Chapter 20 Planning

 "Since we're moving to a new house, we must cook a good meal. I haven't cooked for a long time. Let's see if my cooking skills have improved." Mother Jiang said with a smile. Seeing that the two of them hadn't started eating yet, she hurriedly urged them, "Try it quickly."

Jiang Mi felt that his arms were as heavy as a thousand pounds. He took a deep breath and picked up the chopsticks tremblingly with a fearless attitude. He hesitated for a long time among the plates, and finally chose the plate of shredded potatoes. He picked up one accurately and put it into his mouth.

At that moment, all the sufferings of the world burst out from the tip of her tongue.

"How is it?" Jiang's mother looked at her expectantly.

Jiang Mi didn't dare to taste it carefully. After swallowing it whole, he carefully chose his words and gave a fair evaluation, "It's edible."

Jiang Xun, who had picked up the same chopsticks as her, had a usually calm expression on his face. He raised his hand to support his forehead and closed his eyes. Jiang Mi saw out of the corner of her eye that the veins on the back of his hand were bulging.

Mother Jiang noticed his appearance and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with this child? Is he feeling unwell?"

Jiang Xun opened his eyes and said calmly, "Mom, I feel a little seasick and have no appetite. I'll just need some soup."

There was tomato and egg soup made by his father on the dining table, and Jiang Xun scooped a bowl.

Mother Jiang accepted his explanation, nodded, and said with some heartache: "Okay, then you should eat less. I will make it for you tomorrow after you have rested well."

Jiang Xun's hand holding the spoon trembled.

Jiang Mi tried to hold back her laughter, and forced herself to control the corners of her mouth from curling up. She quickly picked up a piece of dark braised pork and put it into Jiang Mu's bowl. "Mom, you eat too. You're not in good health to begin with, so eat more to replenish yourself!"

Jiang's mother had no doubts and was very pleased that her good daughter cared about her. She picked up the chopsticks and put the piece of braised pork into her mouth with a smile, saying, "Although the color is a little darker, it definitely doesn't affect the taste. Besides, your father taught me how to make it, so it definitely won't taste bad..."

When the braised pork entered her mouth, Jiang Mu's expression twisted for a moment, and she was completely unable to say anything else.


Jiang Mu turned around and vomited on the toilet paper. Her whole face wrinkled. She quickly drank a large glass of water before she recovered. She looked at the braised pork in disbelief, "Why... why... it's so bitter and salty!"

After saying that, he refused to believe it and went to pick up other dishes. After tasting two, he fell completely silent. His eyes were a little red and he looked at the table full of dishes with grievance.

Although Jiang's mother looked really sad, Jiang Mi could hardly control her laughter. She wiped her face fiercely and tried to say seriously, "It's okay, Mom. I've seen many people who just don't have a talent for cooking. Even if they just add a little salt, the food still doesn't taste good. So it's simply because we haven't found your talent. Don't be sad."

"Yes, yes, wife, I think it's a good idea for you to grow flowers and plants. If you had gone to an agricultural university, maybe you could have become an expert!" Father Jiang also hurried to comfort her.

Mother Jiang looked at Father Jiang, "Really?"

"More real than pearls!"

"Okay." Mother Jiang seemed to be comforted, and her sad expression eased a little. She looked at the dishes on the table and felt a little embarrassed. "What a pity! Now the end of the world has come, and I am still wasting these foods..."

"It's okay, honey. These dishes are still edible after being rinsed twice. Leave them to me, but let's eat something else first." Father Jiang brought the pile of black vegetables back to the kitchen.

There were only three dishes left on the table, but everyone was tired after a day of eating and didn't have much appetite, so after the simple meal there was no leftovers at all.

After a short rest after dinner, Jiang Mi went to the gym. Jiang's father and mother also wanted to go with him, but Jiang Mi persuaded them to go back and rest.

After all, at your age, you still have to work hard all day, so even if you want to exercise, there is no rush now.

After changing into sportswear, Jiang Mi just got on the treadmill and saw Jiang Xun who was also exercising.

The two got on the treadmill to warm up. Jiang Xun saw that Jiang Mi was thinking, "What are you thinking about?"

Jiang Mi looked at the snow-white projection screen on the wall opposite the treadmill, sorted out his thoughts and said in a deep voice: "Brother, we can't live here forever."

"The huge pollution brought by the tsunami caused countless animals and plants to mutate, including humans. Although I don't know the reason, once humans adapt to the doomsday and this radiation-filled world, their physical fitness will quickly become stronger."

Jiang Xun listened quietly without interrupting.

"The distortion not only improves human physical fitness, but also gives rise to special abilities. Some people gain great strength, some gain extreme speed, and some can heal themselves quickly, etc."

"Once those people grow up, we will be discovered sooner or later if we stay here. By then, we are just ordinary human beings and will not be able to resist at all." Jiang Mi took a breath and stopped the treadmill.

"So, we need to go out and find ways to become stronger?" Jiang Xun understood what she wanted to express.

Jiang Mi nodded, walked to the equipment area and picked up the dumbbells. "If my space could allow other people to enter, I would never take risks. But in the third year of the apocalypse, a human with superpowers is enough to easily penetrate all the defenses of our air-raid shelter."

"There are only two ways for humans to gain superpowers. One is to be naturally exposed to radiation, which will cause the body to be deformed. The second is to use evolutionary potions made from the blood of deformed monsters. But no matter which one, the outcome is the same. If you succeed, your body will be deformed to gain superpowers. If you fail, you will become a completely deformed monster and lose your mind."

"But... I have a way to be completely immune to distortion!"

Jiang Mi dropped a bombshell, his eyes burning.

Jiang Xun's pupils suddenly shrank, and his breathing became faster. "What's the solution?"

"The water in my space." Jiang Mi's expression was gloomy when he said this, and he raised his hand to touch the jade pendant around his neck. "Unfortunately, I accidentally opened this different-dimensional space two months before my death. If I had opened it earlier, no one would have died."

Jiang Xun's eyes softened, he raised his hand and touched her head, his voice was steady and reassuring, "Don't think too much, you've done very well."

"Water was scarce at the time. After I opened the space, I found a lake, so I often took water from the space to drink. At that time, we were all in a survivor team, so everyone in the team drank the water in my space. Later, some people gradually gained super powers."

Jiang Mi took a deep breath and said, "A team of fourteen people, all of them have gained super powers. This is absolutely incredible. At that time, only the captain and the vice-captain of our survivor team had super powers, but in just half a month, everyone has gained them. Except for the two captains, no one else has any distortion!"

"For people who have already been deformed, drinking water is useless?" Jiang Xun grasped the key point.