
I stepped into the room and his eyes were on me. Just like the previous night, they had confusion in them. Confusion and something else that I couldn't quite understand.

My heart thudded.

When I left him earlier, he was still asleep. After our heated moment the previous night, he just blacked out, and I was glad he did because I didn't know exactly how I could've stopped myself from taking him right there and getting lost in the moment. That would've been very bad.

I guess he was exhausted from the stress of the entire day. He must've been because I have never seen him that way. I was at peace that he was in my arms, and in my goddamned villa, on my freaking bed, alone!! And I was so freaking excited, but I hated the fact that we didn't get to converse more.

We didn't get to chat about our emotions, and how we were going to share the news with our families... Well, maybe his family.