Chapter 22 Qingshan

"What's wrong? What happened?" Jiang's mother ran out in a hurry, looking confused.

Father Jiang was holding the kitchen knife, looking confused. He touched his head and asked, "Nothing will happen, right?"

When Jiang's mother was about to go and take a look, she saw Jiang Xun walking towards the kitchen, supporting Jiang Mi, who had a pale face and was walking with his legs apart and trembling.

"What's going on?" Jiang's mother was shocked.

Jiang Xun smiled slightly, "It's okay, Mom, I was just exercising."

Jiang Mi forced a smile with a pale face, and the hand on Jiang Xun's arm secretly vented his anger, and said weakly: "Yes, I'm exercising, it's okay."

"The meal is almost ready, let's get ready to eat." Father Jiang peeked out of the kitchen, then turned back when he saw nothing was wrong.

Mother Jiang looked at Jiang Mi, who was walking like a crab with his legs unable to close. She moved her mouth and uttered after a long while, "Are you... really okay?"

"She just needs to rest for a while, right?" Jiang Xun lowered his head and looked at her with a smile.

Jiang Mi nodded with a forced smile, slowly moved to the table and sat down in a strange posture.

If I feel tired and exhausted just after exercising, then after a massage I feel sore all over as if I had been beaten.

What kind of torture is the fascia knife? ! !

Lunch was a simple meal of three dishes and a soup. After eating, Jiang Mi took out a live fish and a large bucket of lake water from the space and handed them to Jiang's father. "Dad, cook fish tonight. Here is the water. You can drink it every day in the future. It's good for your health."

Father Jiang didn't ask much about the water. He picked up the fish, looked at it carefully, and asked curiously, "What kind of fish is this?"

He is quite fond of fishing and would invite a few fishing friends to go fishing in the wild whenever he has time. He has seen a lot, but he has no impression of what this fish looks like.

Jiang Mi couldn't explain it either. The space had its own ecological environment, and she didn't recognize anything there, including the fish in the lake. But she did eat some, and they tasted very good, especially the fish, which was extremely delicious.

"The ones that come with the space should be unknown species."

Seeing that she didn't know, Father Jiang became more interested, "Then let's make some pickled fish tonight."

Jiang Mi waved her hand to indicate that she had no objection. Jiang's mother never had a say in kitchen matters, so she naturally agreed, not to mention Jiang Xun.

After lunch, I took a short nap and continued exercising in the afternoon.

Father and Mother Jiang went to the first floor to study vegetable planting.

One could not feel the passage of time in the air-raid shelter. When Jiang Mi was so tired that he could not move like a dead dog, he looked at the watch and saw that it was already six o'clock in the evening.

Jiang Xun came back from the monitoring room.

"I remember you said that the complete deformation of plants and animals occurred after the pollution outbreak." He looked a little serious.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Mi didn't care about resting. He got up and frowned, "Yes, but there will be sporadic distortions before the big explosion, but they are not strong and basically pose no threat to humans."

"Brother, did you find anything?"

Jiang Xun's expression eased slightly, and he nodded, "Just now I looked at the surveillance and found that the plants around me seemed to have signs of activity, but it was not obvious. There were quite a few sea monsters."

Jiang Mi did not relax, but lowered his head and began to think.

If we say that the thing that poses the greatest threat to humans after deformation is definitely not animals, but plants.

Those plants can be seen everywhere. At the beginning, they may not have the same killing power as animals, but as time goes by, the plants become more and more deformed. Even if it is just dogtail grass, it may be deformed into a hidden weapon. The seeds will directly turn into torrential pear blossom needles and spray on humans. Once they come into contact with the skin, they will immediately drill into the flesh and blood. Eventually, the human body becomes its petri dish, and the blood and flesh are sucked dry and the person dies.

Some plants with extensive root systems will form a web under the soil, like a trap, and humans will be attacked by hundreds or even thousands of roots when they step on it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Mi realized that she had to deal with all the plants on the mountain in advance!

Otherwise, the walls of the air-raid shelter might not be able to withstand the penetration of plant roots. Once surrounded by those plants, there would be nowhere to escape.

"Brother, we have to clear the mountain starting tomorrow." Jiang Mi looked up and explained his thoughts.

Jiang Xun had not expected that the plant deformation would be so severe. Two months later, when he and Jiang Mi leave the air-raid shelter, this mountain of plants will become the death warrant for his parents!

Therefore, clearing the mountains is urgent.

Jiang Mi took a quick shower, and they went to the monitoring room together.

There was a 3D map of the entire mountain on the main control screen. Jiang Mi recalled and pointed to the halfway slope near the west. "This area has the most lush vegetation. There should be many sea monsters hiding there. If we clear this area from the top of the mountain tomorrow, we can drive some of the sea monsters away from here."

"Most of the plants on the mountain are now dead due to the corrosion and radiation of the sea water. Only a few are still alive. There is a great chance that these will be deformed in two months."

Jiang Xun nodded, "Even if some plants are pulled out, they will still have roots in the soil and eventually survive. The root system must be handled carefully to avoid leaving troubles and burning all the removed plants."

Jiang Mi nodded. She also bought a lot of herbicides. At this stage, the blow to these plants was undoubtedly the most severe.

After the discussion, Jiang Mi dragged his extremely exhausted body back to the room and fell asleep almost as soon as his head touched the pillow.

At seven o'clock the next morning, Jiang Mi was resurrected with full health.

Her body aches were worse than yesterday and she could barely lift her arms, but that didn't stop her from exercising.

After an hour of exercise, we had breakfast and told our parents that we were going out to clean the mountains, then we dressed neatly and walked out of the air-raid shelter.

Even though I was wearing a breathing filter, the air still smelled bad.

Looking around, the sea level has dropped by nearly three meters. The exposed soil has been polluted and turned black. The mountains that were once lush with vegetation are now almost lifeless black, with only a few green spots that seem to be a symbol of hope.

Jiang Mi looked down at a sapling that looked like it had just sprouted under his feet, and grabbed it and pulled it out without any emotion.

These still alive ones are not hope, but deformed plants that pose a huge threat to humans.

Walking all the way towards their destination, they destroyed any living plants they encountered. On the way, they even encountered a mutant shrimp the size of a palm. Although its appearance had not changed much, the fact that it walked on land with many legs like a centipede was enough to make Jiang Mi want to kill it.

Jiang Mi identified it and chopped it into pieces with an axe, feeling a little sorry. "It should be black tiger shrimp. I like it very much."

Jiang Xun glanced at the black tiger shrimp that had been chopped into pulp, shook his head and continued walking forward, "If we can research something that can eliminate radiation mutations in the future, we may have a chance to eat it again."

Jiang Mi remained silent. She didn't dare to think about such a thing.

The mountain is not big, but it is very muddy after being soaked in sea water, and there are even landslides in some places, making it difficult to walk. The two walked for nearly half an hour before reaching the top of the mountain.