Chapter Thirty-six: The Unveiling.

 The soft, rhythmic hum of the blow dryer filled Soo Jeon's bedroom as she stood in front of the mirror, smoothing out her hair with trembling hands. She scrutinized her reflection, adjusting the collar of her elegant blouse for what felt like the hundredth time. Everything about today felt heavy—the expectations, the unspoken judgments, and the looming presence of Ji-Eun's shadow. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, reminding herself of Min Jun's words from the night before.

 "It's just one meeting. One chance to prove myself. I can do this. For Min Jun."

 As they pulled up to the Kang family home, Soo Jeon's heart sank a little at the sight of the grand, traditional house that loomed over them. It was exactly how she imagined it: imposing, elegant, and steeped in the kind of heritage that spoke volumes about the family's values. Min Jun squeezed her hand as they walked up the stone path to the door 

 "Remember, I'm right here with you. Just be yourself. That's all that matters," he said, his voice soothing yet firm.

 Soo Jeon nodded, though her heart raced. She couldn't help but feel like an outsider about to step into a world that wasn't meant for her. The door swung open, revealing Mr. and Mrs. Kang standing side by side. Mr. Kang's expression was neutral, almost unreadable, but Mrs. Kang's smile was tight, a practiced politeness that didn't quite reach her eyes.

 "Welcome, Soo Jeon. It's… lovely to finally meet you," Mrs. Kang said, her tone perfectly cordial but lacking warmth.

 "Thank you for having me, Mrs. Kang. It's an honor," Soo Jeon replied, bowing deeply. She could feel the weight of Mrs. Kang's gaze, assessing her from head to toe, every second stretching like hours.

 Inside, the house was even more intimidating. The decor was tasteful and expensive, every piece of furniture and artwork carefully chosen to reflect the Kang family's status. Soo Jeon sat on the plush sofa, trying to keep her composure as Mrs. Kang poured tea with practiced precision. The air was thick with tension, the kind that comes from expectations unspoken but deeply felt.

 "It must be challenging to balance such a demanding career with… everything else. Have you thought about what you'll do when the dancing ends?" Mrs. Kang asked, her voice laced with a subtle hint of skepticism.

 Soo Jeon forced a smile, keeping her tone respectful. "I believe that with determination and passion, I can transition into teaching or choreography when the time comes. Dance has many paths, and I'm open to exploring them.

 Mrs. Kang nodded, but her expression remained cool. "It's good to have plans. Ji-Eun was always very forward-thinking too, especially about family. She understood what it means to be part of this family."

 The mention of Ji-Eun was like a cold gust of wind, stinging Soo Jeon's already frayed nerves. She kept her expression neutral, but Min Jun immediately sensed the slight. His grip on her hand tightened under the table, a silent reassurance that he was with her.

 "Ji-Eun's path was her own, and Soo Jeon's is hers. She's incredibly talented and has already accomplished so much," Min Jun interjected, his tone firm as he defended Soo Jeon. "And I'm proud of her, no matter what she chooses to do next."

 Mrs. Kang's smile didn't waver, but there was a flicker of something behind her eyes—disapproval, perhaps, or the stubbornness of a mother who wasn't easily swayed. The rest of the conversation was polite but strained, each word carefully chosen like pieces on a chessboard, maneuvering around the elephant in the room.

 As they left the Kang residence, Soo Jeon let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. The meeting had gone exactly as she feared: cold, formal, and with the ever-present reminder of Ji-Eun hanging over her like a specter. Min Jun walked beside her, his arm around her shoulders, providing the comfort she desperately needed.

 "I know that wasn't easy," Min Jun said softly as they reached the car. "But I'm proud of you for standing your ground. They'll come around, Soo Jeon. I promise."

 Soo Jeon nodded, but as she glanced back at the house, doubts still lingered in her heart. Winning over Min Jun's parents felt like a mountain she wasn't sure she could climb, but one look at Min Jun's earnest expression reminded her why she had agreed to this meeting in the first place. For Min Jun, she would keep trying, even if the path ahead was filled with obstacles.