Chapter One: The Onset of Trouble

May 9, 1937, at the end of the era.

The northernmost part of the Western Continent.

In the desolate Banbu Desert.

Here, blazing suns, raging winds, and swirling sands set the tone of the land.

Under the searing heat, all living things scurried and hid in an effort to survive, making the already barren surface seem even more lifeless.

Yet amidst this empty wasteland stood a majestic city, towering with grandeur.

The city was built along an underground river, and within its walls, verdant hues brought life to the settlement, like an oasis of vitality in the boundless dead zone.

The city walls, standing twenty zhang high, were intricately engraved with defensive runes.

Every ten meters along the battlements, black banners fluttered in the wind, bearing the image of a dragon soaring through the clouds, exuding an imposing aura.

On the three-zhang-high southern gate, two gilded characters, "Jiu Li," shone brilliantly in the sunlight.

Underneath this massive gate stood two guards, who seemed inconspicuous in comparison.

Jiu Li City was home to the last dragon-riding family—the Jiu Li clan, who proudly called themselves the Jiu Li people.

At this moment, the two guards were chatting when one suddenly stopped, cautiously raising a spyglass to peer into the distance.

The other guard followed his gaze, spotting a tiny black dot appearing at the edge of their view.

Curiosity flickered in the guards' eyes as one took the spyglass from his companion and finally saw it was a young boy in a black cloak, heading straight towards the city gate.

"It's him, he's back."

Upon recognizing the boy, the guards were not overly surprised, having already suspected his return.

As the boy approached, they could see him more clearly.

He appeared to be around thirteen or fourteen years old, slightly thin, and of above-average height. His yellow skin and black hair radiated the youthful vitality unique to his age.

His hair and face were covered with a thin layer of dust, but even the dust couldn't obscure his handsome features.

What stood out most were his deep blue eyes, sparkling like stars in the night sky.

As he neared Jiu Li City, a joyful smile appeared on the boy's face.

He reached behind him, removed the gleaming white sword from his back, and stored it in a storage ring on his right hand. The menacing light in his eyes dimmed with the sword's disappearance.

Next, he brushed off his clothes, patted his cheeks, and flicked his eyelashes, dispersing the dust and becoming much cleaner.

Seeing the boy's appearance, the guards completely relaxed, their eyes showing a mixture of affection and admiration.

No wonder he was the Jiu Li clan's top prodigy.

Surviving in the desert required not only facing fierce beasts and enduring harsh conditions but also constantly being wary of various traps in the wasteland.

When the boy came within a hundred meters, the guards called out cheerfully:

"Little Ao, you're back."

"You managed forty-seven days this time—you're getting better and better."

"Ha ha, Brother Chong, Brother Jin, you don't have to flatter me."

As he spoke, the boy reached the city gate. The guard named Jin handed him a water pouch.

The boy flashed a toothy smile at him, took the pouch, and drank in small sips.

The cool, refreshing water slid down his dry throat, soothing him.

Seeing the boy drink so thirstily, the guards' admiration grew even more.

The boy's apparent thirst made his display of self-discipline all the more commendable.


After drinking, the boy let out a satisfied sigh, poured the remaining water over his hands to wash them, and wiped his face.

He exchanged a few words with the guards before heading into the city.

As he passed through the tall gate, the scene before him changed dramatically.

Inside the city, it felt like a world apart from the outside.

High walls and large courtyards rose in neat arrangement, with the ground paved in smooth, gray stone slabs extending inward.

In the distance, various pavilions and buildings could be faintly seen, adding a unique charm.

An oriental splendor greeted him, elegant yet solemn.

On the broad avenue running north to south, an old man sitting by a courtyard gate saw the boy enter and greeted him warmly:

"Little Ao, back from your training, huh?"

"Here, have a pear to soothe your throat."

A woman on the street, carrying a basket, handed the boy a freshly bought pear.

Hearing these warm voices, Li Ao's lips curved into a warm smile, and the tension from his long training eased.

"Thank you, Aunt Si."

Accepting the large pear with both hands, Li Ao thanked her softly, his smile growing even sweeter.

Nearby, a couple passing by also smiled and approached, introducing their child to Li Ao and advising:

"Look at Little Ao, a thirteen-year-old Silver Knight and the clan's top prodigy. See how diligent he is? You should work hard too, understand?"

