A New Squire II

Simon realized that he had a new neighbor, a handsome one at that too. His former quarter had been a bit isolated, and he ended up making zero friends with the rest of the guards and servants. However, this new neighbor of his lived next door, and Simon knew that if he was going to survive here then he needed friends that would distract him from Lucian and thoughts of pushing Rosaline off her room's window.

"Good morning.." Simon started slowly. He wasn't used to talking to strangers, most times he was just robbing them. But now that the situation had changed, he had no choice but to make changes as well. "I'm Simon."

Hosier turned to meet his next door neighbor, and the sight of him sent a bright smile across his face. He was a fine young man, pretty if he was being real.

"I'm Hosier, nice to meet you Simon." He returned before stretching his hand for a handshake.