Chapter 15

As the fiery orb of dawn kissed the edges of the Fulmenian Forest, the world awoke in hues of ember and gold, breathing life into the silhouettes of ancient trees. It was here, amidst the whispers of leaves and the soft murmur of the waking woods, that Masha and her companions found themselves threading through the threshold of a new morn. Their spirits, buoyed by the revelry of the prior night's camaraderie, were as bright as the morning stars fading in the burgeoning light.

The evening past had unfurled as an unexpected tapestry of joy and laughter, a treasured interlude on their road to Akasa's festivities and their covert endeavors alike. Leyla, with eyes discerning as the forest hawks, had chosen a glade that promised safety in the wilderness's heart—a verdant chamber where they would shelter under the forest's watchful gaze. Here, the younger three were tasked with foraging to wrest sustenance from the forest that teemed with ethereal beings whose very essence served as nourishment for the alicorns.

Yet, as if by some whispered agreement amongst themselves, the usually abundant mana-rich spirits had seemingly retreated into the unseen cradle of hibernation. The trio scoured the underbrush and canopies, their search thorough, but no ethereal quarry graced their path. Leyla, though touched by the gnaw of hunger, saw in this absence an opportunity for lessons more nourishing than food. She counseled them to embrace the moment as a crucible to temper their instincts, to hone the keen edge of their awareness that a Protector must wield as deftly as any blade.

She instructed them in the art of perception, for in the woods, danger lurked not only in the shadow of a predator but also in the silent threat of venom and thorn. It was a ballet of the senses they danced, with ears straining for the whisper of life and noses attuned to the subtle perfume of prey. They ventured from Leyla's chosen sanctum, mindful to carve a trail of markers back to safety, like breadcrumbs left in the wake of their silent passage.

The woods tested their patience until, at length, a Fulm—a spirit small in stature but immense in essence—materialized before them. Cloaked in the ethereal garb of thunder magic, its translucent form seemed to crackle with the raw power of a tempest, its spiky fur a crown of living lightning. Yet, the Fulm's acute hearing, legendary amongst the spirits of the realm, compounded their challenge, for it had ensconced itself amidst a copse littered with twigs and dry leaves that threatened to betray their presence with the slightest misstep.

With whispered strategies and exchanged glances, the trio wove a plan as intricate as the webs in the morning dew. Kolibry and Masha, with minds entwined, marshaled their telekinesis to coax the foliage into a subtle performance, a symphony of rustling leaves that sent the Fulm bounding toward the snare they had set. It was Yua, patient as the eternal stones, who awaited its flight. As the Fulm leaped, she ensnared it within a prism of light as unyielding as the truths of the world.

Triumphant, they returned to where Leyla had conjured flame from the cold hearth of night, transforming it into a beacon that promised warmth and feast. They presented their prize, and as the Fulm roasted, the aroma mingled with their tales, and laughter became the melody of their twilight congregation. Leyla's approval shone in her eyes, though she reserved her counsel for the morrow, not wishing to dim the glow of pride that embraced them all.

And so, beneath the tapestry of stars and the symphony of the nocturnal woods, they surrendered to slumber's embrace, cradled by dreams of the road ahead and the secrets that lay veiled within the folds of the ever-deepening quest.


Dawn had scarcely unfurled its golden banners across the Fulmenian Forest when the company stirred from slumber. The night's rest had been deep and restorative, cradling them in the solace of dreams and the soft lullaby of the forest's nocturne. They broke their fast and embarked upon the day's journey, a mere ten-minute walk summoning forth the first encounter with the forest's spectral denizens since their venture commenced.

In contrast to the Fulm they had outwitted on the eve, these new spirits were but shadows, elusive and ephemeral as the morning mist. They drifted above the loam, singular wings and shadowed forms adrift upon the woodland's breath. Each carried within them a beacon of pulsing light, a rhythmic glow akin to the heartbeat of a creature wrought from the very weave of magic.

