Keep it on the down low

Looking back Lithe could remember the numerous times they made plans and Ash would blow him off at the last minute.

When they had first met things had been wonderful between them but then Ash started calling less and less or canceled the plans made for trips on their day off.

Even when meeting up for coffee Ash had trouble focusing on their conversation whether it was talking on his cellphone or responding to texts.

While Lithe was planning the Maximillian's annual spring launch for their clothing line, he said that he couldn't attend because he had to go on a overseas trip with a friend.

It also happened to be the same event that Christina went missing in action but Lithe thought nothing about it at the time.

Ash just had this way of playing on Lithe's conscience.

Making him feel like he was choosing work over Ash all the time and that was just not the case.

He let out a deep sigh before Ash attempted a response to Lithe's question.