The child stared with wide, innocent eyes at Li Ao, unsure if he understood the adults' words, but nodding earnestly.

Li Ao smiled and ruffled the child's hair before turning to the couple.

"Uncle San, Aunt San, Little Yan will definitely become a great hero in the future."

"If he achieves even half of what you have, we would be content," the man said, patting Li Ao's shoulder with a grin of admiration.

Li Ao felt a bit embarrassed by the praise, instinctively running his fingers through his hair.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Li Ao continued on his way.

As he walked, more people came forward with warm greetings.

Seeing the smiles on the faces of the clan members, Li Ao thought to himself,

If life could always be this peaceful and wonderful, there would be no other desires left.

Following the main avenue, Li Ao's destination was the ancestral hall in the city center. His parents, holding important positions within the clan, were often away from home.

Thus, each time he returned, he would first report his training achievements to his grandfather, the clan leader.

The clan's leadership was based on merit rather than lineage, with no main or branch families; it was always the most capable who led.

Currently, the clan leader was Li Ao's second uncle.

Li Ao's biological grandfather had passed away, but the old clan leader had always been fond of his brother's nephew, maintaining a relationship as close as that of a biological grandfather and grandson.

He passed through the bustling residential area and then the sweat-drenched training grounds.

A grand hall with red walls and green tiles appeared before him, its grandeur exuding a solemn atmosphere.

In front of the hall stood a towering stone pillar, topped with a majestic celestial hound.

Intricate carvings extended from the hall's main entrance, and ten different mythical beasts were arranged neatly across the roof.

Li Ao stood for a moment, gazing in awe. Every time he stood before the ancestral hall, he felt a profound sense of pride in being a member of the Jiu Li clan.

"Little Ao is back! Come let Grandpa see you."

The deep, warm voice came from within the hall.

Hearing the familiar voice, Li Ao's face brightened, and he excitedly called out:


As he called out, Li Ao pushed open the doors of the ancestral hall and ran inside.

Beyond the doors was the clan's council hall, a spacious and elegant room used for clan meetings.

Li Ao's footsteps did not falter.

He entered through a side door into the corridor and, familiar with the layout, made his way to the room behind the hall where his grandfather awaited.

The small room, less than fifty square meters, contained only a wardrobe, a table, and a bed.

An elderly man in simple clothes was tending to plants by the window.

Hearing the footsteps, the old man turned with a warm smile, opening his arms to Li Ao.

With a calm and kind expression, the old man's face was weathered but wise. His hair was streaked with gray, and his eyes, deep and insightful, instilled a sense of calm in those who met him.

Every gesture and movement exuded a compelling presence that commanded respect—he was a born leader.

Yet at this moment, his eyes were filled with affection; he was simply a grandfather.

In the presence of family, Li Ao shed all pretense.

Here, he was no longer the Jiu Li clan's top prodigy but a thirteen-year-old boy, much like a playful puppy, who leaped into his grandfather's embrace.


In the western central part of the continent, on the fourth highest peak, Mount Zaknarro.

At an altitude of over six thousand meters, a magnificent complex of white spires extended for dozens of kilometers along the mountainside.

People dressed in sacred robes walked solemnly through this city, closest to the sky.

The snow-capped summit and the sea of clouds below gave the city an almost divine appearance.

This was the city nearest to the heavens—the Holy See's capital, Saint-Strokk.

At the heart of the Holy City stood a grand silver palace, vast in scope. The doorframes were adorned with golden patterns and various gemstones, glittering brilliantly under the sun.

This was the largest cathedral of the Holy See and the administrative center for the papacy—the Silver Celestial Dome Cathedral.

Deep within the Silver Celestial Dome Cathedral lay the Oracular Hall.

The Oracular Hall was empty, with walls adorned with divine murals. At the far end stood a stone pulpit with the Holy See's scriptures.

Standing before the pulpit in pure white robes, wearing a mithril crown and holding the papal staff was Pope Saint-Andreas You-Kloth. He watched as the Jiu Li envoy in gray robes turned and walked toward the door.

He squinted slightly and said softly:

"No need to see him off."

As a pope, Kloth appeared much younger than one might expect, around his early to mid-forties.

With a hooked nose and high bridge, his deep-set eyes gave his face a striking profile.

His emerald green eyes glowed with wisdom, and the golden hair peeking out from beneath his crown was neatly arranged.

A delicate cross hung from his chest, his serene demeanor hiding a sharpness.

