Dragon's Lair and Tiger's Den

"You, take the remaining 'garbage' and dump it in the trash can."

The scavenger used the tap to rinse the disassembled prosthesis while instructing his companions to get the two metal barrels filled with sticky organs and yellow and white fat.


With a curse, the less experienced scavenger could not refuse and could only frown and carry the bucket to the trash can that was big enough for a whole person.

"We should get a dog so we don't have to carry the garbage to the incinerator."

The scavenger frowned as he dumped a bucket of human body parts into the trash can. The smell that came back was like hell, and even these "scavengers" who had been dealing with corpses for a long time could not stand it.

Even "professionals" are like this, let alone "good citizens" like Bai Rui.

She was now extremely grateful that she was not hiding behind the trash can.

In the shadows, Arnold crouched behind the trash can. His built-in thermal sensor could clearly display the three scavengers in the room in his field of vision, and the one closest to him was naturally the guy who was dumping organs into the trash can.

As the scavenger raised the second bucket of organs, cursing, Arnold took action.


Arnold stood up suddenly, and the gust of wind he created startled the scavenger.

Seeing a big man in black suddenly jumping out, the other party was so scared that his eyes were bloodshot and he opened his mouth to shout.

But how could Arnold give him this opportunity? The next second, his arm popped out like a mantis claw and grabbed the other person's soft throat.

Fingers pierced into the flesh, revealing milky white fat and blood. The other person's bulging eyes were full of bloodshot, and the shouts he intended to make turned into blood bubbles popping out of the throat.

Arnold slowly exerted force with his big hands, and the scavenger's feet left the ground. Blood dripped from the opponent's nose and mouth, and fell on Arnold's leather gloves.

"Fuck, it's finally done."

One person held down the hollowed-out body, while the other forcefully pulled out the synthetic spine from its back.

A bloody synthetic spine with minced meat was thrown on the table. The scavenger wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and sighed.

The body was torn into pieces, and now only a red skin bag was left hanging on the chair.

Heavy footsteps are approaching.

"Come and give me a hand quickly!" The scavenger lifted the corpse's feet and spoke in a bad tone. The young man was so slow in getting the garbage and made them wait for so long.

The scavenger who was carrying the corpse's head became very angry when he heard the slow footsteps. He looked up and was about to curse, but his eyes widened when he saw who was coming.

Who is this big man in black?

But before he could ask, a tin bucket was put on his head, followed by a heavy blow to the stomach, which made him fall to the ground in pain.

The scavenger next to him was startled when he saw the enemy suddenly appear and subconsciously reached for the pistol beside him.

Arnold turned his head, stretched out his big hand, grabbed the other's head, and pressed it into the empty abdominal cavity of the corpse.


Pressed into the sticky flesh and blood, the scavenger began to scream. Arnold pressed him with one hand and grabbed a sharp dissecting knife with the other hand and inserted it into the other's ear hole.

The sharp blade pierced into his head like cutting tofu, and his screams stopped as if they were sucked out of his body. Arnold pressed him into the pulp until the other's body stopped twitching.

Only then did Bai Rui come down the stairs.

The scavenger who was hit was still wriggling on the ground. Bai Rui stepped forward and stepped on his chest. She then used her kinetic arm guard to gather power and punched out. The opponent's head exploded like a watermelon, and red and white substances splattered all over the ground.

This is the method we need to use to deal with these bastards who trample on human ethics.

Although Bai Rui was a mercenary who committed murder, arson, carjacking, and theft, she could still smell the strong and insoluble evil from these guys, a stench that could not stand the slightest sunlight and was only fit to twist and roll in sewers filled with sewage and filth.

After dealing with the three people, Bai Rui looked around and found that there was nothing worth noting here except a few upside-down corpses.

There are no living people and no lost prostheses.

Bai Rui could only shake her head and prepare to continue exploring.

This scavenger gang must have more than just these few people. Bai Rui also heard it just now. Most of them are still upstairs.

Bai Rui saw the stairs opposite the basement, which must lead to the opponent's lair.

As usual, Arnold went first, and Bai Rui lurked behind.

Going up the stairs, the sunlight soon came in.

When he popped his head out, Bai Rui found that it was different from what she thought.

The outside was not the gloomy scene of a flesh factory but rather looked like an ordinary repair workshop.

There were even a few scavengers repairing cars there.

