
Recommended song: Two steps from hell - victory.

The school bell comes up and the wide hallways of Prestige High becomes distant.

There was no one in the spacious classrooms, arenas or quaters.

Everyone seemed to have disappeared except they haven't. They were all gathered in a place they call The summon hall. One of the largest halls in the school.

This hall is only used when the board of directors wanted to pass a strict order, or judgement.

It is where authorized decisions that had been carefully made were revealed to the students and most unspoken issues like when the school is about to go on one of the scariest lockdowns are discussed openly.

Murmurs from the students were rumbling and gossips were already flying around in groups. They have heard about the tragic incident that happened the previous day after the school alarm ticked off outta nowhere in the middle of classes.

The noise was so loud that everyone vacated the school buildings and evacuated into their boarding quarters terrified of what was going on, fueling the rumors about monsters in the neither region of the school that was stated boldly 'No trespassing '.

This whole talk about monsters had been ongoing for a while now, mostly because of the laws that were passed right after a similar incident occured behind the werewolf boarding quarters. In the 'no trespassing ' zone.

It was the only school rule that no student had the guts to break except the foolish ones that always fell victim.

"Omg... D-did she die?" One of the students gasped, covering her mouth, causing the rest around her to shiver as well.

"I heard she sounded mentally deranged and is unable to speak actual words". One among them whispered.


"No way, that's even worse".

"And the boy? What happened to him?"

She shuffled closer this time. "My friend is close to one of the healers in the affirmary and he said she kept mumbling 'he is dead' 'he is dead' over and over but the board are trying to cover it"

With terror in their eyes, the one close to her stuttered, covering her mouth gently "D-do you think he is dead?"

"Why would the board cover something like this?" Another asked.

She opened her eyes wide, claiming shocked. "Wait, haven't you heard?"

"What? Heard what?"

The once excited teenager that seemed interested in the the gossip with her group suddenly lowered her head and bit her lower lip as though she had just slipped.

Her eyes wavered everywhere, alert to see if anyone that passed paid attention to her words. She didn't want to say anything that was going to get her into trouble but the curiosity in the eyes of the ladies she spoke with encouraged her to carry on.

In a hushed tone, she gestured for them to scoot closer, shuffling towards them as well as they all payed attention closely.

Gently, her lips parted and the words left her mouth.

"It's a code x".

She pursed are lips leaving them in uttermost shock and series of gasps with the most terrified expression plastered on their faces, covering their mouths in reflex.

They all knew what a code x was and who it was directed at.

"W-was it Bale?" The one that found the courage to ask covered her mouth and shut her eyes immediately in terror but nobody answered her.

They were too shocked to speak that even when the wide doors of the large hall opened wide to accompany the school admin, they were unaware, each of them startled when her voice echoed through the mic as everyone settled and the hall went completely silent.

"I'm sure all of you are aware of the current situation at hand, and a few of you are confused". She stated.

"Most of you are new here so it must have been quite a shock for you to have experienced a fresher like yourself being in such terrible state. But I want to assure you that the school boards are doing all the best they can to get to the end of this".

"While we try to get to the root of the problem, we advice that you stick to the current arrangements and programs our school will be adhering to as we will be administering a curfew and a temporary suspension of every out-site activity".

The tension that filled the air while the current situation was being handled like a normal occurrence in the school did not stop the profound murmurs from the students, showing their disappointment and dissatisfaction after hearing the recent change in program they will all be adjusting to.

They wanted their voices to be heard but the school admin seemed determined to complete her speech.

With a stern face, she continued.

"The recent programs will be sent into the school systems and will be carried out efficiently from today". She stated.

"No loitering around, no trespassing of clan quarters, no visiting, and all devices must be allocated to your teachers for immediate inspection."

A couple of 'what the hells' echoed in the hall before a new wave of murmurs arose.

She didn't stop, instead, she rose her voice.

"This is to ensure that the affairs of Prestige High stays in the walls of Prestige High to avoid presumptuous scandals and miscommunication of unnecessary information".

She added and the murmurs riled up again, causing her to pause in her words before gently dismissing the gathering.

"That would be all, please return to your various classes and commence lectures".

Her words left everyone perplexed.

Everyone exited the hall just as they were instructed to but that didn't mean they were okay with her judgment. They still talked about it amongst themselves.

The ones that had already grown accustomed to the settings knew how to mind their businesses and flowed with the school policies, while the newbies found it difficult to adjust. They had the most complains.

"What? Did she just say 'unnecessary information '?" One of them in front of her locker scoffed annoyingly.

"Gosh, a student just fucking lost his life, what a bitch". Another beside her added rubbing her arms consistently for comfort.

"Hey, that's a presumptuous scandal". A student among the rest countered and everyone bursted into laughter, infuriating the other person.

"Is everything a joke to you, don't you feel a little sympathy towards your fellow student?"

"Hahaha, what?". He snickered. "Of course I don't, he trespassed. Serves him right".

"What a jerk".

"Besides," He continued. "This is just a clear case of miscommunication... Nobody knows for sure if he's actually dead or not".

"Yeah, he's right". Another dude jumped from behind him. They seemed to be close friends.

It was now an arguement between the guys and the girls so other students gathered to watch.

"You can't just say things when you're not sure of it". He added. "You guys are freshers, no?"

"Why? What does that have to do with anything?" The edgy girl spoke again and the dude chuckled but his friend was already getting annoyed.

"Well, you still have a lot to learn". He added simply.

She scoffed. "probably not from you I guess". Giving him a dirty look.

"Hey, are you observing puberty or what? Why so edgy?" Another dude that took something out of his locker chipped in. He also seemed like one of their friends. "We're just stating facts, the dude trespassed and got it".

"Facts? The only fact here is the one stating that you mutts are jorks". She glared and the first one responded.

"Hey, watch it". He warned, getting more furious as his friends stopped him, trying to calm him down.

"You're only supporting this act because you are freaking werewolves". She attacked. "I can smell you all the way from here".

She growled, eyes boring on them in a challenge while other students gingered with "whoas" and "ohhhhs".

They had gotten the attention of the entire students sharing the same hallway lockers who seemed to have already picked sides in the fight as they cheered on.

Her friend beside her tried to tell her to stop but she shoved her aside, causing the angry dude to chuckle as she moved towards him and stood in front of him head on.

He knew what this was and it was so hilarious to him.

She was challenging him.

"Hey fox girl, run along now before you get hurt". He warned again, his emotions glitching. He was losing it the more she glared at him with those eyes.

She personally challenged him so his friends backed off, giving him a slight tap on the shoulder while they watched from behind.

His claws were already protruding and his eyes became a brighter shade of its regular color.

He was fighting back his growl. His wolf was beginning to surface, accepting her challenge, showing its dominance.

Her eyes also changed to the lightest shade of blue, showing that she wasn't backing off when he towered over her, causing her to growl back, going into defence mood instantly.

And just when they were about to pounce on each other, a student from the opposite hallway ran into their hallway in between the heated fight that was about to outburst, panting as though his lungs were about to explode.

He wasn't even able to catch his breath when the words left his mouth like a testament.

"He's here! He exclaimed with terror. "B-B-Bale is here".