Chapter 19

In the dimly lit halls of the Arcanic Academy, under the vigilant gaze of Nerath, the decision had been wrought with careful deliberation. The wisdom of old dictated that the two recently captured spirits must not be held too close together, for in unity, they might muster the strength to defy their bindings or, worse, unleash havoc once more. Their memories still held the scars of the first spirit's capture, and with the recent ensnarement of another, Nerath saw fit to invoke distinct safeguards. As her magic swirled and danced, forging a new containment wrought of enchantments and alchemical designs, it was clear to any observer that this was no ordinary cage.

In tandem, the enigmatic Naegissa beckoned the three Protectors who had partaken in this perilous quest to detain the spirit. Their presence was not only demanded by the prudence of Nerath but stirred a peculiar intrigue within Naegissa, something unseen and unsaid, lurking in the depth of her cerulean eyes.

As the three Protectors treaded the alabaster floors of the laboratory, where Naegissa and the silent Feyn awaited, there was a palpable disquiet in their gait. Their features, once proud and resolute, now hinted at an unsettling narrative. Feyn, ever observant, discreetly assessed their countenances and statures. The three Protectors stood, each representing not just their respective clans but the roles they had chosen in the labyrinth of life.

The Saburian Harmonizer, his coat shimmering like the finest golden sands of a desert at dusk, carried an aura of serenity. Unlike many of his brethren, he did not bear the prominent symbols of battle. Instead, he wore intricate amulets and talismans around his neck, tokens of his deep connection to the healing arts. His eyes, pools of deep amber, held knowledge far beyond the common realm. They hinted at the countless hours he'd spent delving into the mysteries of magic, understanding its very essence, and using it to mend and restore. He was an embodiment of the ancient Saburian philosophy that revered the world's magic-infused core.

Beside him, the Ventaian Weapon Master was a stark contrast. Her ethereal beauty was accentuated by the intricacies of her armor, which seemed to be forged from the very storms her clan was known to command. The mane as fluffy as her chest, a testament to her northern lineage, flowed gracefully, contrasting with the deadly weapons she bore. Her beak-like muzzle was set in a determined line, and one could spot the glint of steel in her eyes, eyes that had seen countless battles and emerged triumphant.

The Fulmenian Bounty Hunter, same kin as Feyn, was an enigma. His mixed lineage of feline agility and canine strength was evident in his stance—poised, ready to strike, yet always alert. Dark markings adorned his form, perhaps trophies from his hunts or symbols of his many pursuits. Unlike the Harmonizer's contemplative demeanor or the Weapon Master's assertive presence, he exuded a raw, unpredictable energy. His eyes darted around, always scanning, always calculating. Strapped to his back was an array of specialized tools and weapons, each tailored for a specific purpose, be it capture or combat. Every aspect of him screamed efficiency, a testament to his life as a hunter of bounties, chasing down those who dared defy the laws of their world.

Remembering the words of his father, Feyn knew his role. As the ever-faithful sentinel, he was to remain muted, a shadow in the background, only to voice his thoughts when beckoned. The Protectors aligned before Naegissa in a disciplined row, with Feyn, ever watchful, positioned a step behind her, awaiting the unfolding discourse.

"Who discovered the essence?"

The trio of Protectors hesitated, their eyes darting among each other as Naegissa's tone was chillingly impersonal. The Saburian Harmonizer stepped forward, taking on the role of spokesperson for the group.

"We just happened to find the spirit by accident. We don't usually take on the mission to capture spirits, even though we are fully aware of such missions." Sensing a need for clarity, the Ventaian Weapon Master voiced her thoughts.

"We usually keep spirits in check, not trap them." In a moment of impulse, Feyn stepped forward, words spilling out before he could grasp them. "Why, then, did you imprison this particular one?" No sooner had he spoken, Naegissa's gaze pierced through him, akin to a predator locking onto its quarry. Feyn, recalling his vow of silence, visibly wilted under her scrutiny. It was the Fulmenian Bounty Hunter's turn to intervene.

"Our Ventaian storm maiden here needed a halt, given the power of that spirit." He chuckled, though the humor was strained. Feyn mentally berated his Fulmenian comrade's attempt at levity. Nonetheless, the light-hearted attempt provided a brief respite for the nervous Protectors, at least until they met Naegissa's icy stare once again.

"Did any peculiarities catch your eye? Anything out of the ordinary as you approached the spirit?" Their expressions mirrored confusion, pondering the depth of Naegissa's inquiries. Their hesitance was palpable until Feyn, emboldened by his earlier foray into speech, chose to interject.

"The aura exuding from this second spirit lacks the resonance we encountered in its predecessor." Naegissa's gaze softened, devoid of any malice. "The only difference is in its behavior." Silence cloaked the chamber as the Protectors exchanged wary glances. Feyn lowered his gaze, dreading Naegissa's impending words.

