Citrus Morning

"Relax, Bai Rui."

Instead of taking advantage of the situation as imagined, V sat next to Bai Rui, hugged Bai Rui's petite body, and let Bai Rui rest her head on her shoulder.

"Although I don't know the reason, I won't touch you unless you agree." V said to Bai Rui with a loving look, stroking her shoulder.

"Hmm..." Bai Rui, whose shameful past was exposed, now snuggled in V's arms with a red face and hummed obediently.

V's assurance gave Bai Rui a great sense of security, and she felt a lot of attachment in her heart. She buried her head in V's arms and obediently acted like an ostrich.

One big and one small, snuggling up to each other.

Time seemed to have gone back to the time when Bai Rui was first found. She was very small, with fear and terror on her face. She could only sleep peacefully in her arms.

The past and present are intertwined and clearer.

Patting Bai Rui's shoulders gently and feeling Bai Rui's warmth in her arms, V had never felt so good.

It was like returning to the placenta, warm and cozy, and the world seemed to calm down.

She must be poisoned, she thought.

I have been poisoned by a kind of poison called Bai Rui, and it is very serious. I am afraid I will never be able to get rid of it in this lifetime.

Thinking of this, V chuckled to herself.

She clearly wanted to pursue Bai Rui, but now she ends up liking Bai Rui even more. What's going on?

The two of them stayed together like this for quite a while, during which time Bai Rui secretly looked up at V several times, although she was discovered by V every time.

With blushing cheeks, Bai Rui hugged V tightly and listened quietly to the two heartbeats, which rose and fell as if they were echoing each other.

Feeling V's body temperature and rich body fragrance, Bai Rui barely mustered up the courage to raise her head.

"Sister V, I actually like you too."

Grabbing V's shoulders and leaning close to her ear, Bai Rui exhaled hot breath and whispered something. Then, without waiting for V's response, she pecked V's fair face like a dragonfly, then retracted her arms, hugged her tightly, and acted like an ostrich.

"So, are we now together?" V touched the part of her face where Bai Rui's warmth still seemed to remain, and smiled, as bright as the spring breeze in February.

She lowered her head and asked this while looking at the back of Bai Rui's head.

"Hmm..." Bai Rui's voice was as soft as a mosquito, but the promise that seemed like some kind of sacred oath still reached V's ears clearly.

V smiled, took Bai Rui's little head out of her arms, held it in her hands, looked at her ripe peach-like rosy face and evasive eyes, and kissed her.

This time, there was no resistance, but instead a jerky but warm welcome.

V felt extremely satisfied, even more excited than becoming a legend in Night City.

Take it down.

Looking at Bai Rui's trembling eyebrows, who was so close that she closed her eyes shyly, V said with certainty in her heart.

Bai Rui, who was immersed in sweetness, didn't know that there was a special technique in PUA. (PUA=Pick-Up Artistry)

First, completely break through the other person's psychological defenses, then tolerate and guide him/her with the attitude of a savior, and you will most likely be able to make him/her submit to your wishes.

To put it simply, it means first putting the other person into a desperate situation where she has no way to save herself, and then reaching out to help her when her emotions collapse to the extreme. This will greatly mobilize the other person's emotions and make her obey you.

As for such a trivial matter as the person who put you in a desperate situation and rescued you from it being the same person, there is naturally no need to let the grateful person being rescued know about it.

At least V was very satisfied seeing Bai Rui awkwardly trying to please her.

It seems that I have to delete the "Emotional Strategy Manual" in the terminal as soon as possible, V thought while holding the back of Bai Rui's head.

Is this despicable behavior? Of course not.

Her feelings are genuine and without any falsehood.

Close at hand, looking at Bai Rui's trembling eyelashes, V's blue eyes were filled with deep desire.

No words were spoken that night.

The next day, Bai Rui woke up in V's arms.

Scratching his hair, Bai Rui sat up.

Uh, mixed feelings.

