A Nobody? Or Famous?


Bai Rui had a question mark on her face, wondering why the topic suddenly changed so quickly.

"They begged me before they came." Old Victor said, leaning against the car. "But I think you are the boss of this business, so let them talk to you in person."

Bai Rui remained silent, and several gunmen were waiting anxiously.

"Old Victor, do you believe them?"

After scanning these gunmen, Bai Rui spoke.

"They are all my old customers, I have some connections with them, and as far as I know, they are all pretty good people." Old Victor folded his hands and recalled the past. "So, I trust them."

"Well, since Old Victor believes in you, then I believe in you too. I agree to your request."

Bai Rui said to the gunmen with a smile.

This was not a sudden decision.

Bai Rui and Victor's business is now picking up in Little Chinatown and Kabuki, and is developing at a good pace. Now it is a bit beyond the ability of just the two of them and one body. For example, in this hijacking, if they had some security personnel of their own, it would have been impossible for the other party to succeed.

Therefore, Bai Rui also thought about recruiting people.

And now, with these seven or eight veterans willing to work under her, Bai Rui naturally agreed.

They have Old Victor's guarantee and are retired veterans. Their skills are guaranteed. How could Bai Rui not be satisfied?

"That's great, I mean, it's awesome!"


Several veterans seemed very happy.

To be honest, they are so poor that they can barely make ends meet, but they are too embarrassed to join a gang. Now that Bai Rui is able to recruit them as security personnel, they are very happy.

"Well, from now on you are members of the Beehive."

Bai Rui looked them in the eyes and shook hands with them, then pulled Arnold over to introduce him to them.

"This is our general, a famous mercenary on the streets, 'Terminator' Arnold."

Bai Rui patted the silent Arnold on the shoulder and spoke to everyone.

"I know him, 'The Terminator', the famous mercenary."

"Shit, I've heard of that too. The one who works for Regina Jones."

"I didn't expect he was also from 'Beehive', awesome!"

The soldiers seemed very excited.

Are you kidding? Such famous mercenaries are on their side, which shows how stylish and capable their gang is. You will definitely make a fortune by following them.

Looking at everyone's reactions, Bai Rui nodded.

This is the effect she wants to see.

There's no way, she looks too cute and doesn't look like a gang boss at all. It would be much better if Arnold was brought out. He looks like a ruthless person who can calm the situation without saying a word.

"Well, as we can see with our own eyes, this matter is settled, let's go back."

"Yes, Boss!"

The gunners straightened their backs and saluted respectfully. In the past, they saluted to the Star-Spangled Banner in the army, but now, they saluted to their parents, the new "Beehive" organization.

"Old Victor, we can hire more people." Bai Rui patted Old Victor, on the shoulder and called him. "This still depends on you. You are the local boss of Little Chinatown."

"But they have to be reliable, can't have a serious criminal record, and can't be a gang member."

"No problem." Old Victor made an OK gesture. "Who doesn't need money these days? Some of my friends and regular customers are just in a time when they are short of money and work, so they will be happy to come."

Old Victor readily agreed to the deal. He was sincerely happy to see Bai Rui's career develop so well.

"Thanks, Old Victor. Let's go to the black clinic before we go back. I still have to go to the black clinic to get something, and Arnold's car is still there."

"Black clinic?" Old Victor wanted to ask again, but Bai Rui got into the car, so he had to give up.

A group of four or five cars roared on the road, and no one dared to stop them. They turned a corner and arrived at the door of Charles Clinic, and Bai Rui got out of the car.

She smashed the window glass with a punch, reached in, and opened the door, then Bai Rui walked in with a gun in her hand.

Picking up a frame, Bai Rui smashed the window with the butt of her gun. A shrill siren sounded, but Bai Rui ignored it. She quickly took out the valuable prosthetics one by one and stuffed them into the frame.

"Hurry up, everyone. Don't just stand there. We have to move quickly after we finish loading our things!"

Seeing that no one moved, Bai Rui turned around in confusion, only to see Old Victor and his group standing at the door without moving.

"Bai Rui, you..." Without being able to explain how she was so skillful, Old Victor squinted his eyes and looked at Bai Rui, the gangster, in disbelief.

"Uh, hehe..." Suddenly remembering that she might look a little embarrassed, Bai Rui smiled guiltily. "This black doctor is doing something illegal, and we are seizing ill-gotten gains. It's reasonable and logical."

Then Bai Rui told Old Victor and the others that Charles and the scavenger were in cahoots.

Now they were finally able to help.

A few people loaded and dragged everything, and in less than five minutes they moved out everything in the clinic. It was truly a model of "zero-dollar shopping."

"Phew! What a day of hard work and harvest!"

The carriage was filled to the brim. Bai Rui was like an old farmer who had worked hard all day. She wiped the sweat off her face with a slightly tired look and looked at her harvest with satisfaction.

"Okay, let's run away!"

After closing the roller shutter, Bai Rui, feeling satisfied, quickly got on the truck and drove away.

She really made a fortune today.

Sure enough, the most profitable business in the world is the business with no capital.

With Charles's prosthetic body, Bai Rui took away all the scavenger's savings, which was considered a big profit.

