Part 04 – The Wingless - Chapter 13

In the waning light of an ebbing day, young Masha, with dreams woven of valor and the noble path of the Protector as her inheritance, contemplated her nascent journey. She was of the line of Fulmenia, her heart as fierce as the land itself, but she had scarce imagined that the weft of her destiny would entwine with souls so varied this early in her quest. With the blood of her lineage singing in her veins, she found camaraderie with a Luxian, resplendent in the light, and a Ventaian, coming from snowy mountains—diversity cradling her in its unexpected embrace.

It was Leyla, her mother, who unfurled the map of their undertaking. They were bound for the shrouded realm of Ardenia, a name whispered with reverence and a hint of untamed wilds. Yua, of Luxian grace, and Kolibry, a Ventaian with the depth of night in his gaze, shared this path, their own tales knotted with the same purpose. Masha, whose yearning to traverse the roads of Ardenia with her mother clung to her like morning dew, nonetheless opened the gates of her spirit to forge bonds with these kindred alicorns of youthful vigor.

Leyla, with eyes that had seen the turning of ages and the silent sorrow of farewells, recognized the tapestry of camaraderie enveloping her daughter. And so she stayed her tongue, permitting the journey to entwine them, her silent vigilance a steady beacon. Yet beneath the surface of her calm, there flowed a mother's ceaseless current of concern, poised to become the maelstrom should shadows seek to mar her child's luminance.

Days, adorned with the gold and rubies of dawn and dusk, unfolded on the road to Ardenia. Each eve found Masha's spirit soaring as the constellations told their ancient stories. The toll upon her frame was but a whisper compared to the symphony of her heart, buoyed by the psychological tapestry of connection and discovery.

As the quartet journeyed, Leyla, with the wisdom of the stars in her eyes, seldom pierced the veil of their youthful exuberance. Her voice, when it joined the melody of their travel, was a chord of mirth or a strain of ancient Paladin wisdom. The secret of her mantle—the revered Third Paladin of Equestera—remained cloaked beneath the skies of their ignorance, and she, a mother not just in flesh but in spirit, deemed it prudent to let that knowledge lie dormant.

Communion was their hearth—sharing sustenance from the bounty of the earth, gathering wood as the sun bowed to the horizon, and finding repose beneath the tapestry of night, woven with dreams and the silent songs of the stars. But Leyla, a sentinel of the old ways, kept her third eye as open as the skies above, wary of tempests hidden in the guise of calm seas.

Their path wound through Fulmenia, where the forests of the north guarded the threshold to Ardenia. Though days had passed under the watchful gaze of the celestial dome, no malevolent spirit had laid claim to their peace. Spirits there were, flitting on the edges of perception, but they sought no quarrel, content in their ethereal sojourns.

Their ease, a fragile bubble in the cauldron of the world, was a testament to youthful innocence. Yet, Leyla, grizzled by the winds of caution, stood ever vigilant. Her gaze cut through the veils of complacency, her mind a fortress against the encroaching night.

Leading this band of nascent warriors were Masha and Yua, their laughter the chorus of the dawn, their steps light upon the earth. Momo, the faithful companion to Yua, perched like a crown upon her brow, a sentinel in his own right. Kolibry, his voice a rare jewel, contributed to the weft of their dialogue, though oft he walked in solitude, save for the times when Momo would weave circles around him in a dance of friendship.

And there, a shadow amongst shadows, Leyla followed—the Paladin whose very breath was an oath, whose silence was a guardian's hymn, who knew that the truest steel was forged in the quietest fires. Her vigilance was an unspoken covenant with the ancients, a promise that not even the silent whisper of danger would pass her by unchallenged.

As they made their way across the sprawling landscapes, with the wind whispering secrets to the grass beneath their paws and hooves, Masha's spirit soared with an unexplainable zest. It was as if she had tapped into some ancient energy that propelled her with increasing vivacity as their journey progressed. She turned her curious gaze to Yua, peppering her with a myriad of questions about the peculiar customs of the Luxians.

