Chapter 15 Distortion

In this endless ocean, there is an extremely terrifying nuclear radiation.

"At least for half a month, we don't have to consider the issue of relocation." Jiang Mi carefully recalled what happened in his previous life. "After the sea water recedes, the soil, plants and various dead organisms will be contaminated with nuclear radiation, and the era of distortion will begin."

"Deformation? What kind of deformation?" Jiang's mother asked nervously, "Is it... going to turn into a zombie like in the TV series?"

Jiang Mi shook his head. "They are not zombies, but they are worse than zombies. All living things that have been contaminated by nuclear weapons will undergo unknown deformations and change their original forms. For example, human body parts will take on non-human appearances, just like... abstract paintings."

Just thinking about those mutated people made her shudder and feel an indescribable disgust.

The fingers turned into soft tentacles, the only remaining eye occupied half of the head, countless worms wriggled in the pupil, and the whole body was covered with various blue, green and yellow pus patches...

Jiang Mi quickly cleared those disgusting images from his mind, and only then did he feel that the nausea had subsided a lot.

Even though she had lived in the apocalypse for three years, she still couldn't accept those things.

Mother Jiang and Father Jiang were trying very hard to imagine. They were shocked by what they thought of. Mother Jiang muttered, "It feels like they are worse than zombies."

Father Jiang frowned, "Are there a lot of those things?"

Jiang Mi shook his head. "They will gradually appear after the nuclear pollution explosion. However, even if it is one in ten thousand, it is dozens of times the total population of survivors after the apocalypse. What's more, these are only human deformities."

"There are also animals and plants." Jiang Mi glanced at Jiang's mother, "For example, the flowers that my mother grows have a chance of transforming into violent and bloodthirsty mutant plants."

Mother Jiang took a deep breath, and looked at Jiang Mi with a look of heartache, her eyes reddened, "Mi"

She felt it was too horrible just by listening to the description, but her precious daughter survived in such a harsh environment for three years, and only lived for three years!

She didn't dare to ask when these disasters would end and whether humans would be able to rebuild a civilized society in the future.

The tragic situation after the end of the world made the whole family fall into silence, and the atmosphere became solemn.

Jiang Mi smiled, sat next to her mother, hugged her arm and said coquettishly: "Mom and Dad, don't worry, I already have a lot of experience in survival. This time, our family must survive well and live until mankind finds the dawn of hope. We will definitely have a chance to see the prosperity of the prosperous world!"

Mother Jiang hugged her tightly, tears streaming down her face silently. At this moment, she didn't want to think about anything else. She just wanted her daughter to live in peace, and she would do anything for that!

The family digested the news quietly for a while. Father Jiang was the first to break the atmosphere. He raised his hand to wipe away the tears that had flowed out of him at some point. His slightly plump and round face was full of smiles, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes became more and more obvious. He stood up, picked up the apron hanging on the dining table and chair, put it on, and asked casually, "It's almost nine o'clock, and we haven't eaten yet. Tell me what you want to eat, and I'll make it for you. We have a clean place now where I can show off my cooking skills, so we have to hurry up."

Jiang's mother was amused by his humorous attitude and no longer immersed in sadness. She laughed and cursed: "You damn old man!"

"I want to eat Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, will you make it?"

"Let's do it! Our daughter doesn't have any ingredients, right?" Jiang's father smiled and turned to Jiang Mi, saying, "Your mother wants to eat Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, what do you two want to eat?"

Jiang Mi pretended to think hard, then opened his mouth and spit out a series of dish names, "I want to eat roast duck, roast goose, and roast chicken..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Father Jiang ran out of the kitchen with a kitchen knife in his hand, glaring at Jiang Mi, "You little bitch, are you itching for trouble again?"

Mother Jiang laughed so hard that she fell backwards. Jiang Mi shrugged and made a weird face, then smiled and walked over to Father Jiang, rolling up his sleeves and saying, "Let me help you!"

Jiang Xun sat on the sofa and watched. His usually calm and indifferent face softened a lot and he watched the interaction between his family members with a smile in his eyes.

When the family was having dinner, Jiang Mi looked at the table full of delicious dishes and sighed, "I'll have to use the reserve water to cook in the future."

The Moon Bay Apartments seem to get their water from groundwater, so it wasn't until today that slight contamination was detected in the tap water. But even if there is no contamination, the water supply will probably not last long.

"Should we... warn the other residents?" Jiang's mother couldn't help but ask in a low voice. After she finished speaking, she paused and sighed, "Forget it. There is radiation everywhere outside now. It's hard to tell whether the water outage is a good thing or a bad thing."

People can only survive three days without water, but due to external radiation and drinking water pollution, they may not survive more than three days.

Jiang Mi took a bite of rice and said calmly while eating: "Our family is not the savior, nor does it have that ability. Under nuclear contamination, all materials are consumables."

After a pause, she continued, "In the last days, kindness will not bring good rewards."

With these words, Jiang's father and mother slowed down their movements and stopped talking.

In the following days, apart from visually observing how much the water level had dropped every day, I just ate and slept.

The apartment went from being noisy at the beginning to being silent in the end. Some people knocked on Jiang's door in an attempt to exchange some supplies from her family, but Jiang Mi did not turn them away. Even though the other party offered gold, silver, jade and other stones that were useless in the apocalypse, she still gave them the supplies they wanted.

The news that 2603 could be exchanged for food and water quickly spread among the survivors in the apartment. Under the threat of food in the left hand and a gun in the right hand, most people suppressed their greed and followed the trading principles to exchange supplies from her. However, a few people had gone crazy, and Jiang Mi shot them away without mercy.

After actually seeing her kill someone, no one dared to do anything inappropriate in front of her anymore.

Jiang Mi was very satisfied with the effect of killing the chicken to scare the monkey.

On the tenth day of the apocalypse, Jiang Mi opened the door when there was a knock, but what he saw were not those dishevelled survivors.

"It's you?" She was a little surprised.

Outside the door, Zhong Li was still wearing a black shirt and black pants, with a breathing filter on his face. When he saw Jiang Mi recognized him, he nodded slightly, and a slightly embarrassed voice came from behind the filter, "My sister... is... that..."

Jiang Mi raised his eyebrows, but was not in a hurry, just watching leisurely.

After holding it in for a long time, Zhong Li finally uttered a sentence in a depressed tone, "Do you... do you have a sanitary napkin here?"

The little head that Jiang Mi saw through the crack of the door of Room 2602 more than half a month ago flashed through his mind, and he couldn't help but frown. Although he didn't see the whole picture, he could probably tell that it was definitely not a child over ten years old!

(End of this chapter)