
"…Good morning, Night City."

"Yesterday's dead man lottery, the final result was a full thirty!"

"Thanks to the endless gang fighting, ten people were killed in Heywood alone."

"But one of the officers is dead too. I think you all have to pay compensation because the NCPD will definitely not be able to swallow this..."

Bai Rui woke up with a yawn, quietly turned over V who was still sleeping, sat down on the bed, blinked her eyes to wake herself up, played with her messy hair, then got up and turned off the radio that was playing the morning radio.

Picking up V's jacket and putting it on, Bai Rui walked to the vending machine in the room and clicked the button a few times. With a few clangs, cans and plastic packaging fell into the lower frame.

Two cans of black coffee and a bag of instant burritos.

This is breakfast for the two of them and the beginning of the day.

Bai Rui is always the one who cooks because V always likes to stay in bed.

However, when it comes to cooking, it's actually just pouring the burrito onto a plate and putting it in the microwave to heat it up for a few minutes. It's common to even eat it cold when you're in a hurry.

In 2077, all kinds of fast food are everywhere. As long as you have money, you can eat large quantities of it. Synthetic protein combined with high-sugar dough can meet your energy needs for the whole day. As for whether it is healthy or not, don't worry about it.

On the contrary, organic vegetables and fresh meat have become the exclusive domain of the rich. Every morning, drones will pack the freshly picked vegetables and meat from the greenhouse and send them to the kitchens of their mansions. The chefs will prepare them into presentable dishes instead of the poor eating unrecognizable paste with no discernible ingredients and one-dollar pizza with a mortality rate of 20 to 30 percent.

"Woo~" V woke up with a sound like a kitten. She sat on the bed for a long time with her eyes squinted, looking uncomfortable.

"Damn, if I had known I wouldn't have finished drinking the bottle of tequila last night. It was a bottle of fake liquor and my head is still dizzy now."

V scratched her head, looking distressed. This situation would only happen if she drank too much the day before or if relatives came over.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have drunk it all."

Bai Rui took the plate out of the microwave and rolled her eyes at V. She was too tired to complain. V had done this kind of thing many times, but every time she would continue to be lively after a while, and then completely forget about her current reflection until she was humiliated again next time.

After all, in the game, V is the ruthless guy who dares to put a black Braindance on her head if she catches it on the streets. She is also the most punk-iron-headed kid in the cyberpunk world.

"Besides, Sister V, you should get up too. Didn't you say Jack needed your help in the morning?"

"Yes, it seems that this is the case."

After knocking her forehead, V had to get up no matter how reluctant she was. She was not a person who liked to break appointments, and she particularly hated waiting, no matter if others were waiting for her or she was waiting for others.

There is probably no one in this world who clearly needs to meet someone but delays going and leaves the other person alone for ten days or half a month.

Bai Rui opened the window and pulled back the curtains, revealing the busy and bustling street outside early in the morning.

At this time, V had finished washing up, sat on the sofa, and took her share.

There was white frost on the can, and on the plate was half a burrito with tomato and beef cubes, which was still steaming from the microwave.

"Oh, you got the wrong one. This is yours, Bai Rui."

V just took a sip of coffee and frowned. She almost cried out that she had picked up the wrong cup.

Bai Rui might have been a Coca-Cola taster in her previous life. She has a special passion for this carbonated bubble water. Even coffee has to be mixed with a little of this blue Coke.

"If you don't drink Little Coke, life will be half as fun." Bai Rui snorted, took the cup and took a big sip.

Taking the forks, the two of them finished their own half of the burrito. Neither of them had a big appetite, so two halves of the burrito were enough.

"Burritos and coffee, I never get tired of them!"

After finishing the last piece, V smiled, feeling satisfied with this cheap happiness.

"By the way, Sister V, I have a gift for you."

As if he had thought of something, Bai Rui put down her fork, pulled her black luggage bag from the sofa, unzipped it and searched through it.

"Oh, what is it?"

Seeing Bai Rui's mysterious look, V became interested and put down the fork in her hand.

"A gun I modified. It's big and thick. It can definitely make your enemies into sieves!"

Bai Rui said as he held up a submachine gun she took out of her bag.

"M221 Saratoga, produced by Military Technology Corporation. The stuff they made is pretty useful."

"I added a laser sight to the gun, an automatic calibration chip, lengthened the magazine, and made some adjustments to the gun body. It has greater power and less horizontal recoil."

Taking the half-arm-long submachine gun, V played with it for a while and nodded. "Masterpiece! Bai Rui, it's a waste of your ability to be a mercenary. Go to Militech or Arasaka and be a technician. You can definitely make a lot of money."

"No, I like my freedom and don't want to be a corporate dog." Having said that, Bai Rui still puffed out her chest proudly, and praised V without any modesty.

Are you kidding? This is a good thing that the system has identified as [rare] quality. It is much better than the common stuff you can find everywhere on the street.

Bai Rui has a system.

For some reason, she seemed to have brought the system from the cyberpunk game, which allowed her to add attribute points and skill points to improve her abilities.

She had originally planned to focus on strength, becoming a physical brute and blasting her way up to Arasaka Tower with a shotgun, or focus on reaction and try to mow down the enemies with a submachine gun or a pistol.

But in the end, she still chose the technical ability that seemed to have no combat ability, because she found that this was the real magical skill.