"So, what's the deal with the Festival of Sorority? Why do you guys celebrate it?" Masha's question floated on the breeze, laced with a genuine thirst for knowledge.

Yua's lips curled into a familiar smile, one that spoke of many such conversations past. "The Festival is pretty much a big party for the bond between Ardenu and Luxoah, and yeah, it's for Ardenia and Luxia too. It's just about unity."

"Really? That's it?" Masha's voice conveyed a mixture of disbelief and wonder as she glanced around the dense Fulmenian Woods as if expecting some grand revelation to accompany Yua's words.

Yua nodded, her voice warm with remembrance, a soft glow emanating from her horn casting gentle shadows amidst the foliage, using her telekinesis to play with some leaves. "The two queens, they've got this epic bond. I mean, it's tighter than anything you've seen. The play during the festival is all about showing that off to everyone."

"I've caught bits and pieces about this play. What's it actually about?" Masha inquired, her ears twitching with interest as she tuned into Yua's tale.

"It's a kind of reenactment, you know? It shows the moment they exchange this amazing gift, something that symbolizes their friendship." Yua answered. Her light coatl, Momo, danced around her, its ethereal form weaving through the air like a streak of light.

"And I guess this whole friendship deal works out well for alicorns from both those places?" Masha's eyes sparkled with curiosity, her tail flicking lightly against the underbrush.

"Absolutely. The bond's so solid it even changes how we handle our own mess-ups." Yua's mane shimmered with a faint iridescence, reflecting the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy above.

"How does that work?" Masha questioned, her brow furrowing slightly in concentration.

"Well, Luxoah and Ardenu decided if an alicorn screws up and it involves both kingdoms, the queen of where the alicorn is from gets to call the shots on the punishment." Masha's face scrunched up, clearly not quite getting it. Yua cleared her throat and prepared to simplify her explanation.

"I'm not really hitting the mark, am I? Let's try this again. Imagine a Luxian gets caught stealing in Ardenia. Normally, the local law would deal with it, right?" Yua's horn pulsed gently, grabbing carefully Momo to place it on her back.

Masha's head bobbed in agreement, her eyes widening in comprehension.

"But with this agreement, Luxoah steps in to sort out the punishment instead because the troublemaker is one of hers." Yua's words hung in the air, punctuated by the rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds.

"Wait, what?!" Masha's surprise was genuine and writ clear on her face, her eyes widening as she processed the implications. From the back of the group, Leyla watched the two with a soft smile, admiring the ease with which her daughter conversed, her own tail swaying gently in agreement with the rhythm of their exchange.

"Enough about Luxia, what's Fulmenia like? The books I've read don't tell me much," Yua's tone was filled with eager curiosity, her eyes flitting between the towering trees of the Fulmenian Woods, as if searching for clues about this mysterious land.

Masha's grin spread wide, her ears twitching with excitement as she began to paint a picture of her homeland. "Fulmenia's like this big family. Sure, we're a tight bunch, but it's home, you know?" Her tail swayed gently behind her, brushing against the forest floor with a soft rustle.

"Is that so?" Yua's voice was laced with intrigue, her horn casting a gentle glow that illuminated the path ahead.

"Yeah, and there's something funny about our king's High-Priestesses." Masha leaned in conspiratorially, her feline-like front paws flexing against the ground in anticipation.

"What's that? And wait…High-Priestesses, on plural?!" Yua's eyes widened in surprise, her familiar, Momo, coiling around her neck as if eager to hear the tale.

"Yes, there are three of them! And neither are Harmonizers—they're all Weapon Masters." Yua's eyes went wide with surprise, and Masha chuckled, enjoying the moment.

"For real?" Yua's voice carried a hint of disbelief, her horn glowing brighter in her excitement.

"Yeah, they're just a bit older than me, and they've got this sneaky, playful side. Lots of pranks when they're not doing their official stuff." Masha's laughter bubbled up like a brook, filling the air with a sense of warmth and camaraderie.

