feyn's sense of adventure.

In the vast chambers of the AAA, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Raybarn cast a tender gaze upon his son. The room, adorned with ancient tapestries, hummed with the promise of knowledge.

Feyn, on the brink of his scholarly journey, relaxed on luxurious bedding, a stark departure from their humble home. Raybarn, by the window, closed his eyes, silently seeking blessings from ancient deities for their future endeavors.

As Raybarn's prayer came to a close, Feyn, ever the inquisitive spirit, eagerly broke the hush that had befallen the room. He bombarded his father with a barrage of questions about the Academy, his voice echoing a deep-seated yearning to understand the purpose behind the venerable institution.

"Dad, what is the true aim of the Academy?" Feyn's voice pierced the quiet, his eyes alight with curiosity.

Raybarn turned to face his son, a faint smile playing upon his lips. "The Academy, my son, is far more than a mere sanctuary for Protectors. It is a crucible of knowledge, where the works of great mages and scholars of yore lie in wait for eager minds."

Feyn nodded, absorbing his father's words like a parched land welcomes rain. "So, the Protectors merely benefit from what was already created for all?"

"Precisely," Raybarn affirmed. "The Academy was not forged with a sole purpose in mind. Its halls and libraries are a trove of wisdom, accessible to all who seek to delve into the mysteries of magic and beyond."

Intrigued, Feyn pressed further, "Do the Virtusians, with their renowned might, also seek knowledge here?"

To answer, Raybarn gestured toward the window. Together, they gazed down upon the courtyard where dark-hued alicorns, unmistakably Virtusians, entered through the grand gates. "Observe them. Contrary to popular belief, some Virtusians have come to value the might of the mind over muscle."

Feyn's eyes followed the figures below, a new understanding dawning within him. "Is knowledge superior to strength, Dad?"

Raybarn walked to his desk, his steps echoing in the spacious chamber. "My son, one is not inherently superior to the other. In the dance of destiny, both intellect and strength must be partners. As a Protector, you must harness both."

"So, I must also train in combat?" Feyn said, his voice carrying trepidation.

Raybarn nodded solemnly. "Just as I did, and just as your mother does, though her path as a Weapon Master differs from yours."

Feyn's next question was tinged with a blend of awe and aspiration. "Will I be able to fight like Mom?"

Raybarn chuckled, a sound that filled the room with warmth. "Your mother is an exceptional Protector, chosen as a Paladin for her prowess. But you, my son, are destined to be a Harmoniser. Your path will be different but no less remarkable."

Their conversation strengthened their bond, weaving respect, understanding, and shared goals. Raybarn, an arcane arts devotee, saw in Feyn a kindred spirit of research and magic, nurturing their connection with encouraging words.

As twilight fell, Raybarn pledged to show Feyn the halls of study. Excitement surged within Feyn, leading him to embrace his father in gratitude. Yet, the weight of their mission loomed—studying a mysterious spirit. Together, they prepared for a journey of discovery within the Arcanic Academy of Alykarn.

As Raybarn and Feyn stepped through the oak door of their chamber, the cold stone floors of the corridor whispered under their paws, leading them toward the grand library of the Arcanic Academy of Alykarn. The sun, now a mere smudge of orange and crimson, bled its last rays through the tall, narrow windows, casting long shadows that danced upon the ancient stones.

On this evening, Raybarn had arranged a council with Naegissa and Nerath, two of the youngest yet most illustrious academicians within these hallowed walls. The spirit that troubled the Academy, an enigma wrapped in a riddle, required the keenest of minds, and Raybarn, a seasoned researcher, knew the value of collaboration in the face of such mysteries.

As father and son ventured forth from the sanctity of the main building, Raybarn, a renowned figure within the confines of the AAA, drew the attention of scholars and acolytes alike. They flocked to him, like moths to a flame, eager for a mere glimpse or a word from the esteemed Raybarn. Feyn, walking in his father's considerable shadow, couldn't help but marvel, his lips curving into a suppressed smile, at the rockstar-like status his father held in these scholarly realms.

Despite the urgency of their quest, Raybarn, ever the benevolent mentor, paused to exchange pleasantries with as many of these fervent admirers as time would allow. Books were thrust into his paws, tomes and scrolls seeking the blessing of his signature. With grace and a patient smile, Raybarn obliged, though regretfully informing the gathering crowd of his pressing commitments.

As they moved away from the throng, the suppressed chuckles of Feyn burst forth, a melody of amusement that soon found harmony with Raybarn's own hearty laughter. "It appears you're a star, Dad," Feyn quipped, amusement sparkling in his eyes.

