Chapter Eleven: Heartfelt Confession.

The soft hum of the city outside created a tranquil background as Kang Min Jun and Lee Soo Jeon sat on the couch, a warm cup of tea in each of their hands. The evening had started peacefully, but a slight tension hung in the air, something unspoken that both of them could feel.Soo Jeon took a sip of her tea, her gaze drifting to Min Jun, who seemed lost in thought. She had noticed how consumed he had been with work lately, the long hours, the late nights.

 It was something they hadn't yet fully discussed, but it was becoming harder to ignore."Min Jun," she began, her voice gentle, "can we talk about something?"He looked up, his eyes meeting hers with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "Of course, what's on your mind?

 "She set her cup down on the coffee table, gathering her thoughts before speaking. "I've been thinking a lot about us, and about how much time your work is taking up

 . I know how important your career is to you, and I'm so proud of everything you've accomplished, but..."Her voice trailed off as she searched for the right words, not wanting to sound accusatory but needing to express her feelings. Min Jun leaned forward, setting his cup down as well, giving her his full attention."But what?" he asked softly, his hand reaching out to gently cover hers."I just miss you," she admitted, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "It feels like we're drifting apart sometimes, like your work is coming between us.

 "Min Jun's heart ached at the sincerity in her eyes. He knew she was right; he had been throwing himself into his projects, trying to meet deadlines and impress clients, but in doing so, he had unintentionally neglected the most important person in his life."Soo Jeon," he said, squeezing her hand gently, "I'm sorry. I never meant to make you feel that way. I've just been so caught up in everything, trying to balance work and… well, us. But you're right, I need to do better."She offered him a small, understanding smile.

 "I know you're trying your best, Min Jun. And I'm here for you, always. I just don't want us to lose what we have."His chest tightened at her words, the fear of losing her more real than ever. But as the tension between them hung in the air, he decided to take a different approach—one that would lighten the mood and remind her of how much he cared."

 " Well," Min Jun said with a playful grin, "if you miss me that much, maybe we should make the most of the time we do have together. How about I give you a reason to forget all about work for a while?

 "Soo Jeon raised an eyebrow, curiosity mingling with amusement. "And what exactly do you have in mind?

 "Min Jun leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a low, teasing whisper. "How about I start by showing you just how much I've missed you too?

 "A soft blush crept up Soo Jeon's cheeks as his words hung in the air, charged with playful intent. She couldn't help but laugh, the tension between them dissipating as his flirtatious tone worked its magic."Is that so?" she replied, matching his teasing tone. "And how do you plan on doing that?"

 " Min Jun's smile widened as he moved even closer, his hand sliding around her waist to pull her gently against him. "I've got a few ideas," he murmured, his lips brushing against her ear. "But I think I'll let my actions do the talking."

 "Her heart fluttered at his touch, the warmth of his embrace reminding her of why she had fallen in love with him in the first place.

 Despite the challenges they faced, the connection between them was undeniable, and in this moment, all her worries melted away.

 Soo Jeon's breath hitched as Min Jun's lips found hers, the kiss soft at first but quickly deepening as they lost themselves in each other. It was a kiss that spoke of longing, of missed moments, and of a love that refused to be overshadowed by the demands of life.

 When they finally pulled apart, Soo Jeon rested her forehead against his, a contented smile playing on her lips. "You always know how to change the subject," she teased softly.

 Min Jun chuckled, his thumb gently brushing her cheek. "Only when it's something as important as this," he replied, his voice sincere. "But seriously, Soo Jeon, I promise I'll do better. We'll figure this out together."She nodded, her heart swelling with affection.

 "We will," she agreed, leaning in to kiss him again, this time with the promise of many more moments like this to come.