Dangerous Encounter

The D-Bugg's fist dug into the field, picking up the lush grass and leaving the soil underneath by itself. Despite eating up the ground, the speed of the fist did not waver. It maintained a direct course towards AJ.

AJ braced himself, inhaling deep inside and squaring his feet for balance. He kept his eye and sword steady facing the concoction of metal approaching him. Loose dirt that the D-Bugg rooted out flew in front of him and froze in the air, temporarily obstructing his view.

Seconds before the D-Bugg made contact with his body, he sidestepped to the left and swung his sword low and to the side he just was standing at, using all the strength he could bring out his body.

The sword and the fist made contact and sparks of steel on steel exploded around them, further blinding AJ. But it did not matter, he had made contact.

In an instant, AJ's machete succumbed to the sheer force of the D-Bugg's power, shattering under the weight and leaving only a small blunt blade no longer than a knife. AJ held the hilt in his left hand. Staring at the now useless lump of metal, his eyes widened in shock.

What!? My attack did nothing! Is the power of a B-tier that much higher than a C?

He swiveled, hastily anticipating another attack by the D-Bugg. However, it did not come. The monstrous machine had refocused its efforts on RL and, more specifically, the woman it was fighting earlier who now laid flat on the ground in a dazed state. 

Charging the sleek thrusters on the back of its legs, a blast of high temperature plasma spurted from the exhausts, melting the field away before shooting up high into the air. It aimed its frame to fall directly on top of RL and the other Doomsday Unit.

Shit! RL's still hurt from yesterday and I'm too far away. Can she move in time?

"RL! Get out of there!"

Grabbing tightly onto the unconscious Doomsday Unit, she pulled the woman and herself out of the incoming attack just barely avoiding certain death. The D-Bugg impacted the ground with intensity. A large explosive blast seared the area around. The collision itself splashed more dirt into the air as well and a frozen fountain of soil formed around the machine.

"RL, are you alright!"

"I'm fine! The girl is too!"

She healed fast from yesterday's injury.

AJ turned his focus back on the D-Bugg whose arm was stuck underneath the ground. It pulled and pulled, trying to rip its arm away from its entrapment. 

The overzealous attack gave AJ and RL a chance to catch their breath. But the D-Bugg's position wouldn't stay there forever. It was only a matter of time before it could get moving again.

So ordinary weapons won't work on its body. My own limbs won't fare any better, either. I need a plan. And fast.

He studied the D-Bugg up and down. Watching its unusually fast movements.

"Warden, give me a run down on the D-Buggs specifications."

rather His Warden's eye went yellow, "With pleasure, while the features are minimized than the others we have fought, it has a focused kit of abilities and a more robust frame. With a highly flexible exoskeleton, the D-Bugg of twenty meters is able to move with–"

"Uh, let's truncate the information a bit." AJ said, anxious as the machine gets closer to freeing its arm, "Just give me the details on its most dangerous abilities, quickly please."

"Its most used abilities are the specialized thrusters mounted on its calves that increase its ability to jump. As you have surely already seen, the D-Bugg also hosts large fists fitted with ignition boosters that increase the explosive power of their attacks with thermal power."

"Highly dangerous, then."

The Warden's eye turns green, "Indeed, I suggest not getting hit by it. It would spell your demise."

"No shit."

Finally, the D-Bugg freed itself from its chains, pulling away with hefty force. Its eyes twirled, homing in once more to the woman. The thrusters on the legs turned from its vertical position to a horizontal one with a sharp click. It blasted forward. 

RL got ready to endure a hit blocking the woman with her body so she wouldn't have to take the brunt of the hit.

"Miss RL, move!" Owen cried out. 

Before the D-Bugg could make it to the two of them, AJ had jumped back into the battle. With his superior physical capabilities as a Doomsday Unit, he rose to the height of the D-Bugg's triple eyes.

Got you! This is where your weakness is.

Twisting in the air, he dropped his foot onto where the orbs were floating. Where he thought they were, at least. Unfortunately, they had safely moved at of the way of his leg.

Damn it! Those must be his eyes, and they can see every which way. That's why it's not protected by anything, it can move independently from the rest of the body.

The orbs wrapped around his leg, holding tightly. The energy that made up their form burned at his leg, causing gray smoke to rise into the air.

AJ did not feel the pain, but he realized it was doing damage to his leg. So he quickly wriggled his way off, tumbling onto the ground.

The entire time, AJ's plan was just to get the D-Bugg's attention on him and off of the woman it was chasing, but all his efforts were failing. Nothing was disrupting him from his initial prey. For that it acted differently from the other D-Bugg, it seemed to act with more intention.

Quickly getting up, AJ noticed it was readying another thruster. This time back up into the air. Again, unlike the D-Bugg in the plaza, this one needed less of a charge. From this distance however, RL would surely not be able to dodge or defend herself.

"Warden, flash!" AJ commanded.

His Orbital Warden complied, rising to the eyes and emitting a bright light. This time the flash did not disrupt the D-Bugg's visual inputs and was able to swat the Warden away like a fly.

