"For so long I have smelt your sweet skin. I found you my pretty."
Saliva dribbled down the wendigo's chin and onto Lithe's chest.
Lithe's eyes widened with surprise when the wendigo spoke, its voice sounding all too human.
Married to a dominant Lithe knew better than to appease the monster by showing fear on his face.
Instead he glared at its human-like face which brimmed with excessive facial hair.
Lithe allowed his anger to pour out from him in face, he would not flinch or cower in front of the enemy.
The golden wolf inside of him was pleased with Lithe's response.
Her power swirled within him threatening to come to the forefront but it was not time to make its move yet.
So the golden wolf waited patiently for the opportunity to strike.
Lithe reached for his gun and pumped the remaining bullets in its stomach before smacking its face with the empty gun.