Looking at V who was still sleeping, Bai Rui didn't know what expression to show.

Last night, it seemed like I was taken down by V without knowing why.

Her memory slowly returned and Bai Rui's face began to flush.

She and V had been sparring with each other for an hour last night, and now all she could see were those scenes. Bai Rui felt her mind going dark just thinking about it.

Well, I am V's girlfriend now, is that what you mean?

Bai Rui bit her lip, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Haha, Bai Rui, you're awake."

V also woke up, smiling.

In the early morning sunlight, V's shining smile stunned Bai Rui.

The confusion and indecision in her heart suddenly disappeared, and Bai Rui felt warm inside.

Actually, there is nothing wrong if some people like it.

Isn't it just being someone's girlfriend? It doesn't conflict with her iron-blooded masculinity.

She is V's girlfriend. Rounding it off, does that mean V is her girlfriend?

Then her goal would be accomplished.

V has been completely conquered by her and is now completely obsessed with her.

After convincing herself in this way, Bai Rui's masculine desire was finally calmed down.

This is the masculine charm in her soul that immediately won V over, Bai Rui finally concluded and nodded with satisfaction.

After getting up and washing up, the two of them stayed together for a while. After all, a short separation is better than a new marriage (?)

In fact, as long as she is not pushed back, Bai Rui would like to stick close to V. After all, V is a top-notch beauty and Bai Rui has been coveting her for a long time. Now that her wish comes true, she is like a magnet and won't let go.

Smelling each other's body fragrance and kissing each other, it took a while for Bai Rui to stop with a flushed face and heavy breathing.

Good times are so short.

If they were an ordinary couple, they could have spent a few weeks playing after confirming their relationship, but both of them were mercenaries who aspired to become legends in Night City, so they didn't have so much time to waste.

"According to yesterday's plan, the mercenary Arnold and I will go meet Stout, the executive of the military technology company. V, you and Jack will go to the Maelstrom's base, the All Foods Factory, to investigate."

The four of them finalized the plan yesterday.

Part of the plan included contacting Stout, a senior military technology executive who was investigating the attack on the company's convoy.

"Is that mercenary Arnold trustworthy?" V hugged Bai Rui on the sofa, frowned, and raised objections to Bai Rui's plan.

Although mercenaries are born to risk their lives, she still doesn't want Bai Rui to fall into too dangerous environment.

V thought it was too risky to meet a company executive with a mercenary she had little contact with.

But Bai Rui, who was familiar with the plot, knew that there was actually no danger in meeting old Aunt Stout. More importantly, what was Arnold? It was her body, an extension of her arm. There was no question of trust or distrust.

But Bai Rui still didn't tell V about her little secret. She planned to wait for a more appropriate time to confess everything to V.

Sorry, V, this is the last time.

Bai Rui raised her eyebrows. It felt really good to have a little secret in her heart.

Speaking of Stout, this company executive is actually a candidate who can be won over, but her private life is a bit too unrestrained.

Bai Rui found a more euphemistic word.

She could never forget that after completing the mission at the All Foods factory, Stout called her. She thought there was some follow-up task, so she naively manipulated female V to go to the meeting.

What's the result?

Her beautiful sex was twisted by this old lady Stott, and Bai Rui was stunned at that time. 

That's why she stopped the idea of ​​meeting Stout and would rather let Arnold go. She didn't want the old lady to have any ideas about V.

However, this old lady is one-on-one powerful. As a senior executive of a military technology company, she has many resources that can be utilized.

Bai Rui wanted to get in touch with this line. After all, she was in desperate need of high-tech right now. As a military technology company that originated as an arms dealer, they had a lot of high-tech weapons, such as the "Small Flathead" that they wanted to get this time.

Therefore, Bai Rui wanted to get in touch with Stout and then fleece the military technology company.

Just as the feudal system at its peak produced the weapons to overthrow itself, the weapons and technology to overthrow large corporations must be provided by themselves.