"You three may go." Without further ado, Naegissa swept past Feyn, making her way to where the spirit had been confined by Nerath. The three Protectors, a tad bemused, retreated from the arcanic chamber.

Naegissa observed the spirit intently while Nerath meticulously checked the cage's security, ensuring no possibility of the spirit's escape.

"This spirit doesn't seem as tainted as the previous one," Naegissa remarked, staring at it with narrowed eyes.

"Could it be influenced in some subtler way?" Feyn speculated. Both Nerath and Naegissa had previously taken note of Feyn's keen instincts. While Naegissa appreciated his insight, she remained stoic, keeping up her reputation as the stern scholar. She did, however, acknowledge the validity of his comment with a nod.

"Indeed, it might've been exposed to another, more corrupted spirit for an extended period."

"This could be valuable for our studies," Nerath added, approaching the spirit to take a closer look alongside Naegissa.

"How so?" she queried.

"Even if we can't pinpoint the source of this peculiar magic, understanding its impact on spirits might provide insights," Feyn explained.

"That might lead us closer to solving the current predicament," Nerath mused.

"And could prepare the Protectors for similar challenges during their missions. Well thought out, Feyn." Nerath playfully nudged Feyn, who beamed in reply. To Feyn's astonishment, even Naegissa allowed herself a rare smile, causing him to momentarily gape in shock.

Nerath shifted her attention to the assembled academicians in the room and cleared her throat, signaling her intention to address the group.

"Greetings, fellow academicians," she began, "As we all know, there is another unusual spirit that has been captured. It is quite different from the other one that gave us problems, and so we have to conduct greater research to study this one properly. We have to start immediately, and so every alicorn working in this laboratory must have this as their primary project until further notice. Let's get to work."

The room buzzed with energy as academicians scurried back to their stations, gathering their specialized equipment for the investigation. Several approached the spirit's cage, brandishing devices designed to gauge the spirit's essence and energy, aiming to determine a starting point for their research.

Nerath's voice interrupted the room's buzz, "Naegissa, Feyn, I'm initiating an in-depth magical assessment of this spirit. Will you assist?"

Feyn's nod was swift and filled with anticipation. Naegissa's response, in contrast, was a languid nod, her expression one of apparent indifference. Feyn marveled at how swiftly she could revert to her customary stern demeanor.

With mutual agreement, both positioned themselves beside Nerath, gearing up for the forthcoming analysis.

She began by drawing a complex, intricate circle around the spirit's cage. The circle was filled with ancient runes and symbols, each glowing faintly with a blue hue. She then placed four crystal obelisks at cardinal points around the circle. These obelisks, known to channel and focus magical energies, started pulsating in harmony with the rhythm of the spirit's aura.

With a deep breath, Nerath started chanting an old alicorn spell, her voice resonating in perfect pitch with the vibrations of the cage, a magical aura surrounding her horn. As she chanted, the symbols in the circle lit up sequentially, creating a revolving pattern of lights. The essence of the spirit began to manifest as a nebulous cloud above the cage, revealing its core energies and memories.

Naegissa, well-versed in the procedure, used her own magic to erect a protective barrier around them. The barrier ensured that no external energies interfered with the assessment and also prevented the spirit's essence from escaping.

All the while, Feyn stood back, carefully observing every detail. His keen eyes took in the nuances of the ritual, from the fluctuating colors of the spirit's essence to the subtle hoof movements of Nerath. Although he was primarily there to observe, Feyn was eager to learn and potentially assist if called upon.

Suddenly, a powerful surge of energy emanated from the spirit, causing the circle's lights to flicker erratically. Sensing the rising intensity, Naegissa strengthened the barrier while sending a glance of concern toward Nerath.

Without breaking her concentration, Nerath spoke, her voice cutting through the tension, "Feyn, hand me the Astral Prism." Feyn quickly retrieved the prism—a triangular crystal known to stabilize magical energies—from a nearby table and handed it to her.

While levitating the prism, Nerath channeled its energy, directing it toward the spirit. Slowly, the erratic energies began to stabilize, and the spirit's essence returned to its cage, albeit in a calmer state.

After a few moments, the lights on the circle dimmed, and the obelisks stopped pulsating. Nerath took a moment to catch her breath before turning to Feyn and Naegissa, "Thank you both. That was…unexpected. But we've gathered crucial data. Feyn, your quick thinking with the Astral Prism was invaluable."

Feyn, slightly flushed from the praise, replied, "I was just following your lead, Nerath."

Naegissa, ever the stoic, simply nodded in agreement, "Indeed. We've uncovered layers of this spirit's magic that we previously knew nothing about. There's much to analyze."

And with that, the trio got to work, eager to decipher the mysteries that the spirit held within.