In the game, crafting capabilities are limited to making only firearms, clothes, or some chips that add bonuses to weapons and prostheses.

But in reality there is no such limitation.

She can make anything, robots, tanks, combat armor, and even nuclear bombs, as long as she is given enough materials, she can make them.

She alone is the combination of the world's top machine tools and top engineers.

Bai Rui's current panel looks like this.

  Level: 29

  Physical: 8

  Reactions: 14

  Technical ability: 18

  Intelligence: 5

  Composure: 5"

Bai Rui's technical ability is almost maxed out. Eighteen points of technical ability are enough for her to make [Legendary] level weapons. The only thing that limits her is money - she doesn't have that much money to buy parts and materials.

With the support of the system, Bai Rui is almost a human high-tech machine tool. If you give her two discarded radios, she can build a 4080ti for you.

However, she is much worse in other aspects. In terms of physical fitness, she has eight points, while ordinary people have about three points, and eight points is equivalent to the qualities of a professional athlete.

But this is only compared with ordinary people. If compared with the mercenaries who have undergone transformation surgery, it is not worth looking at at all.

But Bai Rui's 14-point reaction still gives her enough combat capability. With a revolver and a reaction ability comparable to that of a dynamic camera, hitting the target every time is just the basics.

With this skill, Bai Rui will be able to make a name for herself in Night City.

However, Bai Rui deeply understood that in this cyberpunk world, there was no shortage of capable fighters.

Johnny Silverhand, isn't he a powerful fighter? He carried a nuclear bomb and blew up the Arasaka Tower. He is simply a legend among legends.

But even though he was so powerful, he was still defeated by Adam Smasher.

Even though Adam Smasher is so powerful, he is just a bodyguard for the Arasaka family.

The famous V in the game's plot, a living legend in Night City, even destroyed the Arasaka Corporation in the solar ending.

But, he did become the boss of the Laisheng Bar.

And look at Saburo Arasaka, he is just a wrinkled old man, but he is the boss of the Arasaka Empire whose influence extends all over the world. He directly planned or participated in four corporate wars, turning most of the world into a mess.

In the cyberpunk world, even someone as powerful as V cannot change this terrible world.

Bai Rui found hope in her own system, which was manufacturing.

Nearly full manufacturing capacity allows the creation of almost any technological product in the world today, as long as there are samples or blueprints, and sufficient and suitable materials.

Technology is the primary productive force, and she alone is a technology company, and one that can be at the forefront of the world.

As long as she can build her own power in Night City, she believes that she can completely change the tragedies that happened to V, Jack, Silverhand, and many other people, and completely change the world and sweep corporate giants into the dustbin of history.

To accomplish such a grand goal, she could not do without the help of V in front of her. Bai Rui looked at V with eager eyes and spoke sweetly.

"...Sister V, um, can you lend me some more money?"

Bai Rui, who was determined to change the world in the last second, rubbed her hands and looked embarrassed.

A penny can make a hero fall. Her plan requires a lot of financial support, and she has already drained all the commissions she earned from completing missions.

And now, she had to borrow money from V again.

Not only did she eat and live at V's place, but she also always asked V for money. Bai Rui herself felt embarrassed, her eyes were wandering and her face was hot.

"Oh, that's what I thought. Today isn't a holiday, but you're so kind to give me a gift. It turns out you were waiting for me here."

Looking at Bai Rui's embarrassed posture with amusement, V grinned and began her teasing.

"Please, I will definitely pay it back!"

Bai Rui put her hands together, leaned forward, and showed off his meager arsenal.

"Alright, alright." V laughed and waved his hands. "It's about your 'big plan' again. Didn't I tell you before that my money is your money? Don't be embarrassed."

"So, how much do you need this time?" V said cheerfully, raising her hand.

"Haha, not much, just three thousand euros."

"Three thousand!?" V, who was drinking coffee, almost choked when she heard the number.

This is the money she earned from two or three big orders.

"Hehe!" Bai Rui covered her mouth with her little hands, smiled embarrassedly, and blinked at V in a cute way.

"Okay, fine." Although she felt painful, V still transferred the money to Bai Rui with trembling hands.

Thanks to her girl who spends money like water, V's life is much more tight than in the game. Even her plan to buy a car has fallen through. But as a substitute, Bai Rui used her superb craftsmanship and found some second-hand materials. She helped V repair the old car in no time. It is not known whether it is good or bad.

Although she didn't know what Bai Rui was going to do, V still supported her. After all, she was her sister after all. Thinking of this, V felt much better.

This is a typical example of self-PUA.

"That's great, V!" Bai Rui exclaimed in surprise, and pounced over like a cat, throwing V onto the sofa.

"Alright, alright!" In her arms, Bai Rui pushed her head back and forth, and V stroked her fur with amusement and caress. "You're so grown up, but you're still like a child."

Although she said this, there was no trace of blame on her face.

Bai Rui was very excited when she smelled V's body fragrance.

With V's generous donation, the remaining materials will be gathered and her first generation product will be released. How can she not be excited?

When she was happy, Bai Rui buried her head again and took a big puff of V's gun.

  1. most who played the game should understand it xD
  2. yeah "Big and Thick" is the original so no blame to me.
  3. Original was -"M221 Saratoga, produced by Military Technology Corporation. These Americans are immoral, but the stuff they made is pretty useful."- pls let me know if I should change those in the future.
  4. Original was Adam Hammer :p