These shades of the forest sought no quarrel, passing the travelers by with a peaceful grace. Masha and her comrades led the way, their eyes drinking in the sight, while Leyla brought up the rear, her senses cast wide for any sign of peril that might stalk them from the shadows.

It was then that Leyla's intuition whispered of a discordant thread in the forest's harmony. With urgency born of a Protector's oath, she alerted the trio to the brewing storm within the stillness. "Be vigilant," she warned, her voice carrying the gravity of impending tumult. Her Protector's sense was afire with premonition, the subtle yet discernible scent of danger that might not yet spell doom but could wreak havoc upon the unwary.

Leyla's gaze became a sentinel's watch, sweeping over the spectral procession for the harbinger of this unease. Masha, with youthful zeal, sought to emulate her mother's vigilance, though her inexperienced eyes might as well have been searching for a whisper in the wind. Yua beckoned her familiar, Momo, to scout ahead, but the creature clung to her in stubborn refusal, an omen that tightened Yua's throat with anxiety.

Kolibry, too, employed his keen senses in the quest for clarity, but the enigma eluded even his exceptional perception. The air hung heavy with an unspoken question until it was shattered by the plaintive cry of a solitary spirit. The pack it traveled with paused not but continued their ghostly pilgrimage, save for this one whose heart light flickered and faltered like a candle in a tempest's throes.

"Withdraw from that spirit," Leyla's command was sharp and imperative. Masha and Yua, nearest the spectacle, hesitated but a fraction before a flare of violent luminescence sent them hurtling toward the rough embrace of an ancient tree. Kolibry, ever the sentinel, hastened to their aid while Leyla divided her focus between the errant spirit and her daughter, her relief palpable when she saw Masha unharmed.

The spirit's light had morphed into a frenetic blaze, a pyre in its chest that belied an impending maelstrom of magical fury, fire veins spreading in its wings. Its keening wail was a clarion call that drew the other spirits near, only for them to be consumed by its ravenous luminance—a spectacle so harrowing that it seared itself into Masha's memory, defying all she knew of the spectral world's order.

In the wake of its feast, the spirit's heart split into a furious rage, and it commenced a metamorphosis most vile. Shadows peeled back to reveal a core of roiling magma, a transformation from wraith to inferno. Leyla's instincts flared, driving her to shield her charges from the searing heat that now threatened to desecrate the forest's sanctity.

It was this peril that roused Masha from daughter to Protector, her resolve steeling as she stepped past Leyla's protective reach. "Come, Voltstrike," her invocation summoned her Soul Weapon, the hammer's manifestation a tangible symbol of her fierce determination. Her companions beheld the weapon, their awe mingled with the weight of the moment, "Don't get involved, Mom. I got this one."

Masha's declaration was a promise, a line drawn between the devouring spirit and the untouched sanctum of the forest. She had perceived the encroaching danger, the threat to life and land, and with her mother yielding the fore to her, Masha prepared to uphold the mantle she had assumed. The battle was hers to command, a testament to the path she had chosen as a Protector of Equestera.

In the hush of dawn, under the towering trees of an ancient woodland, a tension filled the air, thick as a summer storm. Masha, the embodiment of valor, stood levitating her Soul Weapon, an extension of her very being, at the ready. She faced off against the magmatic spirit, determination burning as brightly in her eyes as the flames within her foe.

In a flurry of calculated movements, Voltstrike met the spirit's blazing form, eliciting a sharp hiss of agony. Masha felt a surge of adrenaline mingled with a tinge of apprehension as the fiery onslaught raged on. Her body moved with trained fluidity, yet the searing touch of the spirit's molten wrath left her fur singed.

Despite the stinging pain, Masha remained resolute, her resolve burning as fiercely as the flames before her. With a flicker of intuition, she recognized a chink in the spirit's fiery armor, a vulnerability waiting to be exploited. As she deftly parried the relentless stream of magma, a spark of hope ignited within her.

