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Chemistry Project (Kazuki POV)

Because of this new seating chart, our teacher gave us. Koemi and I are now sitting together, and because of this. Having her sit next to me is like laying down on a bed of nails. Every glance she threw my way made me feel uncomfortable. It happened because she caught me playing this one game on my phone and because of it, she hasn't been looking at me the same before. As I sat silently, I took a quick glance at Koemi as I hoped that I would have a chance to apologize to her once Mr. Tanaka was done talking. 

As I wrestle with my thoughts, Mr. Tanaka's voice begins to speak silently to everyone's chatter. "Alright, class, listen up. We have an exciting project coming up for chemistry. All of you guys will have a week to prepare and, at the end of this week—Friday—you will have to present your findings." 

Everyone began groaning, but Mr. Tanaka raised his hand to quiet us. "And you're wondering…" He continues, a small smile plays on his lips. "The people sitting to you from this new seating chart will become your project's partner." 

My heart sank. I glance at Koemi, who looks just as horrific as I am, too. Of all people, why does it have to be her? Mr. Tanaka, really out here causing trouble between both of us!

This project announcement is such a cruel joke. I could already imagine the awkward silences and forced conversations. I just hope we can get through it without embarrassing ourselves.

It is the end of the school year. I gather my things and head outside, standing by the school entrance gate with my backpack slung over one shoulder. I spot Koemi approaching towards me, her expression still tense from what happened in the morning. Not only that, but I have never seen her expression like this, I hope it isn't because of me…

"Are you ready to walk to the restaurant?" I ask, trying to sound casual towards her.

She nods, her eyes focused straight ahead. "Yeah, let's get this over with."

As we silently walked, I could already feel the weight of this evening scroll already pressing down on me. I looked down the sidewalk, trying to not get her attention. 

"This is amazing!" Koemi mutters, kicking a loose pebble on the sidewalk. "A project! Just what I needed after a long weekend!" 

I turned my head back up and glanced at Koemi, asking her a question. "Hey Koemi… Are you still mad at me?" 

She sighs, her shoulders slumping a bit. "Koemi, no… It's just. Having to balance school and this restaurant can get really stressful, you know?" 

"I'm sorry Koemi! I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable sitting with me!" 

Koemi slows down her pace and turns to face me, her expression softening. "No, I should be the one apologizing… I shouldn't have reacted to you like that. I should've just asked what you have been doing instead…" 

We stood there for a moment, the air between us whispered with unspoken words. I took a deep breath. "Look, we have a rocky start, but because of this project. We have to work together to make this project work. I know we can do this, Koemi!" 

She looks at me, her eyes looking at mine. "Yeah, you're right. Maybe we might be able to do a better job out of everyone because of it…"


As we continue walking down the path to the restaurant, I can feel our tension seem to ease. We begin talking about the project, as our ideas bounce back and forth, some serious, others silly. But I felt this is a good start, at least. 

When we reached the restaurant, the familiar scents brought me back. As we start preparing for the evening shift, Koemi sets her backpack down, and Tetsu, her puppy, pops his head out.

"Hey, Tetsu!" I say, giving him a gentle pat. "You ready for work, huh?"

Koemi smiles a bit, watching Tetsu trot around the restaurant. "Yeah, he really enjoys being back here." 

I watch as Koemi walks to the kitchen, to start preparing. The bell above the door jingle, and our first customer walks in— an elderly woman. 

"Why, hello!" Koemi greets her warmly. "What can I get for you today?" 

The woman's eyes light up as she scans the menu. "Wow… I can't believe the restaurant is open again… I'll get a bowl of miso soup, please?" 

"Coming right up!" She replies, as she sets my things down. 

While working, I notice something strange out of the corner of my eye. A faint slow is emanating from the kitchen, where Koemi is busy cooking. As curious as I am, I make my way over. 

"Hey Koemi, do you see what I'm seeing?" I ask, pointing her to the source of the light.

She glances up, following my gaze. Her brow furrowed in confusion. "I don't know… I had never seen something like that when I first got to this restaurant…" 

As both of us approach, cautiously. As we get closer, the glow becomes more apparent, coming from a small, sealed container on one of the shelves. Koemi carefully picks it up, turning it over in her hands.

"It looks like… Some kind of chemical reaction," as she carefully analyzes it, her eyes widen more. "But why is it here?" 

I shrug, equally puzzled. "Maybe Grandpa Takeshi got so bored that he became a scientist?"

Koemi shakes her head slowly. "It couldn't be… He's already good at his skills, why on earth does he need chemicals to enhance his flavors more?" 

We stood there thinking, an idea began to form in my mind. "Koemi… Maybe we could use this as our chemistry project!" 

She looks at me, intrigued. "So you want us to investigate this and find out what it does?" 

"Yeah," I say, feeling determined. "This will be perfect. We can easily present our findings. Plus, I doubt anyone else in our class has something like this!" 

Her eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "Maybe you're right!"

"Let's do this!" 

After the restaurant has closed. Koemi and I sit in one of the booths in the dining area with this mysterious container between us. The old lady, our first customer of the day, is still at her table, slowly savoring her meal. The atmosphere is quiet, only hearing Tetsu's gentle movements. 

Koemi stares intently at the small, sealed container resting on the table. "Kazuki, I think I can get it open." She says, her brow furrowed in determination.

I lean closer, suppressing a yawn. "You got this, Koemi," I encouraged her. "But be careful."

Koemi grips the container tightly, twisting and putting it on the line. It didn't budge at first, but didn't give up and kept going. She is now putting her weight into it.

"Open up!" She huffs.

Tetsu, sensing her frustration, hops over to her side, barking softly as if cheering her on. "You can do it!" I cheer her on, lightening the mood.

With one last, determined twist, the lid pops off, and the contents of the container spill out onto the table, filling the air with its distinct umami aroma. We all lean in closer, staring wide-eyed at this fine, white substance. 

"What is that?" I ask, feeling both intrigue and nervous.

"Is that salt?" Koemi replies, "Monosodium Glutamate?" 

"MSG?" I repeat, recalling a conversation I'd overheard about. "What does he use to make his food taste good?" 

"Yeah…" She exclaims. 

The old lady, who has been listening intently, smiles. "You know, when I used to frequently visit his restaurant, back in the day. I always see him put that to all the dishes he cooked!" 

Koemi nods, as she begins writing down her note. "Let's figure out how we can incorporate this into our project. We can maybe set up a taste test…"

As we brainstorm ideas, the old lady finishes her meal and stands up, her eyes twinkling. "I can't wait to see what you two come up with! You guys remind me so much of Takeshi. Keep it up!" 

As she left the restaurant, we spent the night working on the project. With every passing minute, the sense of partnership between us strengthens, as we try to get this project done before Friday. I just hope the teacher will give us a good grade…