Chapter 8

Zein Sanki seemed to be bitterly disappointed by Le Xaan's sarcastic words.

"Alright. Enough of that. Have you found any martial arts manuals?"

Le Xaan asked.

The reason why he was here was because he was searching for martial arts manuals.

The Black Tiger Blade Style wasn't adequate for him to achieve his goal.

Now, he roughly knew how even a top expert like Elder Zaner survived in the wild.

No wonder he had never heard of anyone venturing alone to far destinations. In the wilderness, ferocious beasts roamed anywhere and everywhere. Wasn't making such an endeavor practically a suicidal mission?

Even a top expert like Elder Zaner, who had been renowned for his martial arts throughout the city, could only handle at most four wild wolves.

"It's hard to distinguish an authentic martial arts manual from the fake ones. On top of that, ordinary people risk becoming disabled if they don't fully understand its contents but hastily train in it.

Brother Xaan, what exactly are you after? Without the guidance of a master, those brochures are nothing but stacks of worthless papers."

Zein Sanki rubbed on his white jade ring while asking curiously.

"It seems you know your stuff." Le Xaan laughed, "But this is not knowledge that you necessarily need. Just sell me a few martial art manuals first."

Zein Sanki nodded.

"I did have two. Two clients had asked me to help sell them.

They have already been authenticated by our staff."

"What are the prices?"

Le Xaan directly queried.

"Oh, come on, Brother Xaan, we're all brothers, don't be so polite with me. " Zein Sanki said while giggling.

"Don't make me feel so disgusted, please." Le Xaan was helpless. "Give me the prices and be quick. I'm in a hurry."

"I can only offer you one of the two. The other has already been reserved by a distinguished client. "

Zein Sanki replied with a smile.

"Okay. Have you brought that manual along with you?" Le Xaan asked.

"Brother Xaan, you really have me figured out. Since you are urging me to hurry, I bring it straight to you." At this moment, Zein Sanki took out a thin manual, its cover wrapped in gray satin.

"This manual contains no combat moves, but a unique strength-exerting technique. One hundred silver coins, the one and only price!"

"Let me have a look first."

Le Xaan stretched out his hand.

One hundred silver coins were the equivalent of twenty thousand dollars. A stunning price, for sure.

Zein Sanki smirked and placed the booklet in Le Xaan's hand.

Then Le Xaan began to scrutinize it.

The manual seemed to be an excerpt from a larger tome, containing nothing except for the instructions on the strength exerting technique.

The contents within referred to the strength technique as Jade Smashing Strength.

According to the booklet, mastering the technique to its ultimate pinnacle would enable one to store up their bodily energy during combat, unleashing it in a single devastating strike that combines the accumulated force for heightened speed and power.

Le Xaan pondered for a moment before concluding that Jade Smashing Strength and Black Tiger Mental Scripture didn't overlap and he could exert both of them at the same time.

But what he really sook was not this type of martial arts.

He wanted some type of inner body Qi cultivation method that could aid him in improving his constitution.

After experiencing weakness in the wake of modifying on the blade style, he decided that he would have to further strengthen his body to mitigate the side-effects of the modification.

"Is there an inner body Qi cultivation method that people often speak of?"

"Qi cultivation method?"

Zein Sanki rubbed his chin.

"Brother Xaan, you think too highly of me, don't you? If there's indeed something like that flowing into the marketplace, it would be snapped up in the blink of an eye regardless of its authentication result."

"As you says, it is hard to authenticate them. So, your family should have manuscript copies of them? "

Le Xaan knew the ropes at an auction house. Stuff like martial arts manuals would be copied first before their auction sales for after-sale services.

The Zein family's auction house operated for a lengthy period; thus, they must have amassed tons of copies of this sort.

"But... Brother Xaan, even I couldn't tell if there were any genuine ones among them.

If only there is one authentic out of one hundred of them. Nobody ever claimed that they had successfully produced Qi while cultivating in them. Even so, do you still want them?"

Zein Sanki was obviously hesitant.

"Brother Xaan, better listen to me. Steer clear of those copies. Should anything goes amiss with your body, even a complete recovery could prove elusive."

"So, you mean that you know where to find one?"

Le Xaan was surprised. He knew Zein Sanki well. Once his face revealed hesitation, he thought of some means but dithered over whether to say them or not.

Zein Sanki was apparently wavering.

"Why not tell me earlier?" Le Xaan asked in an irritated tone.

"Don't blame me. This item would have to be auctioned at the Underground Gathering..." Zein Sanki said with resignation.

"Underground Gathering?"

Le Xaan immediately realized something.

The Underground Gathering was an anonymous auction hosted by the Zein family. All of the customers wouldn't reveal their countenances or real names. And the goods for sale were largely stolen ones or even tainted by blood.

Those attending the Underground Gathering were mostly desperadoes.

"Could you arrange an invitation for me?"

Le Xaan had already made up his mind to participate in this auction.

Average outlaws would not dare to offend the Le family since the Le family had hired a pack of guards numbering over forty and a few top experts such as Elder Zaner.

Furthermore, Lord Le Finn had been inextricably linked with the city government as well as the stationed army in Gourian City.

As a powerful family, the Les were in no fear of so-called desperadoes.