"That's…different." Yua's voice held a note of fascination, her tail swishing gently behind her as she processed this newfound knowledge.

"And get this—not all of us Fulmenians are made the same." Masha's gaze shifted to her own paws as if to emphasize her point. "Look at my paws, front and back. Notice anything?" Yua peered closely, her eyes lighting up as she caught the difference.

"Oh, I see it now!" Yua exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement.

"The front ones are what we call 'felines,' and the back are 'canines.' Means I'm built more for strength than speed. Some others in Fulmenia are the opposite, making them faster." Masha's words flowed like a gentle stream, carrying with them a sense of pride in her heritage.

Yua was clearly taken with the new knowledge, wondering about her own would-be strengths, her horn flickering with a soft light.

"And that muscle? Is that a Fulmenian thing, too? I thought only the Virtusians were that buff," Yua asked, a note of playful envy in her voice.

Masha blushed, fumbling for words, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. But before she could respond, Leyla's voice floated forward, tinged with mirth, "Not exactly. That's more about her wanting to be the top Protector—literally. She's a little over the top with it, muscles and all, even more than me!"

"M-Mom!" Masha's flustered voice followed her tone, a mix of protest and pride. "Need the strength to protect as many alicorns as I can!" Her paws shifted nervously, betraying her embarrassment despite her attempt to maintain composure.

As Masha steered the conversation away from her physique and back to the wonders of Fulmenia, Kolibry eased his pace, drawing abreast with Leyla. She acknowledged his approach with nothing more than a slight nod, keeping her gaze fixed on the path ahead, her expression unreadable—a masterful act of nonchalance as their journey continued.

In the verdant sprawl of the Fulmenian Forest, where the whispers of the ancient trees told tales of eons past, Kolibry struggled with a deeply personal affliction. Each attempt to speak to Leyla was thwarted by an invisible force that clenched around his throat, silencing him. This son of Ventaia lived in a world where females reigned supreme in the skies, their numbers eclipsing those of the males as stars do the moon. It was a battle he fought within, a battle against a phantom fear.

Leyla, who had traversed this path under the guidance of her own mentor, saw the young stallion's struggle. She donned silence like armor, offering him the gift of time, that he might summon the courage to face his inner demons.

Kolibry misread her silence as contempt, imagining her clawed paws raised in impending judgment. Yet these shadows in his mind would not dissuade him from seeking the illumination of dialogue.

When his words finally broke through, they did so with a tremulous uncertainty. "Ma'am," his voice quivered, "Could I ask you something, if that's okay?"

As they walked side by side, Leyla faced him, her expression unreadable, which sent a shiver down his spine. But then, to his surprise, she burst into laughter, a sound that cut through his unease like a ray of sunshine through clouds.

"Don't freak out, kiddo," she said, a playful twinkle in her eye, "I'm not about to pounce on you. Not here, at least." Her wink dissolved the last remnants of his dread, leaving a nervous chuckle in its wake.

Leyla's smile softened. "I'm just messing with you, Kolibry."

"I'm sorry about that," Kolibry mumbled. "I didn't mean to make it weird…"

Leyla raised an eyebrow and chuckled lightly. "It's fine. I get it, really. Been there myself," she reassured him with a gentle tone.

Kolibry looked briefly at Yua before returning his gaze to Leyla, a mix of admiration and something more lingering in his eyes. "I just…female alicorns have always kind of blown me away, you know?"

"Oh? Do tell," Leyla nudged, tilting her head to the side.

"Well, back in Ventia, I was pretty much surrounded by badass ladies pulling off all sorts of amazing stuff."

Leyla nodded, her intuition sensing more to his story. "So, that's why you signed up for the Protectors? To chase that sort of greatness?"

Kolibry nodded, his eyes holding a silent intensity. Leyla pressed on, sensing his vulnerability.

"Those feats ever scare you? Make you feel a bit…out of your depth?"

