Draw the line

After an hour had passed, the meeting with the team leaders for each division in the Maximilian Fashion House was over and it was now time for the meeting with Zen. 

Lithe didn't realize how on edge he had been until the door opened.

He didn't need to turn around to know that Zen was finally here. 

It was a vibe he got, a feeling that Zen was nearby and Lithe's intuition rarely ever failed him. 

Zen came over to his side and Lithe tried to play it cool by not reacting overly much to his nearness. 

"Hope you're having a wonderful morning, Lithe Hildebrand," said Zen warmly. 

Zen had never called him by his full name before, what did that mean? 

Stop overthinking Lithe, he reminded himself. 

To protect himself he fell back on the manners he learnt in Vallance Continent he did not want Zen to know that even something as his phrasing of words could rattle Lithe.

"It's fine," replied Lithe coolly.