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Karoke Night (Kazuki POV)

The atmosphere in the restaurant has completely transformed. The once tense table is now filled with table— Delicious dishes Koemi has cooked in the kitchen. Tetsu, who's back to his usual cheerful self, bustling around, serving everyone drinks. Taro, the entertainer, has grab the karaoke mic and now belting out "RE-RE" by Asian Kung-Fu Generation, completely off-key but holding so much enthusiasm that it really didn't matter. Ami and Saki are cheering him on, laughing while clapping to the beat.

I tried to join in, clapping deliberately off-beat to mess with Taro, I notice Yumi approaching to me with a serious expression on her face.

"Kazuki, can we talk for a moment?" She asks me, gesturing towards the booth near the restaurant's entrance.

As curious on what she's going to tell me, I begin following her. We sat down, as the noises of Taro's singing and the laughter turns into background noises. I can already tell Yumi got something important to tell me, and I'm not sure if it's going to be good or bad. 

"Kazuki," she asks me, "Why are doing this to yourself for Koemi? I can tell there's more to it than just wanting to help out…" 

"I—" I hesitate, trying to find the right words. "I like her…" 

"But… I never fully understand. My true feelings just started developed when I start learning she is connected to this restaurant, and I have been struggling ever since—"

"You're overthinking it." Yumi tells me as she let out a small chuckles.

I glance up at her, confuse. "What do you mean?"

"Koemi isn't seeing anyone. She's never really been in a serious relationship before, really." She tells me. 

"And believe me, if she is interested in someone else, we'll know."

A knowing smile spread on her face, as I took notice. "Let's just say that Koemi is someone who knows what she wants, but she's just hard to read sometime."

"So, my advice? Just keep being yourself. You'll see how she feels when the time is right."

Her words are cryptic, but gives me more hope on myself. Yumi isn't going to spell everything out for me, but her reassurance is enough to calm my nerves. 

"So, just continue being myself?" I ask, trying to confirm it to her.

She nods, her smile widening. "Yep. Don't overthink it, okay?" 

I nod, feeling more certain, even if I didn't have all the answers. "Thanks, Yumi. I'll do my best!" 

Yumi gives me a reassuring nod before heading back to the others, as I begin to join back in the crowd where Taro is finishing singing. As I return, Taro suddenly appear beside me, grinning from ear to ear. 

"Your turn, Kazuki. Don't worry, I've already warm up for you!" He hands me a microphone, his eyes sparkling, waiting for my turn.

I took the mic, nerves tingling in my fingertips. As I walk to the booth, Koemi and Tetsu joins back, as I begin looking for a song to sing on the karaoke. As I scroll through the options, I finally settle on "Say It Ain't So" by Weezer. The song started playing, and I begin singing the first verse.

I question myself, thinking how I might embarrass myself in front of everyone. My feeling shaky, unsure. But once the first chorus hits, something just click in me. The words begin to flow smoothly, with each note filling perfectly into place. I realize, feeling shocked, how clean my voice sounds. I hit every note flawlessly, the melody resonating through the room. 

My initial doubt vanishes, replace by a growing confidence. I let myself get lost in the music, singing with a clarity I haven't expected. The others also notice too as I look at each of them— Koemi's eyes widen in surprise, her friends exchange astonish glances, and even Taro, who has been all jokes and grins, look genuinely impressed.

By the time, I finish the second verse and head into the chorus again, I realize that I'm now in the zone. The restaurant buzz with excitement as the song built up to it's climax, and I can feel the room's focus zeroing in on my performance. When the final notes ring out. I pause, the entire room fall into silent for a brief moment as I look at everyone before everyone erupt into applause by my performance. 

Koemi tell me, surprise by my performance. "Wow, that is amazing! I didn't know you had it in you." 

Taro joins in, laughing as he gives me a playful shove. "Really, man. That is something else! I had no idea you could sing, especially in English, too." 

I thank both of them while Koemi grab the mic and begin selecting a song from the catalog, her friends, now feeling more confident after seeing the performance, join in, waiting for their turn as well. 

Koemi pick a song to her favorite J-Pop song. The familiar intro to her favorite J-Pop tune filled the air, she took the stage with a playful twirl, her voice dancing effortlessly through the lyrics. The room erupt with cheers and claps, Koemi's energy infectious as she animatedly performs, her charisma lighting up the entire restaurant. She moves gracefully, engaging with the crowd, and her performance drawing enthusiastic applause from everyone. 

Up next is Ami. She took a more playful approach, choosing an upbeat, energetic song. Her bubbly personality shows as she sings with a lively, rhythmic style. Ami's vibrant energy made her performance a crowd favorite, her laughter and interactions with the audience adds an extra layer of fun to the night. She manages to get out some high notes.

Yumi follows, as she selects a ballad which contrast to the previous performances. As it begins, her voice carries a depth of emotion that captive the audience. Her compose delivery drew nods from the crowd, her elegance adding a touch of class to the karaoke session. 

Finally, Saki turns. Inspired from me and Taro. She selects a rock song, her powerful and dynamic voice fills the room with energy. Saki's performance is nothing but passion, her expression and dramatic gestures enhancing the song's intensity. Her confidence inspiring the rest to join in the fun.

As I watch, I notice wandering customers peeking in, drawn by the lively music. Koemi's excitement is palpable as she saw the growing number of people eager to join in. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and I felt a surge of motivation to help out. I jump into action, assisting with the orders and supporting Koemi as she prepares to cook for the increasing crowd. 

The restaurant is now buzzing with activity, with the noises of the karaoke blending with the clatter of dishes and conversation. New customers begin taking turns on the mic, adding to the vibrant energy that fills the space. Everyone, who are enemies earlier, are now working together seamlessly. Turning the night into a celebration.

Despite this being a Monday, the restaurant has transformed into a lively gathering spot, full of laughter, music, and good company. I couldn't help but reflect on today. Started with tension and uncertainty, but ending up as one of the most memorable night I have experience. With everyone from each side now joining in, the night became a testament to the joy that can be found in moments you just never expect will happen to you.