"And so I am," he jested back, "Raybarn the Famous, indeed." Their laughter echoed down the stone corridor, a rare moment of levity in a world often too somber.

Upon reaching the solemn doors of the library, Raybarn turned to Feyn, his demeanor shifting to one of solemnity. "We enter the bastion of silence and study. What is our first rule?"

"No speaking," Feyn replied dutifully, his voice hushed in reverence to the unspoken laws of this sacred place.

"Good. Remember, we are to meet with Naegissa and Nerath, scholars of great repute. Stay close and comport yourself with dignity," Raybarn instructed, his voice a soft yet commanding echo in the hallowed hallway.

"Yes, Dad." Feyn nodded, his heart pounding with a mix of nervousness and excitement.

As the massive doors of the library creaked open, a wave of awe washed over Feyn. The lobby was a sanctum designed with an austerity that spoke of deep reverence for knowledge.

The colors of the walls, muted yet not bleak, held a subdued elegance, complemented by torches that cast a gentle glow, their flames tamed to respect the sanctity of the space.

Within the lobby, walls displayed artifacts of dark allure, relics of ancient magic. At its center stood an intricately detailed marble statue of Python, Queen of Arcane. Her seven magical artifacts encircled her, directing paths to the library's sections, symbolizing Python's guidance in their scholarly endeavors.

They chose the portal of Storm, which teleported them inside a secluded chamber, a sanctum where the greatest minds of the Academy delved into their Arcane research. It was here that Naegissa, often shrouded in an aura of aloofness, spent her days, her demeanor as cold and impenetrable as the ancient tomes she studied. Her counterpart, Nerath, though equally brilliant, was less tethered to the library, her pursuits often leading her beyond the confines of stone walls.

Together, father and son proceeded, each step a stride deeper into the heart of Arcane wisdom, where secrets of the universe waited, whispered between the lines of ancient texts and in the hushed conversations of the Academy's most revered scholars.

In the hallowed halls of the Academy, where the whispers of knowledge echoed through corridors steeped in history, Naegissa was a solitary figure of enigmatic brilliance. Many believed her intelligence stemmed from her extensive solitude, surrounded by ancient tomes rather than the company of fellow alicorns. Yet, this was merely the surface of her profound intellect, a gift bestowed at birth and matched by only a rare few, Nerath among them. It was this kinship of minds that had intertwined their fates, drawing them together in a bond of scholarly pursuit.

Raybarn and his son Feyn ventured through the Storm section of the grand library, a testament to centuries of accumulated wisdom. For Feyn, every corner of this vast repository of knowledge was a revelation, leaving him awestruck. As they approached the special room, Nerath greeted them with a knowing smile.

"Welcome, Raybarn," she said, her eyes shifting to the younger companion. "And how do you find our library, Feyn?"

Feyn glanced toward his father, seeking a silent affirmation before replying. "It's like stepping into a world of endless wonder. I hope to explore more, perhaps the books, after our mission." Nerath's expression softened, pleasantly surprised. Turning to Raybarn, she remarked, "You have raised a true seeker of knowledge." Then, with a conspiratorial grin, she leaned toward Feyn, whispering, "Fear not, I shall ensure you witness the heart of our collection."

Their steps led them to Naegissa, who sat ensconced in her studies, seemingly oblivious to their presence. Her detachment was not out of disdain but a deep immersion in her scholarly pursuits. As they approached, she lifted her gaze, her demeanor unchanging despite the presence of Raybarn, a titan among academicians whose works she had studied extensively.

"Naegissa," Nerath introduced, "I bring Raybarn, as you know, and his son Feyn, a budding mind in our midst." Naegissa offered a nod, her expression unreadable, as Raybarn stepped forward. "A pleasure to finally meet you, Naegissa. Your reputation precedes you. My son, Feyn, is here to assist in our endeavors. He may not be an academician yet, but his brilliance is undeniable."

Naegissa's gaze flickered briefly, a silent storm of emotion hidden behind her stoic façade as she reflected on her own lost opportunities for parental pride. Noticing the subtle shift in Naegissa's demeanor, Nerath quickly redirected the conversation to their primary task. "Let's delve into the matter at hoof," she said, guiding them into a more in-depth discussion.

As Nerath shared her findings on the mysterious spirit, the group listened intently. "Its magic was not aberrant per se, but there was an unusual signature, subtle yet unmistakable," she explained. Raybarn absorbed every word, pondering the implications, while Feyn, driven by a sudden impulse, interjected with a question that displayed his burgeoning intellect. "Was the capture of this spirit challenging? The nature of its confinement might hint at its strength."