Unfortunately, this kind of opportunity is hard to come by, otherwise, Bai Rui would have wanted to give up the troublesome prosthetics business and focus on punishing evil and promoting good in Night City.

And on the other side.

V, who was sitting in the back seat of DeShawn's black car and talking business with DeShawn, didn't know that during this period of time, her godsister and lover Bai Rui had already come back from having her "fun".

The muscular bodyguard Oleg was driving in the front, while V was sitting in the back seat, frowning as she looked at the 300-pound black-and-gold fat man in front of her.

With a big beard and half an arm made of pure gold, DeShawn's style is quite intimidating.

"Hello, Miss V." DeShawn said to V after taking a puff of his cigarette. "Let's talk about something else before we get down to business."

"Would you rather be a nobody, live a quiet life, and die in bed with a catheter inserted? Or would you rather be remembered in history even if you don't live to be thirty?"

It is definitely not a good thing to start by talking about life ideals.

V looked normal, but she was extremely alert in her heart.

Usually, people who say this are either trying to cheat you out of your money or trying to trick you into losing your life, just like those guys who say they want to change the world.

"Are you going to test me?" V's cold voice sounded.

"No, just chatting" DeShawn said, raising his smoking cigar.

"Why... is there something hidden in your words?"

"No, Ms. V, this is called philosophy." DeShawn paused and continued.

"Listen carefully, I just got a big job. Compared to cleaning up the scavengers, this is a once-in-a-lifetime job."

"Tell me, what kind of work do you have?" V listened carefully. She wanted to find out whether this guy was planning to use them as pawns.

People in the middle often exaggerate the facts, make all kinds of empty promises, and trick some mercenaries from higher up into paving the way for them. In the end, the bodies are not even collected and can only be thrown into the stinking ditch to rot.

If you don't want to be abandoned, you must be smart enough to tell whether the offer from the middleman is a trap or not.

V has been in Night City for some time and has learned a lot of lessons.

"There's a... prototype technology. A biochip, to be exact. Just get it to me. It's that simple."

"Heh... I guess it's the company's stuff?"

"Yes, Arasaka Corporation." DeShawn said the incredible name in a calm tone. "You should be fine."

"Yes, no problem. I'll just die." V rolled her eyes. Arasaka Corporation, any fool would know that it is one of the giants in Night City. "Night City is Arasaka's territory. Who dares to mess with them?"

"No venture, no gain. That's the number one rule of afterlife," DeShawn continued, letting the smoke from his cigar drift.

"Besides, I'm not stupid, I won't leave any clues. This job must be done secretly. Do you understand what I mean?"

"What should we do? Do you have a plan?" Seeing DeShawn's face which looked like he had everything planned out, V became a little curious.

"First, I have some issues with the Maelstrom guys that I need to take care of first."

"Then it's very simple. You have to go meet the client, but she is very anxious now and wants to negotiate with us."

Taking a puff of his cigar from time to time, Dexter Deshawn told V the general information of the mission.

The client was Evelyn Parker, Genting's top star and a regular at Lizzie's Bar.

She wants the biochip from Arasaka Corporation.

She didn't know what was wrong with her and wanted to meet the man who worked for her. This actually violated the rules of Night City. Clients and mercenaries negotiated through middlemen and rarely met. But who can blame them for being rich? So the rules had to be changed flexibly at this time.

As for the Maelstrom, it's Dexter's own business.

Maelstrom stole military technology equipment two weeks ago, but the people in the company don't know that it was actually Maelstrom that was behind it.

Among the stolen items was a small combat robot called "Flathead", a prototype that was the crystallization of military technology. DeShawn asked V to get it for him.

DeShawn originally spent money to buy it from Maelstrom, but the problem was that the original transaction partner was the gang boss Brick.

As a result, a few days after the deal was reached, Brick was attacked by his brother and friend Simon Randall, known as "Royce" in the underworld.

DeShawn doesn't know whether the new boss Royce will admit it.

Another senior executive at Militech named Meredith Stout was also very interested in this matter.

"Who is this woman?" V asked.

"She made the company's transportation team incident look like it was going to cost someone's life. A witness she had was now tied up and stuffed in the trunk."

"She is in a state of panic because her superiors are pushing her so hard. You can think of how to take advantage of this."

"I'll send you the information about that woman now."

"That's enough to know. It's time to get to work." Hearing that her task involved so many relationships, V felt that she needed to sort them out.

"That's great. I'll arrange for you to meet Miss Parker at Lizzie's, and I've got you a helper"

"Helper?" V was curious at first, then dissatisfied. "You think I can't do it?"

"No, it's just a necessary insurance measure. There is strength in numbers."

"Hmph." V folded her hands in disdain.

"Arnold, the gang calls him 'The Terminator', he often works for Regina Jones, but he has also handled one or two commissions for me."

"Is he very powerful?" V raised her eyebrows and asked curiously.

"He has his own skills. He is efficient and capable. You will know it when you meet him. If your talks with Maelstrom fall through, you will definitely need him."

"…By the way, Miss V."

"A Nobody? Or famous?"

Even after getting out of the car, Dexter DeShawn's questions still echoed in V's ears.

Shaking her head, V called out the comms.