With each lightning strike, she felt a surge of exhilaration as the spirit's defenses faltered. Yet, amidst the chaos, a sense of urgency gripped her. She needed to act swiftly before the spirit regained its footing. A plan began to take shape in her mind, a gambit born of desperation and cunning.

But the spirit was no fool. Sensing Masha's growing confidence, it unleashed a frenzied assault, its movements becoming an unpredictable tempest of destruction. Masha's strikes were met with evasive maneuvers, each attempt thwarted by the spirit's relentless onslaught. In the midst of battle, Masha knew that victory would require more than just skill—it would demand every ounce of her determination and wit.

The true menace of the spirit revealed itself in the chaos of battle as they formed molten projectiles, each a lethal threat seeking to consume all in its path. Yua, attuned to Masha's plight, felt a surge of courage as she stepped forward, her magic weaving a luminous barrier in an attempt to ensnare the frenzied spirit.

For Masha, the respite afforded by Yua's intervention was a welcome reprieve. She expressed gratitude toward her comrade, a fleeting moment of solace amidst the turmoil of combat. With renewed focus, she summoned the elemental forces at her command, unleashing a thunderous roar that sent the spirit reeling.

Yet, with each strike, Masha couldn't shake the pang of guilt that gnawed at her conscience. With each defiant move from the spirit, the land suffered, innocent flora and fauna paying the price for their confrontation—it weighed heavily upon her heart.

Their fleeting triumph was short-lived, shattered by the spirit's desperate cry summoning reinforcements. Masha's determination flared anew as she faced the initial spirit head-on, her resolve unyielding even as the odds stacked against them.

Beside her, Yua's energy waned, her efforts focused on aiding Kolibry in maintaining their defenses against the relentless onslaught. The sight of her friend's struggle only fuelled Masha's determination further, a silent vow to protect those she held dear.

As the battle raged on, Kolibry's summons bolstered their ranks, spectral avians joining the fray in a desperate bid to turn the tide. Yet, with each vanquished foe replaced by another, the sense of futility grew ever larger, casting a shadow over their valiant effort.

Locked in a deadly dance with the first spirit, Masha's movements were a blur of calculated strikes and evasive maneuvers. Each clash left her body battered and her spirit weary, yet she refused to yield, drawing upon reserves of strength she didn't know she possessed.

With a fierce determination burning in her eyes, she unleashed a devastating surge of lightning, shattering the spirit's fiery form into oblivion. The victory was hard-won, leaving Masha drained but unbowed, a testament to her indomitable will amidst the chaos of battle.

As the clash raged on around her, Leyla's keen senses honed in on the shifting dynamics of the conflict. She felt a swell of admiration for Masha, every scar and bruise a testament to her courage and resilience.

Yet, even the strongest falter under the weight of relentless assault, and Leyla sensed the toll it was taking on her companions. Yua's flame flickered with waning strength, her efforts to maintain their defenses taking a toll on her will. With Kolibry focused on directing their spectral allies, Leyla saw an opportunity, a chance to tip the scales in their favor.

In a moment of clarity, Leyla shed her guise, allowing the full extent of her power to radiate forth in a luminous aura. It was a sight to behold, her presence commanding attention and respect amidst the chaos of battle. With deliberate grace, she stepped forward, ready to unleash the full might of her ancient heritage upon their foes.

"Yua, disband the shields," Leyla's voice cut through the tension, demanding immediate compliance.

"All of them?" Yua's voice wavered, uncertainty clouding her gaze.

"Without exception." There was an inexplicable allure in Leyla's words, a deep-seated assurance that prompted Yua to acquiesce.

Leyla, with a grace that bespoke her experience, summoned her Soul Weapon, Thunderbolg. The might of it left even the confident Yua humbled. As the weapon gleamed menacingly, Masha managed a faint smile, a mix of pride for her mother and pity for the spirits, blissfully unaware of the storm about to descend upon them.