Of course, if they had not dismantled the van sent by Old Vic, Bai Rui would still be a little confused.

It seems that all those bastards who provoked me are here.

Bai Rui's eyes showed murderous intent.

Night City encourages its citizens to arm themselves for self-defense when facing criminals. Although this is a compromise made by the Night City Police Department to its inability to control crime in the city, this compromise also gives some people opportunities.

As long as they are capable enough, everyone is a circuit court and judge, and can use the gun in their hands to convict these bastards, from a single shot in the head to cutting the body into pieces, and there is no upper limit.

And what Bai Rui sentenced to the group of scavengers in front of her who were engaged in illegal human body trade was the ultimate death penalty.

The exit of the underground stairs faces a small hall with a large TV hanging on the pillar and two sofas underneath. Two scavengers are sitting on the sofas, each hugging a sex doll. They are leaning on the sofas with Braindance rings on their heads, and are having a blast watching heavy-taste tapes.

There was a small table in the middle of the sofa, filled with wine, leaves, and some "sugar pills" that looked like something bad.

These beasts really know how to enjoy themselves.

Bai Rui watched all this through Arnold's vision and became even angrier.

Arnold strode forward.

There are so many scavengers that Arnold, without his hidden prosthetic body, cannot assassinate them one by one. So, it is better to break in with thunder and kill as many of them as possible before they can react.

Arnold walked behind the sofa, and the four people who were immersed in the Braindance did not react at all.

The big hands like bear paws grabbed the scavenger's head on the sofa, and then he exerted force with both hands. There was a crisp cracking sound, and the scavenger lost his life in an instant.

Its head drooped like a ball bag, and its body fell limply onto a sex doll in scantily clad clothes beside it. However, because its mind was immersed in Braindance, the sex doll didn't even notice that its client was dead.

Arnold walked slowly towards the cleaner sitting on the sofa opposite and picked up a bottle of wine on the table.

Holding the bottle with slight force, the back half of the bottle broke, leaving only the upper half with a sharp glass fracture.

Arnold held the bottle mouth with one hand and stabbed it into the scavenger's neck, which was exposed because his head was tilted back.

The sharp glass suddenly poured into his flesh, and the bright red blood gushed out with a splash and flowed down the bottle. The scavenger twitched for a few seconds and then died with a whimper.

The second one has also been solved.

"Fuck, there are enemies here!"

With a startled roar, the scavenger who appeared at the kitchen exit dropped the plate in his hand and broke it, with the locust sandwiches scattered all over the floor.

The other party subconsciously wanted to escape, but Arnold grabbed the shotgun hanging on his waist and fired without hesitation.


A dull shot from a shotgun rang out, and a cloud of blood exploded on the back of the scavenger who had just turned around. He fell to the ground with a scream and died at the speed of light.

"Fuck! Gunshots! Enemies!"

"Mad, who on earth is that?!"

"Find him and kill him!"

Now it was lively. The scavengers on the second and first floors were in an uproar because of the sudden gunshots. They all stopped their work, grabbed the guns beside them, and rushed to the small hall, cursing.

It finally began, Bai Rui's battle against a gang alone.

"Fuck, what happened?"

"Blood! Oh my god, blood!"

At this time, the two sex dolls were also awakened, but as soon as they took off their Braindance rings, they were frightened out of their wits by the dead people beside them, and when they saw Arnold holding a gun, they screamed.

"If you want to live, keep quiet."

Bai Rui didn't want to involve these poor people who sold their bodies, so she asked Arnold to reach out and pick up one of them and put them into the closet beside him.

"Fuck, kill him!"

Just as I closed the cabinet door, I heard a few shouts from behind. It turned out that people from the maintenance room in front were rushing over.

"Da da da da!!!"

Several scavengers opened fire when they saw Arnold. The fragile glass door in the middle of the two sides could not stop the fire and was shattered into pieces by the crazy rain of bullets in an instant, turning into fragments that fell to the ground like hail.

A heavy rain of bullets instantly hit Arnold, leaving holes in his leather jacket. With so many bullets hitting his body, the huge impact force forced Arnold to take two steps back.

"Okay, okay, he's dead!!!"

"Fuck, that feels good!!!"

The scavengers kept their fingers on the triggers and laughed wildly. After shooting so many bullets, they believed that the enemy was already dead.