Chapter 40 - Stag Stomps The Squid I

Robert woke up the next morning to the bright light entering through the windows. The air was gentle and cold, refreshing even as he looked to his side. Lynesse stuck to his chest that entire night after their nightly rituals finished.

Time to go.

Having bathed before going to sleep, Robert shifted out of bed and washed his face in a wooden bowl in the room. He then disrobed completely and grabbed a set of new clothes, suitable for the long journey ahead.

"Let me help, Your Grace." Lynesse woke up from the sound and came over to help. However, her hands took extra liberties throughout, 'mistakenly' caressing his manhood at times. But she didn't go too far and finished aiding him in wearing the surcoat.

"Keep an eye on Sansa and Myrcella. I don't want their insanity to continue." Robert reminded her of her task. He couldn't trust Septa Unella alone, after all.

"Worry not, my King. Please win your battles in peace." Lynesse needily looked up at Robert.

He held no romantic emotions towards her and refused to take her inviting lips. He merely caressed her face with his large hand and left the bedchamber.

"Your Grace."

Right outside, Robert was trailed by Ser Barristan, who was to accompany him to the North.

"Have the men gathered?" Robert asked.

"The infantrymen departed yesterday, taking with them scouts and a contingent of the cavalry. The remainder of our forces will march alongside us," Ser Barristan reported, following the King to the armory. "Six Kingsguards will accompany you."

Robert nodded and put on his light armor before finally grabbing his warhammer. Since it was going to be a long horse ride, he didn't bother putting on the main antler armor just yet.

"Let's go." Robert headed straight out of the Red Keep.

Outside, he found Stannis, Sansa, Myrcella, and a few others waiting for him near the horses. He walked past Sansa and Myrcella, addressing his brother.

"Keep your eyes and ears open. If there's any movement in Dorne, I want to be informed." He sternly advised and patted Stannis' shoulder.

"I'll await the news of your victory, Your Grace." Stannis stoically replied.

Robert nodded and looked at the two girls finally. Both of them shrank back at his gaze, looking down. Sansa, already on the verge of tears, and Myrcella, interested to know what the King was thinking.

"Seven hells, cheer your bloody king!" Robert bellowed as he swung up onto his horse, armor clanging as he laughed boisterously. "For victory!"


With that, Robert stormed out through the gates of the Red Keep.


"It's Moat Cailin! It's taken, Your Grace!"

"What? When?!" Robert glared at his scout and pulled him by the chest plate. "Speak clearly! What did you see there?"

"The largest tower had the sigil of House Greyjoy! Five of our men died as the Greyjoys sat there to ambush us. Only I escaped and returned… V-Victarion Greyjoy is in command."

Robert released the man and looked at Ser Barristan and the other men in command of the army. Victarion Greyjoy was no new name to them. The Lord Captain of the Iron Fleet was famous for being fearless of drowning and battles.

"We must hurry." Robert anxiously declared, fearing that the Greyjoys were plotting a larger attack on Winterfell while stopping him from aiding the Starks. "Barristan, find me two men with guts and a sense of direction. No cowards. The rest of you, feed your men and prepare them for battle tomorrow."

All the boots scurried to get the job done. Robert waited in his tent in the meantime and looked at the rough map of the North on his table. He traced the rivers and their location. Winterfell was still far away in the North. For the first time in his life, he began to feel annoyed by the location of Winterfell. Why was it so far in the North?

"Your Grace."

Barristan soon returned with two men.

Robert stood up and pointed at the map. "I need you two to fetch me Howland Reed. Only he can guide us around Moat Cailin so we can attack the ruins from North and South."

"It will be bloody." Ser Barristan advised. "The towers provide a vantage point over the causeway."

"What other choice do we have?" Robert asked back. "Go bring me Howland."


Surprisingly, it didn't take very long before Howland stood right before him. It turned out, the crannogmen were already on their way to visit the King's camp.

"My son and daughter are in Winterfell. They intend to use them to stay my hand, but I don't see the need anymore, Your Grace. Your men told me you wish to go around the ruins, and I can lead you." Howland willingly offered help. "I've gathered my men to join the attack against the Ironborn."

Robert went ahead and shook the short man's hand. To Howland, he may just be Robert Baratheon. But to him, Howland was the man who fought beside him at the Tower of Joy. "Let us make haste then. Barristan, you'll lead the men from this side while I take the Northern side."

"Protecting you is my duty, Y—"

"Winning me this goddamn battle is your duty." Robert silenced the Lord Commander of Kingsguard. "Focus on the battle ahead. Lord Reed, guide me through the swamp."

Quickly, that very night, under the veil of darkness, one-fourth of the army left the camp with Robert and followed the Crannogmen. It wasn't easy, but much easier with men who knew their way around.

Well-fed, blades sharp, and armored, Robert traversed the swamp for hours before finally coming out on the other side of the ruined castle. But since it was still night, they chose to stay hidden and wait for the sky to turn blue.

It gave them time to clean their armor, and for Robert to wear the main one. From head to toe, he covered himself in armor, chainmail or solid, along with a cloak of black and gold. The antlers on his helmet soon started to become visible in the morning light.

It was early at dawn, and Robert chose to fight then.

"Prepare to signal Barristan," Robert commanded the men. "Keep those shields high, and crush them. Outnumber them, break them, kill them where they stand. And if you see Victarion—scream my name!"

Robert took position and waved at one of his men. Quickly, a fiery arrow was shot into the sky, towards the South and away from the ruined castle.

"CRUSH THEM!" Robert bellowed and led the charge.

Stormlands, Crownlands, and a few Riverlands' men stormed towards Moat Cailin's narrow causeway with their shields up. They expected the volley of arrows to fall over them from the three towers, and it happened as expected.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The arrows struck the shields. A few foolish men who were too late or unskilled even got hit. But no cries stopped the army at that moment. Barristan also led men from his side at that time, dividing the focus of the Ironborn archers.

"GO! Crush their chests! Shatter their skulls!" Robert roared so loud that his voice echoed even in that much mayhem. A sort of bloodlust took over him, a sense of innate excitement from just being in a battle.


He rejoiced and enjoyed every time his hammer caved in a chest. He cared not when he stepped on a corpse or killed a man with his stomp. He stood out like a giant and killed men left and right, slamming the pointy and the flat side of his warhammer at men, killing them no matter whether they wore armor or not.

"Fill the towers! Take them over!" Ser Barristan's calculated command bellowed from a close distance.

"King Robert!"

"King Robert!"

Just then, Robert heard some men shouting his name. He wasted no time and stormed through the men blocking his way like a bull in the wild. The entire causeway was full of Ironborns and his men, some others sprinkled throughout the ruins. It was total chaos since there was no large open field for this battle.

Thankfully, Ser Barristan had advised the men to use shorter swords for this battle. Robert could see it for himself how effective it was. But personally, he liked his warhammer best. Although he felt similarly close to the blade.

"Greyjoy!" Robert roared at the sight of Victarion Greyjoy. The man was well equipped, covered in armor from head to toe with a shield and steel ax, his choice of weapon. The man slayed men left and right while surrounded by more Ironborn.


Robert slammed his hammer at whoever came in his way. Not just chests caved, but at times he beheaded men with a single strike, ripping heads off and launching them into the air. His arms felt so mighty that he felt invincible. His legs and every muscle within screamed at him to keep going.


Robert finally reached Victarion and engaged him in a battle directly. The Greyjoy was tall, but not more than Robert. Both of them concentrated on their duel.

"I won't stop this time, Greyjoy. I forgave the last treachery, but not this time." Robert furiously slammed his hammer.


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