Chapter 51

"Please don't do that! Young Master Xaan, this lowly man is just muddle-headed and wants to make some money! I just lose my mind!"

The monk was now scared to death, loudly pleading his case. He was shaking all over his body, sweat pouring out of his ashen face.

"Young Master Xaan, spare me, please!"


The guards yanked the monk out of the yard immediately.

Adjacent to the drill ground was a torture chamber.

Given the Le family's elevated status, the City Head would always turn a blind eye to their acts of executing some men.

Youny Geey and the rest of the group were a little on tenterhooks as they saw that the man was dragged out of the yard. Soon, they faintly heard a miserable scream.

"Alright, everyone. Now that the charlatan is purged, let's move on. Who would like to demonstrate his capabilities next? "

Le Xaan now wore a soft smile once again.

This occurrence allowed the remaining few to catch a glimpse of his personality and temper.

Even though his body appeared frail, he was decisive and ruthless, a figure commanding respect and reverence.

After moments of silence, Master Genuine Lake mustered his courage to step forward, his hands shivering.

"Well... I suddenly remember having some urgent business I need to take care of back at the Temple..."

It turned out that he was not going to demonstrate anything but to turn tail and run.

When he stood before Le Xaan and spoke, his face was drenched in perspiration.

The young monk behind Master Genuine Lake seemed even more frightened, his face deathly pale as a sheet of paper and his legs shuddering violently.

"Since Master Genuine Lake has some other matters to attend to, then I won't keep you here any longer."

Le Xaan's smile was as courteous and warm as ever. He didn't bother to put the two monks on the spot. Instead, he ordered a servant girl to show the two monks from Redlotus Temple out.

Till now, only three people remained in place: Youny Geey, Dquan Ronri, and the rogue hero.

" Well. Let me show you now."

The female vagabond hero disguised as a man walked up and unsheathed her daggers.

"I am good at footwork, investigating, and pursuing an enemy. I might be able to aid you in ways big and small when tracing the missing people."

"Huh? So that's how it is. Miss, how should I address you?"

Le asked.

"Quane Feiy."

"Sorry, I don't hear clearly."

The female rogue hero quickly dipped her finger into a cup of tea and scrawled her name on the stone table.

Only by then did Le Xaan realize her surname was Quane.

"Then, Miss. Quane Feiy, how will you show your capabilities?"

Le Xaan did not conceal his curiosity.

Quane Feiy sniffed the air and then squatted down to inspect the ground. After a while, she got down on all fours, placing her ear against the ground to listen intently.

Before long, she rose to her feet.

"Young Master Xaan, I can determine that you and your people came to this courtyard no more than four hours ago.

Roughly an hour ago, two batches of servants came here and cleaned the place; there were fewer than ten of them.

Following that, Young Master Xaan, you arrived here along with your guards. But none of you have entered the house.

Apparently, this courtyard is being used as a temporary testing site for us."

After she said these things, Le Xaan and the others all stared at her with wide eyes. The surrounding guards and maidservants looked even more shocked.

She actually managed to infer so many things by just observing, listening, and smelling.

Miss Quane was indeed an extraordinary person!


Le Xaan clapped his hands lightly.

"Miss Quane, no matter how you figure these things out, you've passed my test. Next, it's the two of you..."

Le Xaan turned to Youny Geey and Dquan Ronri.

Youny Geey was still poised, yet Dquan Ronri now felt her hair stand on ends.

Le Xaan always smiled all over his face, yet he changed his tune in seconds and ordered the execution of the wandering monk just a quarter-hour before.

A man like Le Xaan could beam at you one moment and murder you the next.

Dquan Ronri now classified Le Xaan as an extremely treacherous man.

In contrast, Youny Geey stepped forward with a calm face.

"If I am not mistaken, " he said, his intent eyes fixated on Le Xaan, "Young Master Xaan, ghostly Qi is seeping into your body, right?"


Le Xaan was surprised and greatly intrigued.

Youny Geey seemed to know his stuff.

"Your injuries are located around your underbelly, but your vital organs remain unharmed. Nonetheless, if ghostly Qi is not eliminated in time, it will still endanger your health.

Here is some private tonic water. If you have the guts, give it a try. "

He took a small black porcelain bottle out of his sleeve and offered it to a servant girl by his side.

The maidservant took it, placed it on a tray, and brought it to Le Xaan.

"Make sure to return the bottle to me after you finish drinking it."

Le Xaan glanced at it, then pulled out the stopper and brought it to his nose to take a whiff.

As its scent filled his nostrils, he felt as though the coldness within his body was dispelled a lot. The pungent aroma warmed his body up.