Thunderbolg, a manifestation of Leyla's indomitable spirit, thrummed with unbridled electric fury, causing even Yua's fur to ripple in response. With a movement that blurred the lines between art and warfare, the weapon danced, rendering spirits powerless, marking a decisive victory for Leyla.

Stunned silence draped Yua as she took in the unparalleled prowess she had just witnessed. As the lingering spirits dissipated into nothingness, Kolibry recalled his ethereal companions, and the land, once scarred by

conflict, found its serenity once more. Masha, summoning her remaining strength, stumbled toward her comrades.

"To witness the Third Paladin in all her glory," Yua whispered, reverence coloring her every word, "is a privilege. Can you teach us a few things, ma'am?"

"Definitely. I definitely will," Leyla responded, a playful glint in her eyes.

"But why didn't you reveal yourself earlier?" asked Yua, tilting her head to the side and raising an eyebrow.

"I prefer to be discreet. The attention can be…problematic," the Paladin responded with a wink.

In the aftermath of the fray, the scarred earth beneath them bore testament to the intensity of their recent battle. As the fine tendrils of settling dust danced with the sunlight, Leyla, her silhouette standing tall and majestic, motioned toward Yua and Kolibry with a graceful paw. "Alright, you two, gather those glinting crystals. We shouldn't dally."

She then turned her attention to Masha, whose habits were scratched and singed, the cloak she wore torn in places. There was a quiet exhaustion evident in the droop of her shoulders, a weariness that Leyla couldn't ignore. "You alright, Masha?" Leyla's voice carried a hint of concern, a maternal softness that was in stark contrast to her formidable presence.

Drawing a labored breath and forcing a weak grin, Masha responded, "I've been through worse, Mom. But a bit of rest wouldn't hurt." In response, Leyla, her horn starting to glow, summoned a radiant bolt of lightning. The bolt, tinged with a soft blue hue, spiraled around Masha, seeking out injuries, mending torn flesh, and knitting broken bone. The energy rejuvenated Masha's spirit, and her posture straightened. "That's…way better. Thanks, Mom."

Leyla's nod, filled with a blend of pride and relief, acknowledged her daughter's resilience. "You held your own out there," she commended as Yua and Kolibry approached, levitating with their telekinesis an assortment of luminescent crystals. Kolibry, wiping sweat from his brow, remarked with a chuckle, "Who knew saving the day would involve so much…crystal fetching?"

Yua, her fur shimmering from residual magic, playfully nudged Kolibry and quipped, "Well, someone has to do the heavy lifting while others just flirt with danger." Kolibry shot her a mock glare, retorting, "Always got your back, furball."

Masha, ever inquisitive, tilted her head slightly, asking, "Speaking of danger, why no Soul Weapons from you two? It might've swung things our way sooner."

After a fleeting, hesitant exchange of glances, Yua cleared her throat, "Truth is, we're still in training. Those things…they're not just weapons. They're a part of us." Kolibry nodded in agreement, "It's a deep bond, Masha. One that you can't just summon on a whim. Which is why I said that Quartz doesn't suit you—you're ahead of us."

Absorbing this revelation, Masha whispered, "I didn't realize. My apologies." After a contemplative silence, she reached out, drawing them into a firm, heartfelt embrace, to which Kolibry, gasping slightly, joked, "By the Pantheon, Masha! You're going to squeeze the life out of me!"

Upon reaching the majestic threshold of the Fulmeno-Ardenian frontier, they found themselves amid a winding procession of travelers, merchants, and Protectors, all eager to venture into the fabled realms of Ardenia. The shadows grew longer as the day waned, yet the line moved with surprising efficiency. Within mere moments, it was their turn to present themselves for inspection.

Each border official bore the emblematic crest of Ardenia: a golden flame burning above the summit of a mountain surrounded by pink-leaved trees. Their gazes were sharp and discerning, but upon recognizing Leyla, their stern demeanor melted away, replaced with a warmth and reverence reserved for cherished friends. Her storied presence commanded respect, a living legend among them. For she had not only defended their borders but had shared fireside tales, dined with them, and treated their kin with a grace that had left an indelible mark.