It must have many other ways to see us. Maybe thermal vision?

Though the flash did not work, the minor inconvenience of the Warden popping up stalled it enough that AJ reached its arm before it leapt. Plummeting his broken sword into a small opening on the machine like a claw, he latched on as it jumped.

Suddenly and with great resistance, air stretched his face out, pulling at the hems of his skin. The power of the jump was incredible, he could see the tops of many structures when he was at its peak.

After a bit of airtime on the unexpected roller coaster, AJ and the D-Bugg fell back to the ground. The D-Bugg was unable to use its ignition boosters on his fists for the jump due to AJ, but, even still, the concussive power of the landing produced enough wind to blow back RL and Owen.

AJ held on as tightly as possible. After a long toil, he was starting to get the attention of the mech.

To try and get him off, the D-Bugg failed its arm around. Rising it up and down as quickly as possible, pounding it directly into the ground.


AJ stuck with it, growing nauseous from the incessant amount of moving he was doing. His hair, though in a ponytail to try and stop it from going everywhere in a fight, was smothering his face due to the erratic movements he was engaging in. Finally, his grip couldn't hold on any longer and he was sent flying up into the air.

"AJ!" RL cried out 

He hit the ground hard, rolling rough though the dirt until he came to stop, splayed out on the ground.

I can't kill this bastard. Not without an actual AD.

As he laid there, he looked over at the Doomsday Unit who he thought would be back chasing the woman, but it finally seemed like his pestering was successful. It walked toward him, eyes twirling, assessing him to see if he had any other tricks up his sleeve. He had none. 

"AJ! Move!" RL called out again anxiously.

"Take the woman and make a break for it to the barrier! If you can get through, you'll be safe!"

"But what about you?"

"I'll be fine! Just... taking a little breather."

By the unconvincing way he said it, he knew RL wouldn't believe the lie, but it was all he could do. In a few seconds the D-Bugg would be on him and rip his body to shreds, living not an inch of life left. It was best if the get out safely.

Before the machine could make it and bash him in with his enormous hands. A loud blast filled AJ's ears. It was the sound of a rifle, and a powerful one at that. 

He looked up at the D-Bugg. One of its eyes was gone and its remains spilled over onto the reinforced plating, disintegrating it like an acid. The rifle had made one of the eyes burst.

RL, who was about to make a run to save AJ, paused in her tracks. Soon after the first, a second bullet fired into another eye of the reeling machine.

RL looked to the origin of the bullet. Off to the distance, laying on the ground was another time-treading human, a male Doomsday Unit, holding steady a sniper rifle aimed towards the D-Bugg. 

The rifle was almost purely white with only a few black fixtures for artistic detailing. The scope was large and unique, hosting a bar on the side that held a number of green ticks. At the moment, it was full. 

As he was reloading his gun, the D-Bugg was also able to find the source of the attack. Its final eye moved frantically.


"Damn! You guys are fighting this without an Auxiliary Device? Absolutely crazy." The man with the rifle said in a jovial manner, "Those devices are the sole items that can even harm such a monster."

The rifle charged, soaking in some sort of energy before ripping off a round straight through the final eye, rendering the D-Bugg blind.

RL stood with her mouth agape, utterly surprised. But more than that, elated that AJ was safe for now. She let out a sigh before noticing a hand tug at her pant leg.

"Top... of body." It was the woman. She had finally come to.

"I'm sorry, what's that?"

The woman's eyebrows furrowed, 'Its core is at the top of the body, right below where the eyes were, it should be open now."

RL nodded in understanding, 'Owen, look after the girl."

"Of course, Miss RL"

She dashed off toward the malfunctioning D-Bugg, who now swung its arms randomly in all directions without knowing where anything was. It was desperate to accomplish its job, kill any human before it lost the ability to. As she got close, an arm rushed toward her. Slowing down slightly, the arm just barely missed her in the front. She jumped over onto the arm with an agile grace, climbed to the height of the D-Bugg and ripped the core from its socket with her bare hands. The D-Bugg had been stopped. 

Losing its footing, the machine fell backwards, and RL smoothly jumped off of it, core in hand. AJ was still on the ground staring up in the air, somewhat stunned from the pure strength of the machine.

RL smiled, extending out her arm to help him up, "Thanks for protecting me again. But you gotta learn to protect yourself."

He took her hand, smiling softly, "You and I both, you were never going to run for the barrier, were you?"

They both laughed at each other.

The man with the rifle approached them, he was wearing a purple buttoned up shirt and matte black tie. He had on belted khaki pants. He had short brown hair, blue eyes and was just a couple inches taller than RL. He appeared a little bit older than the other three Doomsday Units, with a goatee blanketing his chin.

His face wore a wide toothy smile as the rifle, the Auxiliary Device rested on his shoulder. His Orbital Warden floated around him quietly.

"You must be the other Doomsday Units. I am Doomsday Unit TY-005. A pleasure to meet you all."