He hesitated, the words coming slower, heavier. "Yeah, I mean…seeing all that power, it's quite daunting."

"Hey, no worries," Leyla reassured him, her voice as comforting as a warm blanket. "It's normal to feel that way."

"But there's something about you," Kolibry hastened to add. "You're not like the others."

Just as he spoke, Leyla froze, her wing snapping out to block him. Yua and Masha, oblivious, had moved ahead. They were near the 'Akronoma'—the most poisonous yet benign-looking spirit in the Fulmenian Forest.

This being, resembling a limbless insect with a back crowned by venomous spikes, crawled past them, its presence a silent threat. The Akronoma's poison could be deadly, yet it harbored no aggression; the unfortunate ones were simply those not wary of their surroundings.

Thanks to Leyla's swift action, Kolibry was spared from becoming another of its victims. The Akronoma passed by without incident, and Kolibry looked at Leyla with eyes wide with gratitude. Her quick thinking had saved him, demonstrating again that the tales of female courage he had held in awe were not just stories, but truths he had now witnessed firsthoof.

In the twilight's embrace, with the Fulmenian Forest whispering secrets through the trees, Leyla and Kolibry walked a path of dappled shadows and quiet revelations. The ground beneath them held the stories of ancient spirits while the air carried the weight of unspoken words.

"Thanks, ma'am," Kolibry said, his voice low and tinged with a respect that stretched wide as the canopy above.

Leyla nodded, her gesture slicing through the thick air, a silent acknowledgment rich with meaning.

"You know, ma'am, there's something about you," Kolibry started, his words gaining strength as they floated into the forest's musty air. "It's not the usual thing I feel around other alicorns. It's deeper."

Her smile flickered like the light of a firefly before it disappeared under her inscrutable gaze. "Oh? Go on then, spill it."

Kolibry caught the shift in her demeanor and pushed on. "Your aura—it's different. It's like you're not just another alicorn to me."

Leyla's face remained unreadable as the silence stretched between them like the vast sky. Kolibry couldn't resist filling it. "We're solid, you know. You don't have to keep your guard up with us."

"With us?" Her eyebrow arched, the surprise seeping into her voice for a fleeting moment.

"Yeah, Yua and me. You can drop the act. We're all friends here," Kolibry said, hoping to breach the walls of Leyla's reserve.

For a heartbeat, Leyla paused, shock crossing her features like a shadow over still water. But she recovered swiftly, her steps resuming their steady rhythm. "You're pretty direct for a shy one, aren't you?" She said. "So what's on your mind, really?"

Kolibry winced. "I didn't mean to overstep…"

"Don't sweat it. But why the big reveal?" Leyla asked, her tone softened with a touch of curiosity.

"Well, we're hitting the border soon, right? There'll be checks…for all of us. Thought it might be better to clear the air before that."

Leyla allowed herself a small, impressed nod. "You're sharp, Kolibry. More than you know."

He blushed lightly. "Thanks, ma'am."

"If I'm correct, you have a gift, right? Something that helps you see more…?"

Kolibry's chest swelled a little with pride. "Yeah, I can sense the magical aura…the vibe of each alicorn. Tells me about their strength."

"Vibe, huh? That's a handy trick. It'll serve you well," Leyla commented, her gaze flicking ahead to where Masha and Yua were lost in their own world of discussion.

She sighed softly and faced Kolibry again. "Guess there's no harm in letting you in on a secret," she said, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I'm Leyla the Lightning, Third Paladin of Equestera."

Recognition dawned in Kolibry's wide eyes. "That name…it's like a legend where I come from. I never guessed it was you."

"Just Leyla is fine," she said with a smile that was almost tender.

Kolibry hesitated, the awe still clinging to him. "But why keep it under wraps? Just to avoid a crowd?"

"Exactly," Leyla confirmed with a nod.

Kolibry chewed on his lip, his admiration battling his nerves. "Got it…Leyla." Her name felt strange yet thrilling on his tongue, a powerful incantation all its own.