Legs That wander.

This chapter is dedicated to Phibble. Thank you for your support and powerstones.



After countless decades of sleeping coldly, abandoned in the dark and in my lifeless state, completely left behind and omitted by my family, the cry of the Vlad – (my father, the one who put me to sleep) summoned my forgotten soul and arose me from deep slumber.

As though I was cast to sleep just yesterday, in the blink of an eye, everything had changed so drastically.

Centuries had passed after all, but it all happened so fast and everything changed well, should I say... too fast?

Just yesterday the humans rode horses, and chariots were only for royalties... But today, all of those things had been replaced with something else called a 'car'

And mansions that were once elegant, holding sophistication had become transparent in the blink of an eye... They call it a 'villa'