After the meticulous process of scanning their magical signatures—a swirling dance of Arcane symbols and ethereal light—they were granted entry. Beyond the border, a quaint Ardenian hamlet revealed itself, with cobbled streets winding through timbered houses. Akasa, the heart of Ardenia, beckoned in the distance, its spires gleaming like shards of crystal against the dusk sky.

In the town square, they found the transport depot where the famed Akasean vehicle awaited. Carved from the rarest Ardenian wood and fused with ancient magic, it was a marvel—a vehicle that moved with silent grace, levitating slightly above the ground, its wooden panels imbued with runes that hummed with power. Opting for this means of travel was a clear choice; it would expedite their journey to Akasa, ensuring their prompt arrival.

Securing their spots aboard, their stomachs rumbled in harmonious protest. A nearby stall, exuding enticing aromas of roasted mana meats and spiced plants, proved too tempting to resist. As they savored their meals and exchanged stories, Leyla, sensing the weight of unsaid words, pulled Masha to a quiet corner of the depot.

The depot was humming with activity; the ground vibrated with the comings and goings of various alicorns. In a secluded corner, Masha shot a glance around, eyes wary. "Mom, is there something off here? Should we watch our backs?" She was clearly on edge, still recovering from their recent face-off.

Leyla looked down, her own cloak a deeper shade. She chuckled softly, squeezing her daughter's leg reassuringly. "No, Masha. Just the usual bustling border vibes." She pulled out a few of the shimmering crystals collected on the rogue spirits, catching the dim light in the area. "We nailed our mission. But here's a tiny hiccup—we gotta make sure everyone knows these spirits were from Fulmenian Woods, not Ardenia."

Masha squinted at the crystals, her face illuminated by their glow. "You think that tiny detail's a big deal?"

Leyla, twirling a strand of her dark blue mane, replied with a smirk, "In the grand scheme? No." She then sighed and continued, "But paperwork? That's a whole different beast. You'll see."

"So, where's our next pit stop?"

"We're trekking to Akasa Guild Inn. They've got connections. But I'll bet my last coin these crystals end up causing a ruckus at the Academy."

Masha's eyes sparkled, picturing a familiar scene. "Oh, where Dad and Feyn are messing around?"

Leyla, with eyes that held countless tales, turned to Masha. "Yeah, our names on that report are going to raise a few eyebrows." She said with a playful smirk, making Masha's chest puff up with barely concealed pride, thinking of her family's reactions.

Masha, her voice touched with wonder, asked, "Did you feel this…this rush when you finished your first mission?"

Leyla, sinking comfortably into her plush seat, shot back, "What's bubbling inside you right now?"

But before Masha could spill her heart out, Yua and Kolibry, their presence always felt, drew near, eager to catch any morsel of wisdom Leyla might drop.

Taking a deep breath, Masha confessed, "I feel…amazing. Like I'm soaring, way up there." A genuine laugh burst from Leyla, but it soon turned into a small cough.

Leyla winked, "Wish my first time was as heady." Her gaze far off, she added, "Oh, it was a win, alright. Just…not my win. My so-called 'partner' made sure of that, wanted all the applause for herself."

Kolibry, his tone cheeky yet curious, remarked, "Bet she regretted crossing you. What did you do?"

A soft sigh escaped Leyla. "I let it slide. Being a Protector? You learn. Sometimes, you've just got to roll with the punches and move on. Listen up, you lot." They leaned in, every ear tuned in. "You're just starting out. And trust me, you'll get your fair share of knocks. But remember, you've got to toughen up. Equestera is not all sunshine and rainbows."

The words, sincere and straight from the heart, resonated deeply within them, making them ponder the paths they'd chosen.

As the transport vehicle glided on, the traditional buildings of Akasa started to appear, beckoning them closer.