Raybarn looked at his son with a mix of surprise and pride. Naegissa observed silently, perhaps internally acknowledging Feyn's boldness. Nerath nodded in approval. "Indeed, the capture was arduous. Many Protectors vanished in pursuit, highlighting the spirit's formidable nature…"

The air was heavy with the scent of old books and the undercurrent of secrets untold. Shadows danced along the walls, playing hide and seek with the flickering candlelight.

Naegissa, her voice seldom heard yet carrying the weight of ominous portents, broke the silence. "The strangest part for me was that the report of the Protectors mentioned a crippling presence emanating from a third party," she interjected, her tone unexpectedly calm yet imbued with an unsettling depth. Feyn felt a shiver snake down his spine, the notion of another powerful alicorn manipulating this specter casting a dark, foreboding cloud over their fates.

Raybarn, however, stood as unyielding as a granite statue, his visage betraying no emotion. Yet beneath that stoic exterior, his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, analyzing, strategizing, seeking solutions in the midst of uncertainty.

Naegissa's intervention was chilling in its own right, her voice echoing in the chamber for the first time, calm and detached yet hiding layers of depth. It was a voice that could unsettle the most stalwart soul, making the bravest quake at its cold, intimidating timbre.

Raybarn, seasoned by countless cycles of scholarly pursuit, spoke next. "This case is singularly unique. Never in all my cycles as a researcher have I encountered anything quite like this. Yet, it fills me with deep concern." His voice, rich with experience, resonated through the hall, and Feyn clung to each word, sensing the gravity of their predicament.

"What worries you, Raybarn?" Nerath inquired, tilting her head to the side, her ears twitching.

"It's the unknowns," Raybarn replied, his tone grave. "In any investigation, the unknowns are the most troubling aspect."

"You're right," came the agreement. "What shall we do?"

Raybarn pondered before responding, "The best course is to witness it ourselves. Shall we visit the spirit's holding?"

Nerath glanced toward Naegissa, who remained as nonchalant as ever. Receiving no objection, Nerath nodded in assent.

"We should go there," she agreed. "It might provide better insight." With a shared understanding, they rose, each lost in thought, and made their way toward the secure laboratory. Nerath led the way, with Raybarn and Feyn following and Naegissa trailing behind, a silent specter in their midst.

In the library, Nerath was momentarily detained by an administrative alicorn, her apologetic glance fleeting toward her companions waiting in the lobby. During this pause, Naegissa, ever enigmatic, saw an opportunity. She sought to test Raybarn and Feyn's recall of the information provided by Nerath.

"Raybarn," she began, "could you summarize Nerath's briefing? It's crucial we're aligned in understanding."

Raybarn, sensing something beneath her query, attempted to comply yet found himself grappling with an unnerving blankness in his memory. He struggled to piece together the conversation, a sense of disquiet growing within him. Feyn, too, mirrored his father's confusion, a faint fear flickering in his eyes.

Naegissa observed their disarray, a shadow of satisfaction crossing her features. Before the situation could escalate, Nerath returned, and they resumed their journey toward the laboratory.

Approaching the laboratory, Naegissa abruptly halted, announcing her need to attend to urgent matters. Nerath, caught off guard, turned to inquire, but Naegissa had vanished like a wraith.

Nerath, turning to her Fulmenian guests, offered an apologetic look. "I'm sorry for the disruption. Please, don't mind her. There's nothing amiss here."

Raybarn, who had quietly observed Naegissa's peculiar behavior since their arrival, chose to remain silent. He understood the importance of tactful observation, wary of causing unintended ripples in unfamiliar waters.

The trio watched in silence as Naegissa disappeared, an awkward tension enveloping them. Nerath, recognizing the need for clarity in collaboration, decided it was time to unveil the truth about Naegissa.

Just outside the laboratory, Nerath unveiled the tapestry of Naegissa's troubled past. "You must understand, Naegissa has been besieged by personal tragedies. Both her parents were Protectors who never returned from a mission to capture a rogue spirit. Her life has been shadowed by this loss."

In that revelation, Naegissa's image transformed in the eyes of Raybarn and Feyn. No longer the aloof academician, she emerged as a figure marred by deep-seated grief. Nerath implored them to see beyond Naegissa's exterior to understand her inner turmoil and genuine emotions.

"It's fine," came the understanding reply. "We hope for her well-being. Let us proceed inside."

As they entered the laboratory, Feyn cast a lingering glance in the direction Naegissa had vanished. Despite his father's acceptance, doubts clouded his mind, though he knew there was little he could do but follow.