In this world filled with source power, human lifespans had extended greatly.

Pope Kloth, a peak-level demigod and a powerful presence on the brink of ascension, had already lived a terrifying five hundred years. This year marked his thirty-first as pope, making him only three hundred twelve years old.

At the door of the Oracular Hall, Li Zhuo, with a resolute face and faint stubble, heard Kloth's words and smirked slightly, striding out of the hall without pause.

Kloth's gaze followed Li Zhuo until he disappeared around the corner.

Kloth was not angry; he calmly turned his attention to the ancient scripture that had been preserved within the Holy See for two thousand years. Despite being called a scripture, it was actually just a stone tablet with a single inscription:

"I hear The death knell ringing long and loud. The world mourns, The final chapter of fate has turned. A thousand years and another thousand, The unspeakable will devour all. Cast aside baseless prejudices, Only by uniting can we see the dawn of tomorrow. — Year One of the Final Era, Saint Calogus."

He had only shown this tablet to the heads of the two Dragon Rider families, the Reclusive Order, and the Pantheon. Now, those two Dragon Rider families had become the Temple Knights, the Pantheon had become the Sanctuary, and the Reclusive Order, along with the Holy See, had formed an alliance against the apocalypse.

This was already Kloth's third invitation to the Jiu Li clan, even bringing their envoy into the Oracular Hall to view the scripture without a formal pact.

Unfortunately, the Jiu Li clan did not heed his warnings. They seemed to have their own beliefs and interpretations about the apocalypse mentioned in the scripture.

As the saying goes, "Things don't go beyond three times." With the end times approaching, Kloth was unwilling to wait any longer.

His gaze shifted back to the Oracular Hall's entrance. The Jiu Li envoy had already departed, their footsteps no longer audible.

After a moment of contemplation, Kloth addressed an empty space in the hall:

"Summon Cardinal Saint Louis Soladassin to see me."

In response, the empty space shimmered, and a cloaked figure, a member of the Holy See's secret guard, materialized. After a respectful bow, the guard departed to carry out the order.

Soon, the sound of steady footsteps echoed as Cardinal Saint Louis Soladassin entered the Oracular Hall. Clad in scarlet robes, with a handsome, mature demeanor, he approached Kloth and came to a halt.

He raised his right hand to his chest, bowed deeply, and performed a flawless standard Holy See salute:

"Sir, you summoned me."

Kloth, having assessed Soladassin with approval, let a gentle smile replace his earlier severity. Soladassin was the only one who called him "Sir."

Before Kloth became pope, Soladassin had been a trusted subordinate. Seeing Soladassin's continued progress in his training, Kloth generously praised him:

"Very good. You're already at the high ranks of demigod, nearly matching my level."

Soladassin maintained a composed demeanor:

"Your guidance is the reason."

Hearing this candid acknowledgment, Kloth nodded in satisfaction before his expression turned serious once more, signaling the end of casual conversation:

"Convey my orders. You are to personally lead two Crimson and eight Violet robes, commanding the Third and Fifth Legions of the Judgement Army and the Sanctuary members. Disband and deploy them to the Desolate Sands to annihilate the Jiu Li clan and secure their heritage. Ensure the operation is covert—do not use any Holy See symbols or the Pegasus. The Jiu Li clan must not detect the danger in advance, and if possible, relocate their heritage."

He paused, then continued:

"Don't let the Temple's people know. Even though they are allied in facing the apocalypse, they are still Dragon Rider families."

Upon hearing Kloth's orders, Soladassin, who had always held deep respect for the pope, looked up in astonishment:

"Sir, but that is a city with a population of tens of thousands, and it holds the legacy of the Dragon Rider families. Are we really going to do this?"

Kloth turned his back, his voice firm and subdued:

"The Holy See has prepared for the apocalypse for two thousand years. To unify all possible forces, we are willing to destroy a city or even an empire if necessary."

As Soladassin listened to the pope's resolute tone, his eyes reflecting Kloth's imposing silhouette, he nodded in agreement with the pope's decision. He stood firm and bowed once more:

"Understood. I will carry out your orders."

Kloth did not turn around. With a dismissive wave of his hand, he signaled the end of the meeting. The steady footsteps of Soladassin faded away.

In the Oracular Hall, Kloth remained alone, his gaze fixed on the inscription on the stone tablet, his expression inscrutable.