Chapter 47

Le Xaan rose to his feet, his expression turning ferocious.

All of a sudden, his entire body was suffused with Dark Shadow Qi while his body temperature was soaring.


In the blink of an eye, the white figure pounced upon him.


Le Xaan's blade sliced through the air, directed at the white silhouette as he unleashed Tiger Power, the second move of Black Tiger Blade Style.

The moment his saber was about to tear through the white form, Le Xaan's vision flashed before the room fell silent again.

At present, there was nothing before him, empty all around. His strike seemed to have hit nothing.

"So swift!"

Without a second thought, Le Xaan spun around, the blade streaking through the air, describing a half-circle.


The wooden clothing hanger was cut in half before its upper part fell onto the floor. And the back of a chair was also damaged.

Le Xaan harrumphed coldly.

Just as he was about to observe some more, he suddenly felt a current of cold air wafting over the back of his head.

Le Xaan turned around straight away and spotted the white figure springing upon him mere inches away from behind.


With his blood surging across his body, he marshaled Dark Shadow Qi and exercised Tiger Roar with his blade, the third move of the set of blade techniques.


As the Qi was channeled into the weapon's edge, a distinct tiger growl emanated from it.

As the tiger snarl resounded throughout the room, the ghostly entity started quaking.

Then, it let out a miserable scream, like that of a little girl, and shot out of the window.

Le Xaan drew a deep breath to calm his heartbeat before hastily chasing after the white silhouette.


The window frame blew up into pieces upon the impact of a slash from Le Xaan.

Le Xaan threw himself through the window and landed in the alley like an angered tiger.

The white form's speed was fast, and with a few twists and turns, it quickly made its way through the alleyway that was cluttered with miscellaneous items.

Le Xaan chased after it a short distance away from behind.

"Pong! Pong!"

The various items that stood in his way exploded upon the impact of his blade.

"There's a commotion in the alley! Are you there, Young Master Xaan?"

A guard yelled.

Le Xaan felt his heart tighten.

Then, he saw that several guards stood around the side gate.

One of them looked over with a nervous expression, his hand holding his saber tight.

Before Le Xaan could say anything, the white figure charged at the guard at lightning speed and then melted into his body.

"Move aside, everyone!"

Le Xaan barked.

He pounced upon the guard right away and exerted Tiger Anger.


The edge emitted another tiger growl.


The guard, into whom the white silhouette had vanished, raised his saber to block Le Xaan's strike, with the pale-green blood vessels on his arm bulging.

The two edges clashed hard! Le Xaan immediately sensed a huge strength no weaker than his.

As he laid eyes on the guard's face, Le Xaan found the guard's eyes now deathly white with no traces of pupils.

"He is possessed?"

Le Xaan swung his blade at the guard's neck.


His attack was warded off once more.

The possessed guard's strength increased remarkably, standing up to that of Le Xaan's.

With deafening clattering noises, Le Xaan crossed blades with the guard, engaging in a fierce battle.

The other two guards were now scared beyond words, so they turned their tails and ran at once.

The commotion drew quite some other guards and servants to see what was happening here.

Le Xaan's swiftness and strength were enhanced greatly with Dark Shadow Qi.

After dozens of blade engagements between the two of them, Dark Shadow Qi's poison gradually permeated into the guard's palms.

The guard's strength began to slowly wane.

As expected, the poison of Dark Shadow Qi at the Second Level was indeed very strong.

"Speak! Who had sent you into our Mansion and what's your purpose?" Le Xaan yelled while unleashing another slash that collided with the guard's saber.

The great momentum caused the guard's body to spasm and go numb, leading his movements to turn slower.


Le Xaan stretched his palm out and landed it on the guard's chest.

Le Xaan had long planned this move.


The guard let out a miserable cry. Upon withstanding Le Xaan's palm strike, a stream of blood gushed from his mouth before his body was flung through the air and crashed onto the ground.

The white figure shot out of this guard's body and headed toward the closest person who had gathered around the place to watch the battle.

This time, it was a servant girl.

Perhaps because Le Xaan was not far away from it, it had no other choice but to choose a random objective.

As soon as the maidservant was possessed, her skin turned crimson red. At the same time, Le Xaan hurriedly dashed at her.

Without a second thought, Le Xaan waved his blade at her.


The female servant was hit by the blade and flung away, leaving a trail of blood on the ground.

"Run away, everyone!"

Le Xaan shouted.

Yet, he said it too late. There were several guards running hastily here at this moment.

The white form popped out immediately and disappeared into the body of one of them.

"Ahhh!" Le Xaan released a muddled growl while he mustered all his strength to exercise Black Tiger Blade Style with Dark Shadow's Qi in full swing.

Another ear-splitting tiger snarl echoed out around him.

His blade streaked through the air, creating a strong breeze.

The currently possessed guard swiftly ran through the side gate, seemingly having intentions of fleeing.


The wall next to the side gate was actually smashed through by Le Xaan's blow.

Le Xaan, his blade in hand, ran through the breach in the wall and slashed at the skull of the possessed guard.


A shrill female scream resounded.

The guard's head was cut in half, blood splashing into the air along with brain matter.

However, despite such grievous injuries, the guard was still able to thrust out his palm and hit it on Le Xaan's abdomen.


Le Xaan took two steps backward and gasped violently, with an abnormal red hue emerging on his face.

A stream of blood oozed out of the corners of his lips.

Le Xaan lifted his blade once more, yet the edge immediately broke in half with a crack.

Without hesitation, he tossed the blade away and sprang upon the guard, landing two palm strikes at him.

In that instant, his palms now took on a faint black color due to Dark Shadow Qi.

"Pong! Pong!"

After two muffled sounds, the white silhouette once again floated out of the guard's body.

Apparently, it still planned to escape.

But Le Xaan immediately grabbed hold of its white coattail.

Upon contact, he felt as though he had laid his hands on a piece of ice.

Le Xaan's currently boiling blood and scorching Dark Shadow Qi, nonetheless, made him fearless of such trivial coldness.

He summoned up the Qi and channeled it through his palms into the white coat.


Le Xaan then landed another palm blow onto the white form's chest with all he had.

He nearly infused all of Dark Shadow Qi in his body into the palm.



The white figure emitted its last ear-offending scream before its body began to twist and distort and then blew up into nothingness with a sound of tearing fabric.